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Providing resources on emotional wellbeing, job skills development, mental health, stress management, relationships and more to help Nevadans thrive.

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Career Edge: Teens Taking Charge of Their Future! A Workforce Readiness Program

A workforce readiness program for high school students focused on skill development for workplace and job success. Career Edge provides information and training on interview skills, résumé development, filling out applications, finding job leads and selecting appropriate clothing for the workplace. In addition, many "soft skills" needed in the workplace such as decision-making, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership are integrated throughout the program.


Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

Many Nevadans suffer from heart problems, are obese or have diabetes. In Nevada, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is administered by University of Nevada, Reno to engage adults and youth to boost nutrition through building basic skills. Participants learn how to read food labels, save money on groceries, plan meals, safely handle food, make healthy food choices, and be more active.

las vegas nursing home garden

Healing gardens in Las Vegas

Extension healing gardens essentially become outdoor sanctuaries for people who are hospitalized as well as their families and the staff that works with them.

Two adults hike along a walking trail

Healthy Aging Initiative

Using Extension's expertise, the HAI team can connect you with the resources to navigate aging and its trends. HAI programs are offered for older adults and those who partner with them to provide care and support, including careers in aging exploration for middle and high school students and incoming college freshmen. We provide expert nutrition and physical activity training information for elders, caregivers and professionals. We have sponsorship options for tours and professional education.

A healthy meal: chicken sandwich and grapes on a plate and a glass of water.

Healthy Eating on a Budget

The Healthy Eating on a Budget program has been integrated into the TANF Work Readiness workshop as a SNAP-Ed program. The purpose of the 8-lesson series is to provide SNAP recipients with education on healthy nutrition and physical activity practices, food resource management, food safety and food security. 


Healthy Living, Sustainable Recovery

Program teaches nutrition and healthy lifestyles that address weight and energy concerns in women with substance abuse issues

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Heart & Hope: Building Resilient Families

Heart & Hope provides resources and skills to victims of domestic violence who have left the perpetrator and are building a new life for themselves and their family. Workshops help parent victims gain parenting skills and confidence, build resilience for themselves and their children, avoid becoming victims in future relationships, strengthen family relationships and envision hope for the future. Workshops help children build social and emotional skills to prevent them from becoming future victi

stressed farmer

Managing Ranch & Farm Stresses

Working in agriculture is accompanied by managing a variety of stresses on a regular basis. Connecting with others can help us cope with stress and become more resilient.

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Nevada Tribal Programs

The Nevada Tribal Programs works within Extension to provide need-based educational programs to Nevada tribal members.

girl playing football against Raider player

Raiders/UNLV Sports & Health Program (RUSH)

Extension, the UNLV School of Public Health and Las Vegas Raiders partner to provide physical activity and nutrition education and promote mental health awareness for middle school-aged students.

