Manuals and Workbooks
Pesticide Safety Education Program
Welcome to the Nevada Pesticide Applicator Certification and Training website. This site was developed to help pesticide applicators obtain and retain their certification.
The requirements for certification and the recertification process are outlined under regulatory information. A link to the Nevada Department of Agriculture pesticide training and testing is included, with an explanation of the continuing education requirement (CEU's).
You'll find the entire National Pesticide Applicator Certification core manual educational materials, including review questions, and the accompanying PowerPoint presentations to aid your certification quest. Additional education materials specific to Nevada are also included.
A list of publications specific to Nevada pesticide safety and a list of additional web resources are included.
A link for pesticide label search, via the Crop Data Management System website, is also here for your convenience.
The 2018 update of the Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook is available online on both this website and the Online Pesticide Safety Course (practice exam) site. Additionally, you can purchase a hard copy as a set at most University of Nevada, Reno Extension county offices. As in the past, we will sell the Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook AND the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual as a set for $15. All the materials are available on this site for free download.