In this edition
- Master Gardener Booth
- Spring and Dandelions
- Presentation Round-Table Schedule
About the Newsletter
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This newsletter of March 2023 is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Master Gardener Booth, March 10-12, 2023
Figure 1: Master Garden information booth and a presentation on a gardening topic.
A home improvement and garden show will be held March 10-12, 2023 at the Word Market Center expo facility in Las Vegas, NV. The Master Gardeners (MG) of Southern Nevada will has an information booth to answer your gardening question. They will also offer gardening presentations, round-table discussion, starter tomato plants, native-adaptive wild flower seed packets, gardening fact sheet and more. For a listing of presentation and round-table discussions see the schedules posted below.
Presentations will be a lecture with a PowerPoint display. Round Table is a one-on-one discussion with the moderator. Visitors usually ask questions, receive answers and leave or stay for other visitors' questions. It is a give and take session. The moderator may have various garden items and documents for display or handout.
The World Market Center is located at 435 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106. The Expo is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on Sunday it will close at 4 p.m. Entrance is free to Seniors (55+) and Military on Friday. The Home Show will have a variety of vendors displaying and selling home, gardening, health, and beauty items and services. There is also a craft fair.
MGs will also have a booth at the Clark County Fair April 12-16, 2023 in Logandale, NV. The booth will be simular to the March booth except there will be no round-table discussions and presentations.
Help Desk, Botanical Garden Tours and On-line Publications:
Gardening Information and Help: Contact the Master Gardener (MG) Help Desk via telephone Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed for state holidays) at 702-257-5556 or by email at ( Walk-ins are welcomed at 8050 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89123. The Help Desk will usually be closed the first Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon.
Botanical Garden: Open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays) for self-guided tour. Scheduled tours started in September 2022 and end in May when the weather becomes too hot.
For Extension gardening publications go to ( Select Publications in the QUICKLINK drop down. Change the year to 'All Years' for a more complete listing of documents. Use keywords such as tomato to narrow you search.
Spring and Dandelions
Figure 2: Dandelion flowers in full bloom.
Spring is just around the corner and one of the first signs of springs are the appearance of dandelions. There is an old saying 'If you can't lick them, then join them'. In steady of fighting them, learn how to cultivate them as a healthy food source. The following is an article written by UNR Assistant Professor, Extension Educator, County Educator, Donald Deever.
The Good Weed Series: Common Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale
“Dandy” used to be a common term to describe a man who placed particular importance on his appearance, style of clothes, impeccable sense of fashion, highly educated manner of speech, and trendy choice of avocations, all of which served to show off his refinement and good taste. Dandelions, on the other hand, place their greatest emphasis solely on good taste, although a lawn full of their showy spring blooms also represents the highest sense in fashion.
One can’t deny that dandelion is a beautiful weed, but most people don’t realize that it is also a harbinger of healthy lawns, and that dandelion supplies a plethora of tasty, nutritious and highly medicinal products. The name of dandelion comes from the French term, “dent de lion,” which means “lion’s tooth,” referring to the toothy shape of the leaves. The genus and species name of dandelion is Taraxacum officinale and is believed to come from an ancient Persian term talkh chakok, which translates to “bitter herb,” while the officinale portion of the name refers to it being a medicinal herb that was once listed in official European pharmacopeias.
Caution: Always positively identify a plant before consuming. Sickness or death may occur from eating the wrong plant. Use a good reference book or website for identification such as Plant for a Future ( or (
For the complete article go to (
Presentation Round-Table Schedule
MG Booth at the Word Trade Center
March 10-12, 2023 Presentations
Friday, March 10th
11 a.m. MG Glenda Growing Lavender in Las Vegas
noon MG Judith Growing Roses in Southern Nevada
1 p.m. MG Gail Making Gardening Easier and Smarter
2 p.m. MG Gail Attracting Beneficial Wildlife to Your Garden
3 p.m. MG Mike Tree and Shrubs; Planning, Planting, and Care
4 p.m. MG Glenda Growing Lavender in Las Vegas
Saturday, March 11th
10:15 a.m. Professor ML Robinson Palm Trees, Their Selection and Care
11 a.m. MG Jon Honey Bees with Live Beehive Enclosure
noon MG Ralph Becoming a Desert Gardener
1 p.m. MG Mike Tree and Shrubs; Planning, Planting, and Care
2 p.m. MG Susan Selecting the Right Tree
3 p.m. Alex Harper Urban Birds of Clark County and "How to Attract Them"
Sunday, March 12th
11 a.m. Professional ML Robinson Palm Trees, Their Selection and Care
noon MG Gail Making Gardening Easier and Smarter
1 p.m. MG Gail Attracting Beneficial Wildlife to Your Garden
2 p.m. MG Ralph Becoming a Desert Gardener
Round-Table Discussions
Friday, March 10th
11 a.m. MGs Gardening Tips
noon MG Glenda Growing Lavender in Las Vegas
1 p.m. MG Judith Growing Roses in Southern Nevada
2 p.m. MGs Gardening Tips
3 p.m. MG Glenda Growing Lavender in Las Vegas
4 p.m. MGs Gardening Tips
Saturday, March 11th
10 a.m. MGs Gardening Tips
11 a.m. MGs Gardening Tips
noon MG Jon Honey Bees with Live Beehive Enclosure
1 p.m. MG Suzann Growing Artichokes in Southern Nevada
2 p.m. MG Suzann Growing and Caring for Cacti in Southern Nevada
3 p.m. MG Susan Selecting the Right Tree
4 p.m. MGs Gardening Tips
Sunday, March 12th
11 a.m. MGs Gardening Tips
noon MG Debra How to Plant a Tree
1 p.m. MG Suzann Growing Artichokes in Southern Nevada
2 p.m. MG Suzann Growing and Caring for Cacti in Southern Nevada
3 p.m. MGs Gardening Tips
Presentation and Round-Table Descriptions
Descriptions are listed in chronology order of first occurrence. Table schedules are available. For the latest description and schedules contact the Master Gardener Helpdesk at 702-257-5556, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Schedules are subject to change.