Self Help Related News Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports

A Collaborative Domestic Violence Prevention Program
This factsheet contains a collection of programs to prevent domestic violence and two-day training for law enforcement to understand the many issues surrounding domestic violence.
Powell, P., Smith, M., Riley, J., Harmon, A., Ryan, C., and Butler, J. 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-74
A comparison of beliefs and attitudes about body image, eating and weight between incarcerated and non-incarcerated females.
This study looks at behavioral health associated with weight concerns, body image, obesity and eating pathologies. Left untreated these may serve as triggers for relapse. The study observed differences in beliefs and attitudes about body image, eating and weight between incarcerated females and non-incarcerated sample.
Lindsay, A. 2015, UNLV Dissertation
A Gender-specific approach to improving substance abuse treatment for women: The Healthy Steps to Freedom (HSF) Program
This study tested the efficacy of a supplemental health and body image curriculum designed for women in substance abuse treatment who report weight concerns called Healthy Steps to Freedom (HSF).
Lindsay, A., Warren, C., Velasquez S., & Lu, M. 2012, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43(1), 61-69.
A Qualitative Study of the Emotional and Spiritual Needs of Hispanic Families in Hospice
To address the underlying disparities in the cultural, emotional, and spiritual aspects of hospice care, the objective of the present qualitative study was to examine the emotional and spiritual needs of Hispanic patients' families while in hospice.
Nuñez, A., Holland, J. M., Beckman, L., Kirkendall, A., & Luna, N. 2017, Palliative and Supportive Care
Ag Wellness
In this course, participants learn key skills in acceptance and commitment therapy and learn how to apply those skills to the unique stresses that face agricultural producers and their families.
Utah State University Extension 2023, Utah State University Extension
Ag Wellness Podcast
The AgWellness podcast explores mental health in the farming and ranching community. Mental health is a growing concern in the farming and ranching community and through this podcast, we will share stories about the impact of mental health concerns, helpful resources, and information.
Hadfield, J. and Dallin,J. 2024, Utah State University Extension
All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit CD© Lindsay, A. 2009, UNCE Audio Visual AV-09-01, Copyright American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).
All 4 Kids: Healthy, Happy, Active, Fit DVD© Lindsay, A. 2009, UNCE Audio Visual AV-09-02
Banana Berry Spread on Tortilla
Banana Berry Spread on Tortilla
Did you know a banana contains fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C? All of these support heart health. A medium-sized banana (about 7 inches long) contains 3 grams of fiber.
Weding, H. 2024, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Recipes
Breathing Exercises for Stress Reduction
This fact sheet lists out several breathing exercises for anyone to reduce stress.
Huluwazu, P. and Daugherty, W. 2001, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-01-61
Bridging the Miles
This special publication explores several ways families can help their children connect when deployment changes family life. Learn what to do before deployment, during deployment, and returning home from deployment.
Byington, T., Brownell, T., Hayes, M, Bachman, B. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-07-10
Conscious Relationships: Understanding Ourselves and Improving Our Interactions
This fact sheet contains extensive information on conscious relations and concepts that involve the concept such as perception, partnerships, and energy.
Leigh, G. and Miller, E. 2003, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-03-70
Death by a Thousand Cuts": Agriculture Producer Resiliency in the Western United States Freeman, B., Grocke-Dewey, M. U., Chichester, L., Breeding, K., Stallones, L., & Minter, M. 2023, Journal of Agromedicine, 29(1), 66–79
Defining Multicultural Education Multicultural Education Series – No. 1
This fact sheet defines multicultural education by defining culture, looking at dimensions of multicultural education, goals of multicultural education, and many more.
Meier, A. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-53
Depression - Exploring Treatment Options
This fact sheet contains information on depression by age group and details on the treatment options and process.
Day, P. and Meyer, K. 2000, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-00-34
Depression - Pharmacological Treatment
This fact sheet presents extensive information on commonly prescribed anti-depressant medication and questions to ask when medication is prescribed.
Day, P. 2000, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-00-35
Diabetes and Lifestyle Ounce of Prevention
This fact sheet contains information on type 2 diabetes specifically on the risks and ways to prevent risks for diabetes.
Leontos, C. 2002, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-02-48
Differences in Human Energy Fields
This fact sheet has extensive information on the history and procedures of human energy field research. Learn more about the statistical measure of several groups and the meaning behind the results to use in one's life.
Leigh, G., Leigh, C., and Polonko, K. 2003, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-03-68
Domestic Violence: An Overview
The purpose of this publication is to help readers understand the dynamics of IPV, by providing an overview of various forms of control exhibited toward victims. As Nevada nortoriously ranks high in reports of IPV, understanding how IPV impacts our communities is crucial in developing strategies to address it.
Powell, P. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-76
Drinking Alcohol and Using Pesticides Don’t Mix
This fact seet will inform you on the reasons being avoiding mixing drinking alcohol and using pesticides to prevent possible health risks.
Johnson, W. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-01
Dying to Be Thin, How Far Will You Go? Body Image and Cultural Standards of Beauty. Lindsay, A. & Velasquez, S. 2007, UNCE Fact Sheet FS-07-47.
Evaluation of a Domestic Violence Program for Law Enforcement
This fact sheet contains information on evaluation training methods for a domestic violence program aimed at law enforcement. This includes cadet demographics and a table that has topics used to evaluate cadet training.
Powell, P., Smith, M., Riley, J., Harmon, A., Ryan, C., and Butler, J. 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-75
Facts About Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
This fact sheet explains in great detail the harmful effects and consequences of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS).
Kock, J. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-48
Farm Crisis Center
Even in the best of times, farming can be an incredibly high-stress occupation. The National Farmers Union compiled resources covering mental health, disaster, pandemic crisis, and mediation to help you be successful.
National Farmers Union 2024, Farm Crisis Center, Website
Food Safety for Children, Pregnant Women, Older Adults, and those with Impaired Immune Systems
This fact sheet provides great insight into multiple ways to handle food to make it safe for children, pregnant women, older adults, and people with impaired immune systems. Learn more about storing, preparing, cooking food, foodborne illness, etc.
Wilson, M. 2000, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-00-37
Food Safety Tips for Nevada Child Caregivers
This publication will help you to learn more about what caregivers should look for during the preparation of food to prevent foodborne illness.
Omaye, S. and Wilson, M. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-28
new born baby
For New Breastfeeding Mothers: What You Need to Know About Supplementing With Infant Formula
This fact sheet contains several questions and answers on supplementing breastfeeding with infant formula.
Sigman-Grant, M. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-16
For the Health Professional: Infant Formula IS NOT the Same as Breast Milk
This fact sheet presents a comprehensive (but not complete) list of human milk components to help show the great differences between infant formula and human milk components.
Sigman-Grant, M. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-17
Get Ready, Get Set, Let’s Go!
A variety of tips on how to get more active in your life, whether you want to start slow or jump right into exercises.
Lindsay, A. & Constantino, N. 2008, UNCE Fact Sheet FS-08-35
Giving R Best 2 Kids: Development & Behavior - Biting
This fact sheet explains the many things parents can do and say to kids when they start biting.
Byington, T. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-81
Grounded In Family
This agriculture stress video is a story of the resiliency of a northern Montana farm family. This multi-generational family discusses what it's like to live and grow up on a farm, as well as provides insight into their methods of dealing with farm stress. The family members interviewed also talk about working together
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Montana State University and University of Nevada, Reno 2024, YouTube
Have it Your Weigh! Portion Sizes & Dining Out
Learn about healthy eating by understanding choosing sensible portions when dining out or at home and healthful menu choices from restaurants.
Lindsay, A., Wilson, M., & Velasquez, S. 2007, UNCE Fact Sheet FS-07-46.
Healthy Steps to Freedom: A Health and Body Image Curriculum. Lindsay, A. & Velasquez, S. 2009, UNCE Curriculum Material CM-09-02
Healthy Weight Loss
This fact sheet contains information on ways to start losing weight in a healthy manner. Learn ways to do it yourself or register a dietitian to help you along with your program.
Wilson, M. 2000, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-00-36
Heart & Hope Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions of the Heart & Hope domestic violence program
Baker-Tingey, J. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Blog Post
Heart & Hope Law Enforcement Training
Details regarding law enforcement training for the Heart & Hope domestic violence program.
Baker-Tingey, J. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Blog Post
How Judgers and Perceivers Can Accept, Respect, and Embrace Human Differences
This fact sheet provides information on how judgers and perceivers can accept, respect, and embrace human differences by looking at judgers' and perceivers' tendencies and how to work out differences.
Leigh, G. and Miller, E. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-101
Kangaroo Mother Care Within the First Hour After Birth
This fact sheet contains several questions and answers that a mother could have when their infant is born.
Sigman-Grant, M. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-013-18
Keys of Successful Parenting: Care for Self
This fact sheet provides several positive and negative ways to cope with stress for oneself and family members.
Brown, R. and Killian, E. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-41
Living With Celiac Disease
This fact sheet contains detail on celiac disease and the diet one must main as a result. Learn several other topics such as dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten-free menu and many more.
Seymour, K. and Wilson, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-15
Managing & Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Stress
This journal from the UW extension outlines the stress and effect agriculture work has on the mind and body. They state ways how to relieve stress and provide safety measures to follow.
Shutske, John 2020, Extension of Wisconsin-Madison
Managing High Blood Pressure
This fact sheet contains several ways to reduce one's blood pressure for a healthier life.
Wilson, M. 2005, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-05-49
Minding Your Minerals
This fact sheet contains answers to common questions that revolve around minerals such as calcium, iron, and fluoride.
Wilson, W., Scott, B. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-52
Money Sense for Your Children - The Spending Plan
This fact sheet is lesson 4 of the Money Sense for Your Children and will explore money management and how to create a spending plan by understanding the needs and wants of children.
Koehler, C., Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-96
Money Sense for your Children - The Pressures of Advertising
This fact sheet contains a variety of information on how children can learn more about money and advertising.
Koehler, C, Crites, A., Behal, P., and Horton, S. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-19
Nevada substance abuse treatment providers – Assessing the needs & characteristics of female clients in recovery. Lindsay, A. & Velasquez, S. 2012, UNCE Special Publication SP-12-09
Nevada’s health and nutrition needs – Preferred methods of health information delivery. Seymour, K., Spears, K., Lindsay, A., Collins, C., Leontos, C., Sigman-Grant, M., Wilson, M. & Woodson, J. 2009, UNCE Special Publication SP-09-18
Orders of Protection: Domestic Violence
The purpose of this fact sheet is to describe what an Order of Protection is, the process followed to obtain one, and the need to report order violations.
Powell, P. and Smith, M. 2012, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-12-07
This fact sheet answers several questions about pre-diabetes such as the risks, foods to eat, physical activity, habits, etc.
Leontos, C. and Plasencia, J. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-65
Pre-Kindergarten Math Concepts
This fact sheet provides a quick overview of pre-kindergarten math concepts and more.
Bixler, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-91
clip art footprints with googly eyes and smiles
Preventing Falls in Your Home
This fact sheet contains extensive information on ways to prevent the risk of falling in one's home.
Collins, C. and Petermeier, H. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-24
Sadness, Anxiety, and Experiences with Emotional Support among Veteran and Non-Veteran Patients and their Families at the End of Life
Although many veterans are progressing into older adulthood and a substantive subset of people who die each year in the United States served in the military, there is limited evidence on the role of military service at the end of life.
Holland, J., Currier, J., Kirkendall, A., Keene, J., Luna, N. 2014, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 17:6, 708-711
Safely Feeding Babies and Infants
This fact sheet contains information regarding parents' options for feeding babies and infants. Learn more about keeping clean and serving breast milk/formula and when should it be discarded.
Sigman-Grant, M. 2001, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-22
School-based prevention programs. In G.L. Fisher & N.A. Roget (eds.). Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 803-806)
The scope includes behavioral addictions such as eating disorders, gambling and compulsive shopping. Preparation of the profession is heavily featured in numerous articles on standards, training, ethics and professional organizations.
Luna, N. (2009). In G.L. Fisher & N.A. Roget (eds.) 2009, Thousand Oak, CA: Sage.
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
This fact sheet explains what Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is and serval ways to prevent it.
Kock, Jo. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-49
Strengthening Families Affected by Intimate Partner Violence: A Pilot Evaluation of a Rural Extension Program
Heart and Hope provides parenting education and social-emotional skills to children and parents exposed to intimate partner violence. The program is effective in strengthening family relationships, improving parenting practices, developing emotional competency, and helping families envision a positive future.
Payne, P. and J. Baker-Tingey 2024, Journal of Human Sciences & Extension
Substance abuse prevention specialist training (SAPST) manual
Grounded in current research and SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework, this foundational training helps practitioners develop the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate effective, data-driven programs and practices that reduce behavioral health disparities and improve wellness.
