Practical healthy lifestyle advice you can trust

Providing information, programs and training to help Nevadans be healthy, active and well. A healthy lifestyle helps pave the way to healthy organs, strong bones and muscles, a sharp mind, and so much more.

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All Healthy Lifestyle Programs

Kids and teacher dancing with colored scarves in a classroom

All 4 Kids

All 4 Kids and its Healthy Kids Festival use activities, music, dance and food to teach kids and their families in Clark and Lincoln Counties nutrition, physical activity and self-acceptance.


Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

Many Nevadans suffer from heart problems, are obese or have diabetes. In Nevada, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is administered by University of Nevada, Reno to engage adults and youth to boost nutrition through building basic skills. Participants learn how to read food labels, save money on groceries, plan meals, safely handle food, make healthy food choices, and be more active.


Family Storyteller: Interactive Literacy Workshops

National award-winning Family Storyteller is a literacy workshop aimed at encouraging and training parents to play a vital role in the literacy development of their children. The statewide program creates an opportunity for parents and young children to interact around literacy and language activities.

cooked food

Food Safety Project

Extension has been instrumental in bringing about the "Nevada Food Safety Task Force," which strives to provide a working forum for food safety experts and to improve communication between all entities that are held accountable for food safety and security within our state.Improving Food Safety Education for Child and Adult Care Providers in Nevada.

las vegas nursing home garden

Healing gardens in Las Vegas

Extension healing gardens essentially become outdoor sanctuaries for people who are hospitalized as well as their families and the staff that works with them.

Two adults hike along a walking trail

Healthy Aging Initiative

Using Extension's expertise, the HAI team can connect you with the resources to navigate aging and its trends. HAI programs are offered for older adults and those who partner with them to provide care and support, including careers in aging exploration for middle and high school students and incoming college freshmen. We provide expert nutrition and physical activity training information for elders, caregivers and professionals. We have sponsorship options for tours and professional education.

A healthy meal: chicken sandwich and grapes on a plate and a glass of water.

Healthy Eating on a Budget

The Healthy Eating on a Budget program has been integrated into the TANF Work Readiness workshop as a SNAP-Ed program. The purpose of the 8-lesson series is to provide SNAP recipients with education on healthy nutrition and physical activity practices, food resource management, food safety and food security. 

young girl pointing at radish

Healthy Kids Festival

The goal of the Healthy Kids Festival is to provide sustainable tools and opportunities for low-income families with children ages 3-8 to make healthy choices as they approach the adolescent years. The event, hosted by Extension’s All 4 Kids Program in collaboration with local community partners provides long-term solutions to childhood obesity through physical activity, healthy eating and other behaviors related to childhood obesity prevention. 

Kids and leader dancing with colored scarves in a classroom

Healthy Kids Resource Center

A one-stop shop for evidence-based research, resources, curricula, activities and materials that focus on obesity prevention for teachers and parents of young children. It is designed to educate parents and teachers as well as provide the tools needed to teach young children how to live a healthy lifestyle.

eating healthy

Healthy Kids, Early Start (for pre-K children and their parents)

Policy, systems and environmental approach to early childhood health, nutrition, physical activity and healthy weights through assessment and interventions in early childhood sites and teacher professional development.

Kids getting on the school bus

Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools

This is a comprehensive nutrition program based on the socio-ecological model incorporating nutrition education, promotion and policy, systems and environmental changes that support the implementation of school wellness policy.


Healthy Living, Sustainable Recovery

Program teaches nutrition and healthy lifestyles that address weight and energy concerns in women with substance abuse issues

heart and shield cb

Heart & Hope: Building Resilient Families

Heart & Hope provides resources and skills to victims of domestic violence who have left the perpetrator and are building a new life for themselves and their family. Workshops help parent victims gain parenting skills and confidence, build resilience for themselves and their children, avoid becoming victims in future relationships, strengthen family relationships and envision hope for the future. Workshops help children build social and emotional skills to prevent them from becoming future victi

photo of lungs with red and blue ventricles

Nevada Radon Education Program

The Nevada Radon Education Program is funded through a grant from the EPA to educate Nevadans about the health risk posed by elevated levels of radon in the home. The Extension program offers literature, educational presentations and low-cost radon test kits in many county Extension and partner offices.