Growing Lavender in Las Vegas
Presentation and Round Table, Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. Round Table at 3 p.m. and Presentation at 4 p.m.
Presenter: MG Glenda
Growing lavender in Las Vegas can be tricky. So many variables! Join the discussion as we focus on 3 species and talk about planting, the special pruning required, and life expectancy of different types of lavenders. We will show you firsthand how we fare with our lavender garden at the extension and share our successes and failures and what we have learned from a decade of experience growing lavender in the Mojave Desert. Come with questions and we look forward to hearing your
Glenda Thompson Bona has been a Master Gardener of Southern Nevada since 2012 and was the chair of the Herb Committee for 10 years. She has led work teams in the creation and maintenance of several areas of the Botanical Gardens, including the Lavender Garden. There will be a round-table discussion following her first 45-minute presentation where one-on-one questions can be answered. Her 4 p.m. presentation will be preceded by a 3 p.m. round table.
Gardening Tips
Round-Table Discussion, Friday 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 4 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Moderator: Various MGs
Joins us for a demonstration and discussion of gardening tools and methods to make your gardening more efficient. We will have a variety of tools available plus show some simple method of soil testing.
Growing Roses in Southern Nevada
Presentation and Round Table, Friday noon to 2 p.m.
Presenter: MG Judith
Rose growers who move to Las Vegas have many questions about how to grow roses with our native soil and desert environment. I too had this concern, but have learned over the years what works and the challenges. Come to our session as we discuss irrigation, soil, diseases, pruning, deadheading, fertilizing, summer heat and all the good things that make us committed to keep growing our favorite flower, the rose.
Master Gardener Judith has been growing roses in the desert for over 20 years. She is an American Rose Society Consulting Rosarian, Horticulture Rose Judge, and chairperson of the UNCE Master Gardener Rose Garden where over 50 different varieties of roses have been grown. Judith, a Master Gardener since 2005, will provide helpful information on growing beautiful roses that will make you the envy of your neighbors. There will be a round-table discussion following her 45-minute presentation where one-on-one questions can be answered.
Making Gardening Easier and Smarter
Presentation, Friday 1 p.m. and Sunday noon.
Presenter: MG Gail
Working smarter not harder certainly applies to gardening. Whether you are planting, pruning, or doing maintenance, there may be a better way to accomplish your tasks. Come join Master Gardener Gail as she discusses tips, tools, and techniques to make your gardening more efficient and enjoyable while putting less stress on your body.
Gail, who has been gardening for over 40 years and is a retired Certified Safety Professional, will provide many useful tips that will make gardening easier and more productive as she demonstrates some of these simple techniques. There will be a question-and-answer session after her presentation.
Attracting Beneficial Wildlife to Your Yard
Presentation, Friday 2 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m.
Presenter: MG Gail
Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard. MG Gail will share a PowerPoint presentation on how you can have your yard certified as a National Wildlife Habitat. The National Wildlife Federation has step-by-step guidance on the criteria necessary to support and sustain local wildlife. These criteria will be discussed in detail and will provide numerous helpful examples.
Not only you will be helping our local animals, but you will be making an environmentally friendly to place for them to survive. There will be a question-and-answer session after her presentation.
Tree and Shrubs; Planning, Planting, and Care
Presentation, Friday 3 p.m. and Saturday 1 p.m.
Presenter: MG Mike
Las Vegas is in the middle of the Mojave Desert and residents, even most landscapers don’t follow a few simple methods to give their trees the best possible conditions to be successful. Many people unintendedly harm their trees especially when planting. This presentation will cover how to plant, prune, water, and care for new and established trees. Trees are a big investment in money and time. Take a few minutes to learn how to care for your trees, new and old.
Master Gardener Mike will provide helpful information on planting, care, pruning, and watering. There will be a question-and-answer session after the presentation.
Palm Trees, Their Selection and Care in Southern Nevada
Presentation, Saturday 10:15 a.m. and Sunday 11 a.m.
Presenter: Professor ML Robinson
Professor Robinson will discuss the following:
• Selecting the right tree for your landscape.
• Which tress do well here in Southern Nevada
• Maintaining tree health.
• Palm diseases.
• When to fertilize and water.
• When and how to prune.
• Transplanting palms.
• How and when to transplant.
There will be a question-and-answer session after the presentation.
Honeybees, with Live Beehive Enclosure
Presentation and Round Table, Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Presenter: MG Jon
Honeybees are one of nature’s most social creatures and one of the most fascinating insects on our planet. In this 45-minute presentation we will discuss some interesting facts that make the honeybee so unique. We will also cover honeybee swarms, what they are and why they occur. Information on the Africanized honeybee’s presence in Southern Nevada will also be covered, how they differ from the European honeybee and safety tips on what to do if you encounter them. Come see honeybees up close. We will have an observation hive where you can safely see the bees and watch their behavior up close as they are contained behind a glass panel.
A round-table discussion will follow the presentation where visitors can observe the beehive and ask questions.
Becoming A Desert Gardener
Presentation and Round Table Saturday noon and Sunday 2 p.m.
Presenter: MG Ralph
Yes, we live in the desert and having a garden can be a challenge. But not to worry. All you have to do is select the right soil, the right plants for the right time and add water and care. We will talk about soils and plants. How and where to grow and care for them. We will also give you some handy tips on soil tests and ways to make gardening easier.
You don’t need a lot of land to grow thing. Your kitchen table, windowsill, patio or small backyard will do. All this will be discussed as well as some basic tools that will help.
Growing Artichokes in Southern Nevada
Round-Table Discussion, Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m.
Moderator: MG Suzann
Did you know you can grow artichokes in Southern Nevada? Attend this round table presentation and learn why artichokes are a great addition to your home garden. MG Suzann will take you on a virtual tour of the Community Demonstration Garden and demonstrate how you can successfully grow artichokes in Southern Nevada. At the end of the presentation, you will receive an artichoke seedling to take home along with transplanting and care instructions.
Selecting the Right Tree
Presentation and Round Table, Saturday 2-4 p.m.
Presenter: MG Susan
This session looks at the 10 trees that members of the Master Gardener Tree Committee selected as best to plant in Las Vegas, especially in the face of climate change and water restrictions. Criteria for establishing the list, as well as online references for further information will be provided.
A round-table discussion will follow the presentation where visitors can talk on-on -one with Susan about tree selection.
Growing and Caring for Cacti in Southern Nevada
Round-Table Discussion, Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Moderator: MG Suzann
Yes, you can grow cacti in Southern Nevada, but do you know what species of cacti grow best in our climate zone? Take a virtual tour of the UNR Botanical Cactus Garden and learn which varieties of cacti are best suited for Southern Nevada. Topics to be discussed in this round-table will be:
• A discussion of cacti species that thrive in the UNR Botanical Cactus Garden.
• How to choose the appropriate species of cacti for your home landscape.
• When to plant, water and fertilize cacti.
• Safety tips for the care and handling of cacti.
Urban Birds of Clark County and "How to Attract Them"
Presentation, Saturday 3 p.m.
Presenter: Alex Harper, Education and Outreach Chairperson for the Red Rock Audubon Society
Southern Nevada is home to a surprising number of bird species. Las Vegas and Henderson attract a variety of resident and migratory birds. In this slideshow presentation, Mr. Harper, a bird biologist, will be sharing with you tips for watching and attracting birds to your neighborhood here in the Mojave Desert. You'll learn about some of the common birds and their behavior, what they look for in a garden or yard, and how you can create habitat for these birds using xeriscaping practices.
There will be a question--and-answer session follow his presentation.
How to Plant a Tree
Round-Table Discussion, Sunday noon
Moderator: MG Debra
Planting a tree can be a simple process if you follow some basic rules. MG Debra will review some of the step to take. They include:
• Selecting the right location.
• Digging the right size hole and testing the soil.
• Adding the proper irrigation.
• Using container plants.
• Fertilizing, when and how.
• Pruning.