Nevada has been involved in 4-H camping since the first 4-H camp took place on the University of Nevada, Reno campus in 1930. For about 79 years in Nevada, 4-H camping has been a proven and effective method of reaching, teaching, and involving youth in leadership skills development. Each year, more than 500 youth participate in 4-H camping programs at Lake Tahoe Nevada 4-H Camp. Other 4-H camping programs take place across the state.

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Both residential and day 4-H camping programs have a rich history of providing educational programming to thousands of youth annually through hands-on, experiential learning. Every camp offers great adventure, friendship, and fun, and all seek to develop the camper's Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to make him or her a better person. The leadership skills that are given major emphasis in Nevada's 4-H camping program include:

  • Understanding self and character-building skills
  • Communicating and relating to others
  • Problem-solving and decision making
  • Managing resources
  • Working with others
  • Environmental stewardship

4-H camping is cooperative group living that focuses on the individual's social, spiritual, mental, and physical development for both boys and girls. Since 4-H camping is educationally focused, it is recognized as a method by which to deliver 4-H programming. Scholarships and financial support are available to attend camp. 
Contact Sam Mitchell to learn more at 775-784-4848 or

These camps involve trained professional staff, as well as highly skilled adult and teen volunteers in working with and supervising all campers.

Nevada 4-H Camps

alamo camp main building

Alamo, NV

Located in Alamo, NV, about 100 miles north of Las Vegas is a 72-acre property with 17 guest rooms, conference space, commercial kitchen and accommodates 200.

4-H camp pier at lake tahoe

Lake Tahoe, NV

Located in Stateline, NV, about 60 miles southwest of Reno, NV is a 32-acre property with cabins, conference space, and 300+ feet of Lake Tahoe's shoreline