Luna, N., Hogan, J.A., Gabrielsen, K., Fisher, G., & Grothaus, D. 2000, University of Nevada, Reno
Substance abuse prevention: The intersection of science and practice
This cutting-edge book responds to the growing need for a textbook that addresses the rapid development of the substance abuse prevention profession.
Hogan, J. A., Gabrielsen, K., Luna, N., & Grothaus, D. 2003, Pearson
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Sids) In Southern Nevada
This Curriculum material explains the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by defining the syndrome, listing important facts, and many more.
Kock, J. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, CM-04-03
The Amazing Nutritious Papaya
This fact sheet contains extensive information on papaya facts and dishes anyone can try.
Wilson, M. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-25
Woman leaning against a wall with her head down
The hard truth about domestic violence
Intimate partner violence doesn't discriminate. It can happen to anyone. Learn more about its impacts on victims, survivors and the economy, and find local and national resources.
Andrews, A. 2019, Nevada Today
The Medical Cost of Domestic Violence
What is typically igonored is the financial cost domestic violence places on society, in terms of housing, child care, employment and criminal justice services
C. Powell, P. Powell, J. Baker-Tingey 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno FS-18-02
The Unbelievable Kiwi
This fact sheet contains extensive information on kiwi facts and dishes anyone can try.
Wilson, M. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-23
Tri Bean Salad
Tri Bean Salad
Tri Bean Salad
Weding, H. 2024, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Recipes
Stone Jamison in black scrubs standing in front of University Medical Center's ambulance entrance.
Universities team up to train dietetic interns, improve community health in southern Nevada
College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources collaborates with UNLV and other community partners to provide nutrition education in Clark County
Andrews, A. 2022, Nevada Today
Valuing Vitamins
This fact sheet contains answers to questions that revolve around vitamins such as the foods to prepare, vitamins to take, etc.
Wilson, W. and Scott, B. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-55
Vegetable Fajita Wrap
Vegetable Fajita Wrap
Vegetable Fajita Wrap
Weding, H. 2024, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Recipes
Washoe County Radon Potential Map - 2018
Use this map to find out the potential of radon exposure in Washoe County homes.
Howe, S. 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno. IP
Washoe County-Reno area Radon Potential Map - 2018
Use this map to find out the potential of radon exposure in Washoe County-Reno/Sparks area homes.
Kelly, C. 2022, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno. IP
Ways Introverts and Extraverts Can Accept, Respect, and Embrace Human Differences
This fact sheet provides information on how introverts and extroverts can accept, respect, and embrace human differences by looking at introverts' and extroverts' tendencies and how to work out differences.
Leigh, G. and Miller, E. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-98
Ways Thinkers and Feelers Can Accept, Respect, and Embrace Human Differences
This fact sheet provides information on how thinkers and feelers can accept, respect, and embrace human differences by looking at thinkers' and feelers' tendencies and how to work out differences.
Leigh, G. and Miller, E. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-100
Weighing in on Fat: Using a Pedometer, A Guide to Help Step it Up Lindsay, A. & Velasquez, S. 2008, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-08-49.
Weight-related concerns related to drug use for women in substance abuse treatment: Prevalence and relationships with eating pathology.
This study examined two intertwined issues: (1) the prevalence and nature of weight-related concerns related to drug use and (2) whether women who endorse weight-related concerns related to drug use differ from those without weight-related concerns on body dissatisfaction, eating pathology and thin internalization.
Warren, C., Lindsay, A., White, E., Claudat, K., & Velasquez, S. 2012, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 44(5), 494
What a Girl Wants! What a Girl Needs! Living Healthy without Methamphetamine.
This fact sheet provides extensive detail on the needs and wants for girls to live healthily. Learn about different ways to track issues and suggestions to change one's lifestyle.
Lindsay, A. & Velasquez, S. 2007, UNCE Fact Sheet FS-07-45
What Even is Domestic Violence? Beyond the Bruises
In the age of media saturation, society's desensitization to violence poses a silent threat, especially within the sphere of domestic life. It’s time to peel back the layers on what we think we know about domestic violence and reveal its complex reality.
Payne, P. and Thomas, C. 2024, University of Nevada, Reno, Ask the Professor Blogs
What is Obesogenic Environment?
The obesogenic environment comprises factors in our environment that support being obese. This fact sheet will define obesogenic environment.
Powell, P., Spears, K., and Rebori, M. 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-11