CABNR Departments
University Tools
University resources
Providing the latest science-based information, programs and training about forage and food crop production in Nevada.
Here's our comprehensive list of native plant nurseries and seed suppliers for Nevada.
Agricultural Outlook (Nevada)
Provide agricultural stakeholders with a concise evaluation of current market conditions, expected trends in crop and livestock income potential and management implications.
Beginning Farmer and Rancher - Herds & Harvest Program
Developing educational courses, workshops, technical assistance, business advice and mentoring support network for Nevada agricultural producers who are beginning or diversify a farm or ranch operation.
Cattlemen's Update
Cattlemen’s Update is Extension’s annual educational program offered for beef cattle producers to learn about issues affecting profitability and product quality in the Great Basin region.
Food Business Center
Providing training and technical assistance to help Nevada producers diversify and expand their product portfolio, optimize operational processes and ensure that those entering food processing are compliant with US requirements.
Green Industry Training
A workforce development program to train green industry professionals, who receive continuing education units for pesticide applicator, ISA-certified arborist and Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper
Grow Your Own, Nevada!
Learn the secrets of high desert gardening
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management program is a long-term management strategy that uses a combination of tactics to reduce pests to tolerable levels with potentially lower costs for the pest manager and minimal effect on the environment.
Master Gardener Native Plants Demonstration Garden
Members of the Master Gardeners of Washoe County's Native Plants Committee maintain a small demonstration garden on the west side of Extension, Washoe County Office.
Pest Solutions
Low-risk garden pest and weed solutions for Nevada
Pesticide Safety Education Program
Extension’s Pesticide Safety Education Program provides web-based training for pesticide applicators seeking to apply restricted and general use pesticides safely, properly and according to the law. Pesticide licensure and certification is administered by the Nevada Department of Agriculture.
Research Center & Demonstration Orchard
Researching new varieties of fruit producing trees, vines and other plant materials in sustainable ways for the Mojave Desert climate.
Risk Management Education
Extension develops and delivers a comprehensive risk management education program to livestock, forage, and food producers in Nevada.
Soybean Production in Nevada
Extension research shows that soybeans may have potential as a low-water-use alternative crop in alfalfa in Nevada. Alfalfa is one of the most grown crops in Nevada. Since Nevada is the driest state in the country, it is critical to identify profitable low-water-use crops, like the soybean.
Teff Crop Production
The purpose of this program is to introduce Nevada farmers to and help train them in the cultivation of teff, a small-seeded grain and forage crop that requires less water than alfalfa and can be more profitable.
The Greenhouse Project
The Greenhouse Project serves as a teaching facility for hands on programs at the Carson City High School. Students help to cultivate and distribute vegetables and herbs for culinary classes and community food ban.
Weed Warriors Invasive Weed Training
The Weed Warriors program tackles the growing problem of weeds on public and private land.
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE)
SARE is a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that functions through competitive grants conducted cooperatively by farmers, ranchers, researchers and ag professionals to advance farm and ranch systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities.
Youth Horticulture Education Program
Youth Horticulture Education Program is the premier program of horticulture projects that involve youth, families and educators.