Nevada Online Pesticide Safety Course

The Online Pesticide Safety Course is hosted by Extension Foundation Campus. When you click on the link below, right click and choose “Open Link in New Tab.” You will then be able to move between this webpage with instructions and the eXtension web pages.

The link for Extension Foundation Campus is - it will take you to the page below.

graphic of the extension online campus website with a circle around the login button

Click on the “Log In” button top right of the page to create a new account (red circle) and it will take you to the page below.

graphic of the login screen of the extension onlince campus with a circle around the create a new account button

If you have an existing account and password, enter it in the log in boxes on the left hand side of this page.

If it is your first time at the site, you will need to click on the “create new account” button (red circle). 

The site will ask you to agree to the Cookie Policy.

graphic of Extension Foundation Campus website that depicts their cookie policy

Fill in the required information on the New account form (shown below) and then click on the “Create my new account” (red oval). The requested information is somewhat extensive, but they do not share your information.

graphic of the create new account screen on the extension online campus website

Extension Foundation will send you an email with log in instructions. Go back to the home page, and click on the log in button again. The same log in page will show up. This time enter your new username and password.

The following page will come up. Click on Pest Management (red circle)

graphic illustrating how to navigate to the pest management course on extension onlice campus

Then, the following menu will come up; click on Nevada (red circle).

graphic of the extension online campus website illustrating how to navigate to the Nevada section

Choose the Nevada Certified Applicator Pesticide Safety Course.

The course consists of all the chapters of the Nevada Pesticide Applicator’s Certification Workbook. All chapters are in PDF format and available to download or read at this site.

In Nevada, all certified applicators must pass a General Exam and at least one Category Exam. This site provides a PRACTICE General Exam and 4 of the most common PRACTICE Category Exams.

The practice General Exam consists of 50 randomly selected multiple choice or true/false questions that cover general pesticide safety knowledge. Prior to taking the practice General Exam, study Chapters 1-6 in this online course or read these chapters located under the Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook tab on this website or read these chapters in the Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook. A passing grade on this exam is 60%, or 30 correct answers. You may take this exam as many times as you would like. Each time, the exam will randomly choose 50 questions from a 100+ question bank. The PRACTICE General Exam is Chapter 7 in this course. You can navigate directly to it using the chapter links in the left hand column of the course, as shown below.

graphic illustrating how to navigate to the pesticide applicators practice test

graphic of the extension online campus website illustrating how to navigate to the pesticide applicator practice exam

Click on the exam link and the page above will come up. Click on “Attempt quiz now” button. Below is the first question shown of a quiz attempt.

graphic of the Nevada certified applicator pesticide safety course quiz navigation page

Five practice Category Exams have also been developed for the most popular categories:

  • Category 1A: Agricultural Pest Control - Plants
  • Category 3: Ornamental and Turf Pest Control
  • Category 5: Aquatic Pest Control
  • Category 6: Right-of-way Pest Control
  • Category 11: Nursery and Greenhouse Pest Control

The five PRACTICE category exams are housed in their respective category chapters. Again, you can navigate directly to them using the left hand column chapter links. Click on the chapter and a menu of what is available in that chapter will appear. Click on the PRACTICE exam for that chapter and you will be taken directly to the quiz. The practice Category Exams are 20 randomly selected multiple choice or true/false questions. Before attempting a practice Category Exam, read that category's chapter in the Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook. A passing grade on a practice Category Exam is 60%, or 12 out of 20 questions correct. You may take the practice Category Exams as many times as you would like. Each time, the exam will randomly choose 20 questions from a 40+ question bank.

graphic of the sidebar of the extension online campus navigation bar illustrating how to navigate to the practice exam

For example, when you click on Category 1A: Agricultural Pest Control – Plants, the following comes up:

graphic of the category 1A practice test for agricultural pest control

Click on the exam link and the page below will come up. Click on “Attempt quiz now” button.

graphic of extension online campus website and the button you need to click on to attemp the practice test

The Nevada Pesticide Applicator's Certification Workbook can be purchased using this order form. The chapters may also be downloaded as free pdfs at the following link: 

If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Jensen at or 775.336.0249.

Hefner, M. 2020, Nevada Online Pesticide Safety Course, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno. IP

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Storing Pesticides Safely/ Almacenamiento Seguro de Pesticidas
This bilingual (Spanish and English) publication describes the proper way to store pesticides safely and how to dispose of unwanted pesticides. This is one of a series of 10 Pesticide Use and Safety/ Uso y Seguridad de Pesticidas fact sheets.
Hefner, M., Kratsch, H., Fisher, J. and Schaerer, M.F. 2020, University of Nevada, Reno Extension Fact Sheet FS-20-03
How Pesticides Enter Your Body / Cómo los Pesticidas entran en tu Cuerpo
This bilingual (Spanish and English) publication describes the different ways pesticides can enter the body and the signs and symptoms of pesticide poisoning. This is one of a series of 10 Pesticide Use and Safety/ Uso y Seguridad de Pesticidas fact sheets.
Hefner, M., Fisher, J., Kratsch, H., and Schaerer, M.F. 2020, University of Nevada, Reno Extension Fact Sheet FS-20-05
People shopping for pesticide products in a hardware store.
Pesticide Labels Explained
Tips for considering when to use a pesticide and the basics of reading pesticide labels.
Jensen, C. and Kratsch, H. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Associated Programs

people learning to identify a tree

Green Industry Training

A workforce development program to train green industry professionals, who receive continuing education units for pesticide applicator, ISA-certified arborist and Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper

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Pesticide Safety Education Program

Extension’s Pesticide Safety Education Program provides web-based training for pesticide applicators seeking to apply restricted and general use pesticides safely, properly and according to the law. Pesticide licensure and certification is administered by the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

Weed Warriors Invasive Weed Training cb

Weed Warriors Invasive Weed Training

The Weed Warriors program tackles the growing problem of weeds on public and private land.