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All Business Management & Economic Development Programs

conference workshop

Advanced Business Training - The Native American Agriculture Fund

The Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF) is a private, charitable trust serving Native farmers and ranchers through strategic grantmaking in the areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy series.

cattle feeding at UNR's Main Station Ranch

Agricultural Outlook (Nevada)

Provide agricultural stakeholders with a concise evaluation of current market conditions, expected trends in crop and livestock income potential and management implications.

sheep grazing among solar panels


Agrivoltaics is a dual or shared land use strategy that utilizes the same area of land for two purposes: solar operations and agricultural operations. Under solar panels, farming or ranching occurs.

farmers market

Beginning Farmer and Rancher - Herds & Harvest Program

Developing educational courses, workshops, technical assistance, business advice and mentoring support network for Nevada agricultural producers who are beginning or diversify a farm or ranch operation.

idaho street elko nv cb

Capacity Building for Healthy Communities

Capacity building strengthens an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission to have a positive impact on communities. Strategic thinking, visioning, action planning and board development are capacity building activities.

Amilton de Mello in Winnemucca

Cattlemen's Update

Cattlemen’s Update is Extension’s annual educational program offered for beef cattle producers to learn about issues affecting profitability and product quality in the Great Basin region.

Resource Stewardship improves rangeland management cb

Collaborative Resource Stewardship improves rangeland management

Extension has helped lead Collaborative Resource Stewardship efforts in northeastern Nevada over the past seven years, resulting in a model for other states and areas.

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Nevada Tribal Programs

The Nevada Tribal Programs works within Extension to provide need-based educational programs to Nevada tribal members.

pesticide traing cb

Pesticide Safety Education Program

Extension’s Pesticide Safety Education Program provides web-based training for pesticide applicators seeking to apply restricted and general use pesticides safely, properly and according to the law. Pesticide licensure and certification is administered by the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

risk management class

Risk Management Education

Extension develops and delivers a comprehensive risk management education program to livestock, forage, and food producers in Nevada.

Reyna Teaching a Class

Small Business Education Program

The Small Business Education Program aims to instruct small business owners about fundamental business concepts while providing access and direction to informational resources. Small business owners, at any stage of development, can benefit from educational opportunities and awareness of all business network resources. This is where the Small Business Education Program, with its workshops and relationships with Nevada business programs, steps in to act as a guide.

slide mountain from washoe lake

SNOWPACS: Synthesizing kNowledge to Optimize Water Policy for Agriculture under Changing Snowpack

SNOWPACS is a National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)-funded project on the impact of changes in mountain snowpack on agricultural production and water allocation institutions in the western United States.

Social Media Training cb

Social Media Training

Extension teaches social media for businesses, community members, scientists/agriculturalists and Extension professionals

Soybean Production in Nevada cb

Soybean Production in Nevada

Extension research shows that soybeans may have potential as a low-water-use alternative crop in alfalfa in Nevada. Alfalfa is one of the most grown crops in Nevada. Since Nevada is the driest state in the country, it is critical to identify profitable low-water-use crops, like the soybean.

teff field in fallon nevada

Teff Crop Production

The purpose of this program is to introduce Nevada farmers to and help train them in the cultivation of teff, a small-seeded grain and forage crop that requires less water than alfalfa and can be more profitable.

UNR campus

University Center for Economic Development

UCED conduct applied and basic research studies, provide technical and management assistance services, offer counseling and referral services and sponsor workshops and seminars. We serve clients in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in Nevada. Clients may include state government, community, organization or trade associations and, in some cases, business and industry and individuals.

BMED related Books, Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports, Videos...

Stack of start up books and Juan Salas
¡Conoce a Nevada Business Hub! | SBEP Management Town Hall
Nuestros invitados de "Nevada Business Hub" nos comentan sobre los servicios gratuitos para empresarios sobre prestamos, contratación, desarrollo de talento, reclutamiento, despidos y entrenamiento. También actualizaciones del SBA.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Christmas package with Christmas tree in backgroun
¡Marketing para las fiestas! | SBEP Marketing Class
Preparar tu plan de marketing para las próximas fiestas es esencial para incrementar tus ventas. ¡Entérate!
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Several $100 bills stacked to look like a house with Juan Salas
¿Cómo calificar para un préstamo de negocios? | SBEP Startup Guide
¿Necesita un préstamo para su pequeña empresa? ¿Cuáles son los requerimientos mínimos? Asegúrese de saber lo que necesita y de que está preparado antes de ir al banco. En este video, hablamos sobre crédito y conceptos básicos.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer that says under construction with Mike Bindrup
¿Cómo construir tu sitio web en un día? | SBEP Marketing Class
Tener una página web nos brinda credibilidad ante nuestros clientes potenciales y nos brinda visibilidad en los buscadores.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Tax forms and coffee with Juan Salas
¿Cómo pagar taxes en mi LLC? | SBEP Finance Guide
Las cosas que realmente tenemos que hacer en la vida es pagar impuestos y morir ¿Cierto? Así que, si hay que pagar impuestos, debemos asegurarnos de pagarlos de la manera correcta. Este video te explicará cómo pagar impuestos en una LLC.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Sample business license and Juan Salas
¿Cómo pagarse en un Sole Proprietorship? | SBEP Finance Guide
Empezar un negocio como "Sole Proprietorship" es muy común por que es fácil y prácticamente automático, pero muchos emprendedores no saben como pagarse como dueño. En este video te explicamos como hacerlo y los puntos importantes a considerar. Este video es del Small Business Education Program. Visite nuestra página
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
City map with Juan Salas
¿Cómo sacar tu licencia local en el sur de Nevada? | SBEP Startup Guide
En el Valle de Las Vegas tenemos cinco jurisdicciones que conceden licencias: City of Las Vegas, Clark County, the City of North Las Vegas, the City of Henderson y Boulder City. Este video te ayudará a identificar la jurisdicción correcta para obtener tu licencia de negocio en el sur de Nevada.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Road sign with Juan Salas
¿Cómo usar "El Roadmap" del Nevada Department of Business & Industry? | SBEP Startup Guide
¿Quiere iniciar un negocio en Nevada? ¡Aprende sobre la herramienta para negocios "Roadmap"! Este video es un breve tutorial sobre cómo navegar esta guía de recursos para negocios del Nevada Department of Business and Industry.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Woman being interviewed by 2 other women with Juan Salas
¿Listo para contratar un nuevo empleado? | SBEP Management Class
Aprende y siéntete listo para entrevistar y contratar. Ya que muchos negocios no tienen un departamento de recursos humanos, queremos ayudar a los empresarios a aprender sobre descripción de trabajo, entrevistas e incorporación de empleados. Acompáñanos en la clase para aprender sobre conceptos y un plan de acción.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Business paper
¿Necesito Una Licencia del Estado? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Vamos a aclarar las dudas sobre las licensias del estado de Nevada y las excepciones para no pagar el registro.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube Channel
Small fruit market with aisles of foods with Juan Salas
¿Necesito una LLC para mi negocio? | SBEP Startup Town Hall
El abogado Kevin Johnson J.D. te ayudará a entender todo acerca de empresas LLC—sociedades de responsabilidad limitada—y cómo pueden beneficiar tu pequeño negocio. Alfredo Cedeño se une para informarnos acerca de las actualizaciones de algunos préstamos del SBA.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Binrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Desk full of paperwork, calculator and cash with Juan Salas
¿Puedo recibir un salario como sole proprietor? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
Todos los dueños quieren ganar dinero en sus pequeñas empresas. Pero, ¿puedes ponerte en nómina como propietario único? Vamos a explicar si esto es posible en una empresa unipersonal o "sole proprietor."
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
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