Coordinator Contact

Rachel McClure
Washoe County Master Gardener Coordinator

Learn more about the Extension, Washoe County office

Extension, Washoe County Master Gardeners

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Who are Master Gardeners?

Master Gardeners are volunteers who have been trained in the finer points of gardening to improve their own knowledge and to share it with others. Master Gardeners provide free, research-based horticulture information to Nevadans. As volunteers, Master Gardeners contribute volunteer hours every year through a variety of projects, including but not limited to: answering telephone and email inquiries, staffing booths at fairs and home shows, conducting educational presentations in the community and consulting at school and community gardens. 

A group of people standing next to a large tractor outside.

Contact a Master Gardener: 

  • Visit the office at 4955 Energy Way in Reno by appointment.
  • Desk Hours: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
  • Email them at
  • Call the office at 775-784-4848.

Helpful Handouts

Check out our Quarterly Newsletter!


Master Gardener Projects in Washoe County

Below are a few of the many volunteer projects Master Gardener volunteers are involved in.

Project Photo Address Description
Extension Office Demonstration Gardens

plant boxes next to a white building.

4955 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502 The Washoe County Extension Office features a native garden on one side and a raised flower bed garden on the other. Visit us to explore the variety of plants that flourish here. For a handout with plant names and descriptions, stop by or email us at
Gardening in Nevada, The Bartley Ranch Series

A man smiling wearing dark sunglasses standing next to a table with plants.

6000 Bartley Ranch Rd. Reno, NV 89511

These annual gardening talks have become a mainstay and tradition for our community on Tuesday evenings in February and March at the Bartley Ranch Heritage Center. We also host a nonperishable food drive at this event for the Northern Nevada Food Bank. 

Register for FREE tickets at

Article on Gardening in Nevada workshops and seed swaps

Historic Huffaker School at Bartley Ranch

Photo of a woman smiling standing behind a white picket fence in front of a white house.

6000 Bartley Ranch Rd. Reno, NV 89511 The Historic Huffaker School, located in the Bartley Ranch Regional Park, is rich in history and hallmarked by beautiful, brick-laden pathways surrounded by flower gardens maintained by Washoe County Master Gardeners.
Junior Master Gardener Program


South Valley Library

15650A Wedge Pkwy Reno, NV 89511

This Junior Master Gardener program hosted by Master Gardener Volunteers is an afterschool drop-in program that focuses on STEM & STEAM based concepts all related to horticulture.   See the library calendar of events for more information. 
Master Gardener Help Desk

A master gardener showing some plants inside the extension office.

4955 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502

Open to the public to help with horticultural questions and information Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM come in or call 775-784-4848 or email for help. 

Master Gardener Plant Sale


people standing and crouching down under pop-up tent with many green plants.

A woman showing off some plants during the UNR extension master gardener plant sale. 

Washoe County Extension Office 4955 Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502 The 2025 Plant Sale will be on May 16th & 17th. Master Gardeners cultivate plant starts in a greenhouse at the UNR Experiment Station, offering them for sale to local community members. We focus on plants and varieties that thrive in our local conditions, helping you kickstart your garden. The Master Gardener Program is primarily self-funded, and this initiative is one of the key ways we finance our efforts. We extend our heartfelt thanks for the tremendous community support we receive annually for this project.
Master Gardener Teaching and Demonstration Garden @ Rancho San Rafael Community Gardens in the Family & Farm Area  Group of people standing outside standing behind a garden sign.Two master gardeners standing next to a square foot garden bed.

1595 N Sierra St, Reno, NV 89503

Located at the Community Gardens at Rancho San Rafael

During the growing season, our partnership with Washoe County Parks and Open Spaces allows us to collaborate with the public and Community Garden members on effective gardening techniques and practices suitable for our climate.

Come by to see our demonstration, teaching gardens & beds. You can also attend one of our many educational events! During the gardening season we hold monthly educational talks and donate a large portion of the produce we grow to the Reno Gospel Mission to help those in need. Our cut flower field rows, provide bouquets for our local senior center. 

Mobile Help Desks  Three people standing in front and behind a table with an Extension blue tablecloth outside. Various Dates & Locations Master Gardener volunteers have pop-up Help Desks at different communities and Master Gardener events to help answer community horticultural questions. We try and hold these events on evenings and weekends to give community members who work alternate times for help.
Northern Nevada Garden Tour Multiple locations around the greater Reno area

This self-paced, all-ages tour showcases homeowners' gardens in Northern Nevada, allowing participants to explore as many gardens as they wish. Tourgoers will be inspired by the creative and thriving high desert gardens, gaining ideas from these successful and inventive DIY gardeners. The event is hosted by The Rail City Garden Center. The 2025 tour dates are August 23rd & 24th.  

Tickets: Available through Rail City Garden Center.

Northern Nevada Veterans Home

Two people standing next to a wooden garden bed. One person holding lettuce up to their face.

36 Battle born Way, Sparks, NV 89431

Each week, Washoe County Master Gardeners collaborate with residents to plant flowers, herbs, and vegetables in the landscape, outdoor gardens, and indoor conservatory.

Ronald McDonald House Photo of a group of women standing in front of a grey house and holding a plant.

323 Maine, St. Reno, NV 89502

Master Gardeners volunteer to create beautiful, peaceful places of respite in the grounds around the house for Ronald McDonald residents. We also offer educational talks throughout the year. 

Spanish Springs Library Garden Talks Woman standing in front of large TV screen pointing to flower image.

7100A Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV 89436 

Join us year-round one Sunday a month for gardening talks! See the library calendar of events for specific dates, times and topics @ In 2025 we will have a specific theme for each month. 

Talks @ Rancho San Rafael Community Gardens. people standing in front of a table outside among trees.  

We hold monthly information garden talks on multiple subjects and have a Mobile Help Desk at these events to help answer community horticulture questions. 

When: TBD


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"The Good Weed Series: Purslane (Portulaca oleraceav), Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada, Blog Posts 21-01
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This blog post is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Deever, D. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Checklist of the Non-native Plants of Southern Nevada
This fact sheet contains extensive information on non-native plants of southern Nevada by showcasing monocots, dicots, and aquatic plants Latinized binomial, common name, type, and many more.
Ryan, M. and M.L., Robinson 2005, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-05-05
Cultivated Palm Seed Germination
This publication identifies ways to germinate palm seeds, for both homeowner and commercial grower. Palms come from various climates including tropical, subtropical, warm temperate and desert areas. They have different germination requirements and the rates vary. This is about best practices for seed germination.
Robinson, M.L. 2002, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Publication SP-02-09
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2021-05)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish that mission.
Deever, D., Ruskamp, L., Perry, T., R Sgamma 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Newsletter, Edition 21-05
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2021-07)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Braxton Perry, T., Camp, D., Ruskamp, L., Sgamma, R. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 21-07
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2021-09)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Parsons, D., Ruskamp, L., Sgamma, R. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 21-09
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2022-01)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Deever, D.; Ruskamp, L.; Sgamma, R. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 22-01
Roses blooming in spring.
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2022-03)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of March 2022 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Kafantaris, J., Sgamma, R 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 22-03
Apricots ripening at the Research Orchard in North Las Vegas, NV.
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2022-07)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of July 2022 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Ruskamp, L.; Sgamma. R. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 22-07
Fall colors in the western mountains.
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2022-10)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of October 2022 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Kafantaris, J.; Sgamma, R. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 22-10
New Years eve in Las Vegas, Nevada with a burst of fireworks lighting up the sky.
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2023-01)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of January 2023 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Fisher, J.; Sgamma, R. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 23-1
Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada (2023-03)
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of March 2023 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Deever, D; Sgamma, R. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, MG Newsletter, Edition 23-3
This is a test
El Cuidado de las Plantas de Interior
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Robinson, M.L. and Roberts, A. 1999, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno FS 99-59
Fruit, Flower and Seed Vegetable Varieties for the Moapa and Virgin Valleys
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Bishop, C. and Stoesser, D. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-05
Grow Cucumbers in the Mojave Desert
Join YHEP Instructor Nicole Hansen at the San Miguel Community Garden, as she shows you how you can grow cucumbers here in the Mojave Desert.
Hansen, N. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Tomato plants in garden
Grow Tomatoes in the Mojave Desert
This week YHEP Instructor, Nicole Hansen shows you how you can grow tomatoes successfully here in the Mojave Desert.
Hansen, N. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Leaf Vegetable Varieties for the Moapa and Virgin Valleys
The purpose of this publication is to emphasize the selected vegetable varieties or cultivars (seeds/plants) that may perform better than others in the Moapa and Virgin Valleys.
Bishop, C. and Stoesser, D. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-06
Nicole Hansen with Sunscreen
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The Mojave Desert is a unique growing environment. With summer temperatures that can go over 110 degrees Fahrenheit it is imperative that you use the "Right Plant, Right Place" theory. Community-Based Instructor, Nicole Hansen, teaches you how to grow peppers in the desert.
Hansen, N. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Problemas De Palmeras Que En Realidad No Son Problemas
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Robinson, M.L., O'Callaghan, A., Schaerer, M. F. 2011, Extension: University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-53
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O'Callaghan, A. 2010, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-33
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Robinson, M.L. and Roberts, A. 1999, Extension: University of Nevada, Reno FS 99-62
Peach tree
Stone Fruits
YHEP Instructor, Nicole Hansen teaches you all about stone fruits and shows you how to care for stone fruit trees.
Hansen, N. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Harvesting lettuce
Team YHEP Presents: Hydroponics Harvest and Donations
Team YHEP shows you how we harvest and package our hydroponic produce for donation to our food pantry partners throughout Las Vegas!
O'Callaghan, A., Braxton-Perry, T., Hansen, N., and Ford-Terry, I., 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Field of Dandelions.
The Good Weed Series: Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Blog Posts 22-01
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This blog post is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Deever, D. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
rose rooting in bottle
The Rose in the Desert Southwest
A comprehensive guide on growing roses in the desert southwest. It covers soil preparation and planting, monthly care, pruning, and disease problems for growing roses. It also includes a easy to follow month by month care guide for roses.
Mills, L., Johnson, W. S., and O'Callaghan, A. 2003, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno FS-03-15
YHEP Summer Recipes, Ep.02: Garden Fresh Eggplant Empanadas
Delicious summer empanada dish using hearty eggplant created by Tricia Braxton Perry.
Braxton Perry, T. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
mullein in forest
YHEP: Common Weeds, Ep 04: The Many Uses of Mullein
Follow YHEP instructor Ian Ford-Terry up into the mountains as he hikes the cool woodlands in search of an ancient cough remedy!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
ian with joshua tree
YHEP: Conservation, Ep 01: Joshua Trees
Join YHEP instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he explores the relationship between Joshua Trees and their exclusive pollinators and how you can take part in the conservation of a Mojave Desert icon!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
ian with joshua tree
YHEP: Conservation, Ep 02: Joshua Trees
Join YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he guides you through the process of growing a Joshua Tree from seed as part of a conservation effort to help save the Joshua Trees (and their very specific pollinators)!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Ian with milkweed
YHEP: Conservation, Ep 03: Monarch Container Gardens
Join YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he shows you how you can help protect the Monarch Butterfly by planting native milkweeds at home!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Assortment of DIY hydroponics projects
YHEP: Hydroponics At Home, Ep 01: DIY 2-Liter Bottle Wicking System
Join YHEP instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he introduces you to the wonderful world of hydroponics, and walks you through the steps to make a DIY 2-liter bottle, self-wicking hydroponic system!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
fish and plants in tank
YHEP: Hydroponics At Home, Ep 02: DIY Aquaponic Ecosystem
Dive into this fun "aquaponics" project with YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry! He will teach you the basics of balancing an underwater ecosystem and how you can grow plants using fish waste!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Tomatoes in a 5-Gallon Bucket
YHEP: Hydroponics At Home, Ep 03: Growing Tomatoes in a 5-Gallon Bucket
YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry shows you how you can grow tomatoes year-round in a DIY 5-gallon bucket hydroponic system!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
pH test liquid being poured in a jar
YHEP: Hydroponics at Home, Ep 03: Make Your Own pH Test Kit
Join YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he walks you through the process of making your own homemade pH testing solution and pH testing strips out of Red Cabbage broth!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Ian with microgreens tray
YHEP: Hydroponics At Home, Ep 04: DIY Microgreens Grow Tray
Microgreens are nutritious and easy to grow! Join YHEP Instructor Ian Ford-Terry as he shows you how to make a low-maintenance microgreens grow tray!
Ford-Terry, I. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel

Washoe County's Leadership Team

Rachel McClure
Program Leader & Contact