
The following list presents plants identified as “fire resistant,” “firewise,” or possessing a “favorable fire performance rating” in publications written by Cooperative Extension specialists in the western United States and scientists from the University of California Forest Products Laboratory. Only plants reported by at least two sources and adapted for Nevada’s climate zones (Figure 1) are included. Please note: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension does not assert that the plants listed here are actually more desirable (i.e., less flammable, harder to ignite, etc.), but is simply presenting what others have reported.

Nevada's climate zone keyMap layout of Nevada's climate zones

Figure 1. Climate zones of Nevada adapted from Sunset Western Garden Book (2001).

Nevada Climate

Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Achillea spp. Yarrow 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X X X X
Achillea filipendulina Fernleaf yarrow 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X   X
Achillea millefolium White yarrow 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X     X    
Allium schoenoprasum Chives 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X   X  
Aquilegia spp. Columbine 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Artemisia caucasica Silver spreader sage 2a,2b,10,11   X X        
Artemisia stelleriana Dusty miller 1a,2a,2b,10         X   X
Aurinia spp. Basket of gold 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X     X  
Bergenia spp. Bergenia 1a,2a,2b,13       X X   X
Carex spp. Sedges 2a,2b       X   X  
Centranthus ruber Jupiter’s beard 2a,2b,13   X X   X   X
Coreopsis spp. Coreopsis 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X X X X
Dianthus spp. Pinks 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Duchesnea indica Mock strawberry 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X X  
Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed 1a,2a,2b     X     X  
Erigeron hybrids Fleabane 1a,2a,2b     X   X   X
Eschscholzia spp. California poppy 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X X    
Fragaria spp. Wild strawberries 2b,10,11,13       X X X  
Gaillardia x grandiflora Blanket flower 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Geranium spp. Geranium 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X X X X X
Geranium cinereum Hardy geranium 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X   X
Geranium sanguineum Bloody cranesbill 1a,2a,2b         X   X
Helianthemum nummularium Sun rose 2b     X   X X  
Hemerocallis spp. Daylillies 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X   X X X X
Heuchera spp. Coral bells 1a,2a,2b,10,11     X X X X X
Iberis sempervirens Evergreen candytuft 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X   X
Iris spp. Iris 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X X X
Kniphofia uvaria Red hot poker 2a,2b   X   X X X X
Lavandula spp. Lavender 2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Leucanthemum x superbum Shasta daisy 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X   X
Limonium latifolium Sea lavender 1a,2a,2b,10   X         X
Linum perenne Blue flax 2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X X X
Lupinus spp. Lupine 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X X X X X
Oenothera spp. Evening primrose 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X X X X X
Papaver spp. Poppy 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Penstemon spp. Beard tongue 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X X X X X
Solidago spp. Goldenrod 1a,2a,2b,10,11     X X      
Stachys byzantina Lambs’ ears 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X X X X
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Delosperma spp. Ice plant 2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X   X
Echeveria spp. Hen and chicks 13       X   X  
Sedum spp. Stonecrop 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X X X
Sempervivum tectorum Hen and chickens 2a,2b,10,11,13     X   X   X
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Agropyron cristatum Crested wheatgrass 1a,2a,2b,10           X X
Agropyron smithii Western wheatgrass 1a,2a,2b,10   X       X X
Buchloe dactyloides Buffalo grass 1a,2a,2b,10,11   X       X X
Festuca cinerea Blue fescue 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13           X X
Lolium perenne Ryegrass 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13           X X
Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass 1a,2a,2b,10,11           X X
Ground Covers
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Achillea tomentosa Woolly yarrow 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X    
Ajuga reptans Bugleweed 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X X  
Antennaria spp. Pussytoes 1a,2a,2b     X   X    
Armeria maritima Sea thrift 1a,2a,2b   X X X X X X
Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X X X
Cotoneaster dammeri Bearberry cotoneaster 10,11,13   X   X      
Delosperma nubigenum Yellow ice plant 2a,2b,10,11,13     X     X X
Phlox subulata Creeping phlox 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13     X     X  
Potentilla tabernaemontanii Spring cinquefoil 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X X X   X
Thymus serpyllum Creeping thyme 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X   X X X  
Thymus pseudolanuginosus Wooly thyme 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X     X    
Vinca major Large periwinkle 10,11,13   X         X
Vinca minor Periwinkle 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X X   X X X
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Campsis radicans Trumpet vine     X   X      
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13       X X   X
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Acer ginnala Amur maple 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X        
Acer glabrum Rocky mountain maple 10 X   X     X X
Amelanchier spp. Serviceberry 1a,2a,2b X   X X   X  
