What is Extension's official Copyright statement?

Copyright © 20XX, University of Nevada, Reno Extension.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, published, transmitted, used, displayed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher and authoring agency.

In instances where the piece is too small for the above statement, such as bookmarks or post cards, the following statement is acceptable:

Copyright © 20XX, University of Nevada, Reno Extension.

Spanish Translation

Derechos reservados 20XX de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno Extensión.

Todos los derechos son reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida, modificada, publicada, transmitida, usada, mostrada, guardada en un sistema de archivo o de ninguna forma transmitida ya sea electrónicamente, mecánicamente, fotocopiada, grabada o de otra manera sin el permiso escrito del publicista o agencia autorizada.

When should this Copyright statement be used?

The Copyright statement should be placed on print and electronic materials as a possible deterrent to someone using these materials for profit. This is especially important on larger materials, such as curricula, bulletins and videos. Materials prepared for the media, such as media releases or public service announcements, are an exception. Even though Extension materials are generally considered in the "public domain," the use of a Copyright statement will strengthen the position of the University in the event adjudication is necessary.

Is Web-based material protected by Copyright? Is it possible to link to and from sites without permission?

According to federal law and international conventions and treaties, all content appearing on the Web is protected by Copyright and should not be reproduced without written permission from the Copyright holder. (Watch out for journal articles because the author may not be the holder of the Copyright.) The linking issue has not been resolved. Under certain circumstances, it can be illegal to link to another's site without permission from that site. It is certainly considered unauthorized access and use if you copy something on that site that is Copyrighted. You can generally assume you are safe to link to another site, but take great care before copying and using materials from another site.

What about email? Can it be Copyrighted? Is it public or private?

Email is Copyrighted at the time it is written; however, posting someone else's email to you on a Web chat room is not only open to Copyright infringement, it is considered unethical and poor "netiquette." Thus, it is wise not to forward someone else's email message, unless it is done internally and routinely within an organization.

How can Extension's Copyright be protected when an outside individual or firm is hired to produce, for example, a video, artwork, graphics or photographs?

When an individual or firm is hired for these purposes, on the University's Independent Contractor form, specific written provisions must state that the University receives all rights to the material produced and retains ownership of the Copyright for these materials.

Is "Fair Use" still valid? How much of someone else's work can be copied under this doctrine?

There are no firm guidelines for "fair use." Its use has been shrinking due to increasingly restrictive views of "fair use" by the courts. Materials for which there is little worry include the use of commercially produced clip art and federally produced materials. "Fair use" is best protected in classroom settings. Other Extension units advise that the use be restricted to one time only (as opposed to being ongoing); the material be essential to a particular educational program; and copies be kept to a minimum. However, someone can get in trouble copying even small amounts of material that could ultimately be sold, unless it is with permission of the author.

  • See the written form letter for Extension employees to use when seeking permission for use of materials from another state or source.
  • See the written form letter for Extension employees to use when granting permission for use of its materials.

Form Letter for Seeking Permission to use Copyright Material in Extension Publications

(print on your letterhead)

(name and address)

Dear ________________:

I am (describe your position) at University of Nevada, Reno Extension.

(Describe in detail what material you wish to use and in what manner.) For example: I would like your permission to use the line drawings on Pages 32 and 38 of your publication, Weeds in the West, 2nd Edition, 1995, in a university fact sheet on yellow starthistle that we are producing.

This fact sheet, part of our educational program on weed control, will be printed on our printer and given away at our county offices and partner agency offices. If demand requires it, the fact sheet may be reprinted. We also make our publications available on the Web.

In order to fit our format, we would like to reduce the drawings by 32 percent, as depicted below (illustrate if possible):

We will give you credit for this use in the following manner: (State how you will credit their organization).

Please indicate your approval by signing this permission in the space provided, and returning it to me as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the proposed use, please call me at ______________, or e-mail __________________.

Thank you very much for this approval.








Form Letter for Granting Permission to use Extension Materials

(name and address)

Dear ______________:

It is University of Nevada, Reno Extension’s pleasure to give you written permission to adapt the format of ___________________________ (name of Extension publication or materials), for use in your _________________________ program.

Our suggested wording for the credit is: “Adapted with permission of University of Nevada, Reno Extension from its publication/materials, _______________________________________,” ________ (name and number).”

Please contact me if you have any questions.



(Title) __________________ 

Extension 2015, Copyright FAQs and Form Letters Asking for Permission and Granting Permission, Extension

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Foster, S. McCuin, G., Nelson, D., Schultz, B., and Torell, R. 2009, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension