Periodic Review
For all peer-reviewed publications, the author will establish a review cycle in consultation with the area director. This cycle will be no greater than five years but may be more frequent.
When a publication becomes outdated and needs revising (either during or before periodic review), it is the responsibility of the area director to decide if the peer-review process is again required.
Minor Changes
Generally, additional peer review would not be needed if the revisions involve minor changes (such as updating statistics). The publication retains the original publication number and author, with the updated date placed in parentheses below the number of the publication.
Substantive Changes
Another peer-review process is required if the revisions involve substantive content changes, particularly to reflect new information or research. In consultation with the author, the area director will determine if another peer-review process is needed. A new number will be given to the publication after the editorial review is complete. For the editorial review, the author should submit a copy of the publication with proposed changes noted/tracked.
Author Changes
If the person making the substantive content changes and authoring the new publication is different from the original author, then that person will be listed as author of the new publication. However, the original publication's author and number will be referenced.
Use/Modification of Extension Publications by other entities
When other entities request to use part of Extension publications, they must confirm that use is for educational purposes only and not for financial gain, and the authors and University of Nevada, Reno Extension must be cited. If an entity wants to use a substantial portion of a given publication, the entity should be advised that it should use our publication in conjunction with its materials. Authors of the publications handle these requests.