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi* Kinnikinnick, bearberry 1a,2a,2b     X X X X X
Artemisia stelleriana Dusty miller 1a,2a,2b,10         X   X
Atriplex canescens* Saltbrush 10,11,13 X X   X     X
Buddleia davidii Butterfly bush 2a,2b,10,11,13       X   X  
Caryopteris x clandonensis Blue mist spiraea 2b       X   X  
Ceanothus species Deerbrush, wild lilac 10 X X X   X X X
Cercocarpus intricatus* Dwarf mountain mahogany 10,11 X   X   X    
Chrysothamnus spp.* Rabbitbrush 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X   X        
Cornus stolonifera Redtwig dogwood 1a,2a,2b X   X X X X  
Cotoneaster horizontalis Rock cotoneaster 2b,10,11,13     X X X X X
Daphne x burkwoodii Burkwood daphne 2b     X     X  
Euonymus alatus Burning bush 2a,2b,10     X X   X  
Fallugia paradoxa* Apacheplume 2a,2b,10,11,13 X   X        
Holodiscus dumosus Ocean spray 1a,2a,2b X   X   X X  
Ligustrum spp. Privet 2a,2b,10,11,13   X   X   X  
Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle 1a,2a,2b X   X   X   X
Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grapeholly 2a,2b,10,11     X X   X  
Mahonia repens Creeping holly 2b X X X X X X X
Philadelphus spp. Mock orange 1a,2a,2b,,10,11,13     X X X X  
Physocarpus monogynus Mountain ninebark 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X        
Potentilla fructicosa Shrubby potentilla 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X   X X X    
Prunus spp. Plum, cherry 1a,2a,2b,10   X X X X X X
Prunus virginiana Western chokecherry 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X     X  
Purshia tridentata* Bitterbrush 2a,2b,10     X       X
Pyracantha spp. Firethorn 10,11,13   X     X   X
Rhamnus spp. Buckthorn 1,2a,2b,10,11   X   X X   X
Rhododendron spp.* Azalea, rhododendron 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X   X   X  
Rhus spp. Sumac, skunkbush 1a,2a,2b,20,11   X     X X X
Ribes spp. Gooseberries, currants 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X X X X X X X
Rubus deliciosus Rocky Mountain thimbleberr 1a,2a,2b,10     X   X    
Rosa spp. Hardy roses 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13 X   X   X X X
Salvia spp. Sage 2a,2b,10,11,13   X     X   X
Shepherdia argentea Silver buffaloberry 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X X X    
Shepherdia canadensis Russet buffaloberry 1a,2a,2b,10     X   X   X
Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X   X X   X  
Syringa vulgaris Common lilac 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X   X   X X X
Viburnum spp. Viburnum 2a,2b,10,11     X X      
Yucca filamentosa Adam’s needle 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13 X   X X X X X
Botanical Name Common Name Zones1 AZ2 CA3 CO4 ID5 MT6 OR7 UT8
Acer spp. Maple 1a,2a,2b,10       X X   X
Acer grandidentatum Big-toothed maple 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X   X    
Acer negundo Box elder 1a,2a,2b,10 X       X    
Aesculus spp. Horsechestnut 1a,2a,2b,10   X   X   X  
Alnus rhombifolia White alder 1a,2a,2b,10   X     X    
Alnus tenuifolia Thinleaf alder 2a,2b,10 X   X     X  
Betula spp. Birch 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13         X X X
Betula occidentalis Water birch 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X        
Catalpa spp. Northern catalpa 2a,2b,10,11 X     X   X  
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13 X         X X
Cercis occidentalis Western redbud 2a,2b,10,11,13 X X     X    
Cornus florida Flowering dogwood 2b       X   X  
Fagus spp. Beech 1a,2a,2b       X   X  
Fraxiuns spp. Ash 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13   X   X X X  
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash 1a,2a,2b X   X   X    
Gleditsia tricanthos Honeylocust 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13 X   X X   X  
Malus spp. Crabapple 1a,2a,2b,10,11 X   X     X  
Populus spp. Poplar, cottonwood 1a,2a,2b,10,11   X   X X X X
Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen 1a,2a,2b X X X   X   X
Prunus spp. Plum, cherry 1a,2a,2b,10   X     X    
Prunus americana American wild plum 1a,2a,2b,10 X   X        
Prunus cerasifera Flowering plum 10,11,13 X   X        
Robinia pseudoacacia Black locust 1a,2a,2b,10,11,13 X     X X X  
Salix spp.* Willow 1a,2a,2b,10,11       X   X X
  • 1 Adapted from Sunset Western Garden Book. 2001. Lane Publishing Co.. Menlo Park, CA.
  • 2 Arizona. Source: DeGomez, T., J. Schalau, C. Jones. 2002. Firewise plant materials for 3,000 ft. and higher elevations. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication AZ1289.
  • 3 California. Source: Shelly, J. R., ed. 1997. Defensible space landscaping in the urban/wildland interface: a compilation of fire performance ratings of residential landscape plants. University of California Forest Products Laboratory. Prepublication copy.
  • 4 Colorado. Source: Dennis, F. C. 2004. Firewise plant materials. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. No. 6.305.
  • 5 Idaho. Source: Carree, Y., C. Schnepf, and W. M. Colt. 1998. Landscaping for wildfire prevention. University of Idaho Forest, Wildlife, and Range Experiment Station. Station Bulletin 67.
  • 6 Montana. Source: Gough, R. E. and Lamb, J. 2001. Fire-resistant plants for Montana landscapes. Montana State University Extension Service. Fact Sheet MT 2001-01 AG.
  • 7 Oregon. Source: Fitzgerald, S. and A. J. Waldo. 2002. Fire-resistant plants for Oregon home landscapes. Oregon State University Extension Service. Forest Resource Note No. 6.
  • 8 Utah. Source: Kuhn, M. 2002. Firewise plants for Utah landscapes. Utah State University Extension. Fact Sheet NR/FF/002.

*Some reviewers of this publication disagree with the findings of the authors cited in this document and consider this particular plant a poor choice.

Smith, E. amd Sistare, S. 2005, A Compilation of Good Plant Choices for Nevada’s High Fire Hazard Areas, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-05-16

Authors of this scholarly work are no longer available.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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