Government Development and Planning
Providing community leaders, agencies and businesses with high quality, science-based information on economic and planning topics.
Informational Publication
Housing Data Profile Elko County, Nevada
This report will be used as a tool for the county to have an in-depth quantitative analysis to use towards comprehensive planning strategies for the county and community. Readers will better understand their community’s housing characteristics and needs moving forward.
All Government Development Programs
Capacity Building for Healthy Communities
Capacity building strengthens an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission to have a positive impact on communities. Strategic thinking, visioning, action planning and board development are capacity building activities.
Fire Toolkit Portal
The toolkit is developed to provide guidance for communities and on-the-ground organizers engaging in collaborative planning to reduce their threat to wildfire.
Native Waters on Arid Lands
Native Waters on Arid Lands is a five-year (2015-2020) project that partners researchers and extension experts with tribal communities in the Great Basin and American Southwest to collaboratively understand the impacts of climate change, and to evaluate adaptation options for sustaining water resources and agriculture.
Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP)
The Nevada Economic Assessment Project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal and environmental characteristics, trends and impacts. The data can be used for land use and project planning, grant writing and overall policy assessment.
University Center for Economic Development
UCED conduct applied and basic research studies, provide technical and management assistance services, offer counseling and referral services and sponsor workshops and seminars. We serve clients in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in Nevada. Clients may include state government, community, organization or trade associations and, in some cases, business and industry and individuals.
Water for the Seasons
Water for the Seasons (WftS) is a program that partners scientists with community water managers and water right holders in the Truckee-Carson River System (TCRS), to explore new strategies and solutions for dealing with extreme climate events such as droughts and floods.