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Nevada Tribal Programs

The Nevada Tribal Programs works within Extension to provide need-based educational programs to Nevada tribal members.


Partners in Parenting

Parenting education and support are key to raising successful children, creating confident parents and building strong families and communities. Partners in Parenting offers many educational programs, workshops and resources primarily for parents with preschool-aged children to support healthy child development, school readiness skills, and positive parent-child interaction. Programs, workshops and resources are also available for families with children ages 0-18 y también en Español.

girl playing football against Raider player

Raiders/UNLV Sports & Health Program (RUSH)

Extension, the UNLV School of Public Health and Las Vegas Raiders partner to provide physical activity and nutrition education and promote mental health awareness for middle school-aged students.

produce department

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education - Nevada

Improve the nutritional well-being of people who receive SNAP benefits and other Nevadans with a low income through community based education, programs and needs assessments.


Lifestyle related Books, Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports, Videos...

A boy holding radishes
A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet gives your body all of the essential nutrients it needs to stay active, healthy, and strong. Learn how you can balance your diet to get the energy you need throughout the day.
Buffington, A., Lindsay, A. 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-106
A Citizen's Guide to Radon - EPA
The guide to protecting yourself and your family from radon.
Environmental Protection Agency & Center for Disease Control 2016, Environmental Protection Agency, 402/K-12/002
A Gender-specific approach to improving substance abuse treatment for women: The Healthy Steps to Freedom (HSF) Program
This study tested the efficacy of a supplemental health and body image curriculum designed for women in substance abuse treatment who report weight concerns called Healthy Steps to Freedom (HSF).
Lindsay, A., Warren, C., Velasquez S., & Lu, M. 2012, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43(1), 61-69.
Family playing soccer in a green field.
A media effort addressing preschool inactivity through family, community, and Extension collaboration
To improve healthy eating and movement in children, a media project was developed with the help of community partners that promoted dance and play through music. Results indicated that children who participated in the program demonstrated improvement in healthy behaviors (significant at p < .05).
Lindsay, A. 2010, Journal of National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 5 (11).
Agricultural Producer Stress: A Nevada Statewide Study
This survey utilized the Perceived Stress Scale a widely used instrument for measuring perception of stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one's life are considered by the participant to be stressful.
B. Freeman, L. Chichester, A. Osborne, M. Minter, B. Gorsakul 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-01
All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit CD© Lindsay, A. 2009, UNCE Audio Visual AV-09-01, Copyright American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).
All 4 Kids book cover
All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit Classroom Education for Young Children.
Evidence-based curriculum to promote healthy eating, physical acivity and positive body image in young children.
Lindsay, A., Byington, T., & Sigman-Grant, M. 2010, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, CM-10-06
All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit DVD© Lindsay, A. 2009, UNCE Audio Visual AV-09-02
girl sneezing
Allergenic Plants in Southern Nevada (Landscaping for an allergy free yard)
Many people who move to the Southern Nevada area either come with allergies or develop them after moving here. This publication helps people understand what plants can be allergenic and how to deal with them in the yard or community. The major portion of the publication is a list of common plants found in landscapes.
Robinson, M. L. 2000, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno SP-00-28
Banana Berry Spread on Tortilla
Banana Berry Spread on Tortilla
Did you know a banana contains fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C? All of these support heart health. A medium-sized banana (about 7 inches long) contains 3 grams of fiber.
Weding, H. 2024, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Recipes
Breathing Exercises for Stress Reduction
This fact sheet lists out several breathing exercises for anyone to reduce stress.
Huluwazu, P. and Daugherty, W. 2001, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-01-61
running obstacles
Cardio Endurance | Heart Smart
Cardio- Respiratory, or “Cardio” Endurance is an important element to children’s physical fitness.
Lindsay, A. and Byington, T. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-14
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