Resources for Volunteers

Learn how to volunteer, and find links to resources, offices and services that support Extension volunteers


We welcome volunteers! Volunteers provide added value to the work of paid staff, expanding services to the community that the Extension may not otherwise afford.

Extension Resources

Forms/Templates - Internal Use
Artwork Release Form
In the event you use any art or other creative work done by a minor child (under 18), please have the parent or legal guardian sign a release form.
Extension 2014, Extension
Copyright FAQs and Form Letters Asking for Permission and Granting Permission Extension 2015, Extension
Peer Review Submission Form
This is the correct form for both Northern and Southern Areas, even though the form mentions Northern Area. NOTE: Save a completed copy to your computer before submitting. Trouble with the submit button? Email your saved copy to Trouble with Adobe PDFs? Reach out to your office's IT person.
Extension 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Policies/Procedures - Internal Use
1,075: Memberships, Dues and Licenses University of Nevada, Reno 2010, University Administrative Manual
1,413: Private Automobile Usage University of Nevada, Reno 2014, University Administrative Manual
1,640: Gifts-In-Kind University of Nevada, Reno 2015, University Administrative Manual
1,900: Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
The following Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement must be placed on all print and electronic pieces. If the publication is in Spanish, use the Spanish version. In instances where the piece is too small for the above statement, such as bookmarks or postcards, the following statement is acceptable: An EEO/AA institution.
University of Nevada, Reno 2022, University Administrative Manual
1.900: Declaración de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo | 1,900: Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
The Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement must be placed on all print and electronic pieces that are in Spanish. An English version is also available. When the piece is too small for the statement, such as bookmarks or postcards, the following statement is acceptable: An EEO/AA institution.
University of Nevada, Reno 2020, University Administrative Manual
2,692: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Consulting University of Nevada, Reno 2004, University Administrative Manual
4,550: Policy Regarding Contact with Governmental Officials and Visits by Governmental Agencies University of Nevada, Reno 2004, University Administrative Manual
4-H Policies, Forms & Procedures
Staff and volunteer resources (forms, applications, policies, etc.)
Stark, C., Chvilicek, S., Luna, N., 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
4-H Youth Development Policy for Child Protection and Fingerprint-Background Check Reports Extension 2019, Extension
5,304: Event Accessibility and Accommodation Policy
The University's goal is to create a campus climate accessible to all, and proactively plan events free of physical, communication and/or other barriers so all individuals may meaningfully participate in campus activities and events. This policy and related provisions articulate the requirements for accessibility of events occurring in space owned or leased by the University. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, departments, recognized student organizations and university-affiliated organizations. This policy relates to events, including meetings, programs, conferences, speaker presentations, workshops, trainings, gatherings, rallies and other activities, which are either held at space owned or leased by the University or sponsored by the University and held at space owned or leased by a third party.
University of Nevada, Reno 2018, University Administrative Manual
Animal Studies
The laws, policies, and guidelines dictating the use of animals in research, teaching, and testing firmly embrace the imperative of animal welfare and quality care to enable good scientific results.
Weigler, B 2020, March, 2020
Child Abuse and Neglect Training Requirement and Reporting Protocol Extension 1998, Extension
Civil Rights & Compliance
University of Nevada is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. University programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or vetera
Lessick, P 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Civil Rights Policy Statement
Civil rights policy statement
DeDecker, J. 2019, Extension
Code of Conduct for Volunteers Extension 2019, Extension
Examples of Descriptions of Risk for Specific Events
Examples of descriptions of risk for specific events
Extension 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Extension Advisory Council
Advisory Committee, Extension
Extension 2023, Extension
Extension Conflict of Interest Policy Extension 2005, Extension
Extension Expert Witness Policy Extension 2008, Extension
Fingerprinting Process
This video (part of a three-part series) demonstrates the process of conducting ink on card fingerprints for volunteers and new hires. There will also be hints, suggestions and helpful advice provided.
Lessick, P. 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Mission Statement Extension 2019, Extension
Nevada 4-H Policies/Forms Extension 2019, Extension
Office Closure Policy Extension 2008, Extension
Office Image Goals Extension 2006, Extension
Partnership Statement Extension 2019, Extension
Peer-Reviewed Publications Policies
These policies apply to publications and other informational items published by Extension, as detailed below, including peer-reviewed and editorially reviewed publications. When writing journal articles for other publications, authors should contact those entities for style guidelines and specifications.
Wharton, C., Gatzke, H. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno,
Policy Against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Nevada System of Higher Education 2017, Nevada System of Higher Education
Research Integrity University of Nevada, Reno 2019, Research & Innovation
Risk Accounts (Memo Accounts)
"Risk account" is the term used for new account setups or modifications to current accounts in order to enable the charging of allowable project costs in the absence of certain award documentation from a sponsor. The principal investigator (PI) may request that Sponsored Projects set up a new financial worktag or modify an existing financial worktag to include a limited budget for a 90-day period for one of three purposes as defined in this policy.
University of Nevada, Reno 2019, Office of Sponsored Projects | University of Nevada, Reno
Risk Management & Insurance University of Nevada, Reno 2019, Business Center North - Nevada System of Higher Education
Role Guidelines for Specialists
These guidelines are designed to help Specialists understand their role and how their activities relate to three core areas: 1) Teaching; 2) Research; and 3) Service.
Horrillo, S 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Rules for Carson City Community Garden (2020) Taylor, L. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
State 4-H Handbook and Policy Guidelines
This document is intended to be operational guide and an important reference to help Extension faculty, staff, volunteers, and youth accomplish the 4-H mission and uphold the values of the Nevada 4-H Youth Development Program as they work with youth and families. The contents will be regularly reviewed to ensure its relevance and accuracy in meeting the needs of Extension faculty, staff, and volunteers. From time to time, changes and/or additions may be made, however these changes will be communicated with staff when they occur. It is important to note that the policies included in this Policy Handbook supplant any other Nevada state 4-H policies or guidelines otherwise printed or stated which may disagree or conflict with those included in this handbook.
Stark, C. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Trade or Brand Disclaimer Extension 2019, Extension
Translation Policy
Determining Language Needs Extension professionals must examine the demographics of the populations they serve and the frequency of LEP populations encountered to determine language needs.
Paul Lessick 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Volunteer Forms Extension 2019, Extension
Tips/Tricks/How To - Internal Use
College Brand Toolkit
Our College's Brand Toolkit is here to maintain consistency in the way we do marketing work for our College. Please use the toolkit as your guide when you create pieces which tell our College's story.
College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources 2020, University of Nevada, Reno
Extension Mentoring Program for New Faculty: Reference Guide
Extension Mentoring Program for New Faculty Reference Guide - The goal of University of Nevada, Reno Extension’s Mentoring Program is to provide a professional, educational and personal support system for new faculty of the Extension system.
Bishop, C; Kim, YB; Weigel, D 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Grants, InfoEd & Resources (video)
Funding opportunity review and summary, budget and budget justification development and review, InfoEd creation and/or data entries as needed, assistance with other web-based submission system proposal preparations, facilitation with collaborating institutions, subcontractors and/or consultants
Higgins, K 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube Channel
Needs Assessment Framework Guide
The University of Nevada, Reno Extension developed a Needs Assessment Framework to guide the needs assessment approach and process in the state. The Framework is designed to add consistency in the organizational approach to needs assessments and increase validity of the results.
Norze, J; Horrillo, S; Evans, W 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
New Faculty Onboarding Checklist
Welcome to our University of Nevada, Reno Extension team. We are glad you have chosen to join us and our mission to discover, develop, disseminate, preserve and use knowledge to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of people.
Horrillo, S; Barnes, L 2020, March 2020
Research Biosafety and IBC Oversight
Biosafety addresses the safe handling and containment of hazardous biological materials Infectious agents Recombinant and synthetic nucleic acids Biological toxins Goal - Protection of humans, animals, plants, and the environment
Owens, B 2020, Environmental Health and Sfety, University of Nevada, Reno
Research Involving Human Subjects
Historically, governments have had to put serious restrictions on researchers. In fact, the origin of codes of research ethics can be traced to the NUREMBERG CODE, a list of rules established by a military tribunal on Nazi war crimes during World War II. 
Moody, N 2020, Research & Innovation, University of Nevada, Reno
You Want to Write for the Public, but About What?
Academics who want to transition from scholarly to public writing ask "What should I write about?" But, really, that is a two-part question. One part is about genre. The other part has to do with figuring out what you have to contribute to pubic discourse. That is what this column is about.
Rose Guest Pryal, Katie 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education