Community Development & Vitality
Practical community development advice you can trust
Resources to help build strong, vibrant communities, renew civic engagement and enhance community decision-making and governance.
Media Release
Greening the Silver State
Funded through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, Grow Organic Nevada aims to help new and existing producers become certified organic as part of a multistate effort in the Western and Southwestern U.S.
All Community Development & Vitality Programs
Agricultural Outlook (Nevada)
Provide agricultural stakeholders with a concise evaluation of current market conditions, expected trends in crop and livestock income potential and management implications.
Cattlemen's Update
Cattlemen’s Update is Extension’s annual educational program offered for beef cattle producers to learn about issues affecting profitability and product quality in the Great Basin region.
Eagles & Agriculture
Eagles & Agriculture is a multiday celebration of agriculture to teach about agriculture and the benefits it provides to wildlife and the community. The program, a collaborative effort that began in 2003, encourages the conservation and prosperity of ranching in western Nevada, teaches participants about wildlife and the history of agriculture in Carson Valley (Douglas County), and creates an agritourism model that enhances the profitability of local farming and ranching businesses.
Food Business Center
Providing training and technical assistance to help Nevada producers diversify and expand their product portfolio, optimize operational processes and ensure that those entering food processing are compliant with US requirements.
Livestock Biosecurity
Biosecurity is important to keep your animals healthy and your business productive. Small steps can make a difference and prevent diseases in your livestock (cattle, swine, sheep, goats) and poultry.
Nevada Beekeeping Program
The Extension program is committed to fostering responsible beekeeping and promoting the well-being of honeybees in Nevada. Our program engages in outreach and education, emphasizing the benefits of ethical beekeeping practices.
Risk Management Education
Extension develops and delivers a comprehensive risk management education program to livestock, forage, and food producers in Nevada.
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE)
SARE is a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that functions through competitive grants conducted cooperatively by farmers, ranchers, researchers and ag professionals to advance farm and ranch systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities.