
The Nevada Extension Risk Management Team was originally created under the USDA, Risk Management Agency Targeted States grant program about ten years ago. This grant-funded team was to provide risk management education to producers while increasing knowledge about current and update crop and livestock insurance options. The overall program also worked in different programs to provide education and information to manage risk in agriculture production, marketing, legal, financial and human resources. Over time, this team has built a collaboration of colleagues within University Systems, United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) and private business. This website is specifically designed to increase communication among all Nevada agriculture stakeholders about services, programs and educational opportunities.

The Ag Outlook team is currently designing content to help our small/urban farmers and ranchers deal with the impacts of COVID-19. So that we focus on items of value to you, please complete our short survey. Survey responses will help us better understand the needs of our small producers. Your answers will be kept confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your cooperation and your time! Survey

COVID-19 Resources for Producers

Sale Reports for Local, Surrounding Areas and Video Markets

Wholesale Price Updates from Nevada Beef Checkoff - find pricing data for Choice Grade Cuts and Select Grade Cuts, as well as Additional Pricing Data such as the current Choice-Select price spread and composite primal values.

Industry information

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been updating and expanding its list of approved COVID-19 disinfectants.

USDA ensures food safety during COVID-19 outbreak (and pertinent contact info for each of their continuing services can be found in this USDA COVID-19 FAQ).

  • Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) will continue inspections
  • APHIS and AMS will continue to provide critical inspections and grading services
  • AMS will continue to report commodity prices through its market news service

FDA offers assurance about food safety and supply for people and animals during COVID-10  


USDA COVID-19 Resources:


Recent Webinars

The University Center for Economic Development and special guests discuss what agricultural is looking like in the face of COVID-19.


Learn more about the program's team

Staci Emm
Program Leader
Carol Bishop
Team Member
Malieka Bordigioni
Team Member
Lindsay Chichester
Team Member
Bob Conrad
Team Member
Thomas Harris
Team Member
Noah Scott
Team Member