Photo of Reyna Mendez, Extension

Reyna Mendez

Business Development Instructor


Reyna teaching a class at Latin Chamber

Small Business Education - Versión en Español

El Small Business Education Program tiene como objetivo instruir a los dueños de pequeños negocios y emprendedores acerca de conceptos fundamentales de negocio, mientras brinda acceso y dirección a recursos informativos. Los dueños de pequeños negocios, en cualquier etapa de desarrollo, pueden beneficiarse de las oportunidades educativas y del conocimiento de todos los recursos de nuestra red empresarial. Aquí es donde el Small Business Education Program, con sus talleres y relaciones con progra

Reyna Teaching a Class

Small Business Education Program

The Small Business Education Program aims to instruct small business owners about fundamental business concepts while providing access and direction to informational resources. Small business owners, at any stage of development, can benefit from educational opportunities and awareness of all business network resources. This is where the Small Business Education Program, with its workshops and relationships with Nevada business programs, steps in to act as a guide.

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Business Development Program Summary
Business Development Program Brochure
The Business Development Program aims to instruct small business owners about fundamental business concepts while providing access and direction to informational resources. This is where the Business Development Program, with its workshops and relationships with Nevada business programs, steps in to act as a guide.
Borden, B., Thomas, L., Salas, J., Mendez, R. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Informational Publications
Two people shaking hands
Business Resource Partners with the Small Business Education Program
Listing of the resource partners for the Small Business Education Program
M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Someone looking at the Business part of newspaper
An Introduction to the Business Model Canvas | SBEP Start-Up Class
This video introduces the Business Model Canvas, a planning and modeling tool that allows business organizations at all levels of development to visualize how they create, deliver and capture value.
M. Bindrup, R. Mendez, A. Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Video
Whiteboard with lots of drawings concerning products
What is the Business Model Canvas | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
This is a brief introduction to understanding and setting up a Business Model Canvas, a planning and modeling tool that allows business organizations at all levels of development to visualize how they create, deliver and capture value.
M. Bindrup, R. Mendez, A. Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Video
Desk full of paperwork, calculator and cash with Juan Salas
¿Puedo recibir un salario como sole proprietor? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
Todos los dueños quieren ganar dinero en sus pequeñas empresas. Pero, ¿puedes ponerte en nómina como propietario único? Vamos a explicar si esto es posible en una empresa unipersonal o "sole proprietor."
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
3 apps para simplificar tu bookkeeping | SBEP Finance Class
Mantén tu información contable organizada con estas tres increíbles Apps. En esta clase exploraremos softwares de contabilidad como Quickbooks, Xero y Wave. Descubre cómo estas apps pueden ayudarte en la organización financiera de tu negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Small fruit market with aisles of foods with Juan Salas
¿Necesito una LLC para mi negocio? | SBEP Startup Town Hall
El abogado Kevin Johnson J.D. te ayudará a entender todo acerca de empresas LLC—sociedades de responsabilidad limitada—y cómo pueden beneficiar tu pequeño negocio. Alfredo Cedeño se une para informarnos acerca de las actualizaciones de algunos préstamos del SBA.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Binrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Woman working at a desk with computer, calculator with Juan Salas
Cierre de cuentas en tu negocio | SBEP Finance Class
¡Es fin de año y ya es hora de cerrar los libros y prepararse para los Impuestos!. Todo el mundo tiene que cerrar sus libros en su pequeña empresa. En esta clase, revisaremos sus resultados de fin de año para que pueda cerrar sus libros de impuestos y estar preparado para el próximo año.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Binrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
2 women sitting at a table discussing a topic with Juan Salas
You've Hired Your First Employee—Now What? | SBEP Finance Class
Join us to explore the expectations for the first week and learn about the federal and state requirements for employers in areas such as payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and worker's compensation.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Binrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Lady holding a POS terminal and someone using a phone to pay with Mike Bindrup
Going Cashless in Your Business | SBEP Operations Class
Take advantage of electronic payments for your small business. In this class, you will learn about different payment app options, best practices to organize cashless accounting, and more.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
A shopping mall decorated for Christmas with Mike Bindrup
Holiday Marketing Extravaganza! | SBEP Marketing Class
Start planning your marketing for the holidays right now, so you can get your brand out there, and increase your sales this holiday season! In this class, we go over trends about buyer behavior around the holidays this year and the changes that the pandemic has brought to the marketplace. We also have 10 strategies to
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Woman holding a drink and looking at a restaurant menu with Mike Bindrup
Restaurant Success: It All Starts with the Menu | SBEP Startup Class
Designing your menu is the most important task in planning the success of your restaurant. Learn all about what it takes to start your restaurant, such as profit margins, equipment needs, and customer expectations.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Hand holding a credit card in front of a computer with Mike Bindrup
Starting an eCommerce Business | SBEP Startup Class
Take advantage of a massive opportunity to sell your products online. In this class, we will talk about ways to sell your products, product sourcing, shipping, and more.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
A hand holding a credit card in front of a computer with Reyna Mendez
Inicia tu negocio de eCommerce | SBEP Startup Class
Toma ventaja de la gran oportunidad de vender tus productos y servicios en línea. En esta clase hablaremos de plataformas para vender tus productos o servicios en línea, manejo de inventarios, envíos, y más.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
business class
Técnicas de Venta Efectiva | SBEP Marketing Class
¡Nada sucede hasta que alguien vende algo! Necesitas tener una estrategia de ventas efectiva para tu pequeño negocio. En esta clase aprenderás técnicas de ventas efectivas que te ayudarán a cerrar buenos tratos para vender más de tus productos y servicios.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Instagram icon
Instagram Success Stories | SBEP Marketing Class
Learn the basics of Instagram stardom and how to captivate your audience with stunning photos and videos on this mobile app. In this class, we'll review target demographics, features, pitfalls, and more.
F. Stockett, J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Workpress page of internet
WordPress Basics | SBEP Marketing Class
WordPress powers more than 40% of the web! Learn about the basic concepts of WordPress and the best way to start using it in your business.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Stack of start up books and Juan Salas
¡Conoce a Nevada Business Hub! | SBEP Management Town Hall
Nuestros invitados de "Nevada Business Hub" nos comentan sobre los servicios gratuitos para empresarios sobre prestamos, contratación, desarrollo de talento, reclutamiento, despidos y entrenamiento. También actualizaciones del SBA.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Several $100 bills stacked to look like a house with Juan Salas
¿Cómo calificar para un préstamo de negocios? | SBEP Startup Guide
¿Necesita un préstamo para su pequeña empresa? ¿Cuáles son los requerimientos mínimos? Asegúrese de saber lo que necesita y de que está preparado antes de ir al banco. En este video, hablamos sobre crédito y conceptos básicos.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Tax forms and coffee with Juan Salas
¿Cómo pagar taxes en mi LLC? | SBEP Finance Guide
Las cosas que realmente tenemos que hacer en la vida es pagar impuestos y morir ¿Cierto? Así que, si hay que pagar impuestos, debemos asegurarnos de pagarlos de la manera correcta. Este video te explicará cómo pagar impuestos en una LLC.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
City map with Juan Salas
¿Cómo sacar tu licencia local en el sur de Nevada? | SBEP Startup Guide
En el Valle de Las Vegas tenemos cinco jurisdicciones que conceden licencias: City of Las Vegas, Clark County, the City of North Las Vegas, the City of Henderson y Boulder City. Este video te ayudará a identificar la jurisdicción correcta para obtener tu licencia de negocio en el sur de Nevada.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Road sign with Juan Salas
¿Cómo usar "El Roadmap" del Nevada Department of Business & Industry? | SBEP Startup Guide
¿Quiere iniciar un negocio en Nevada? ¡Aprende sobre la herramienta para negocios "Roadmap"! Este video es un breve tutorial sobre cómo navegar esta guía de recursos para negocios del Nevada Department of Business and Industry.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Woman being interviewed by 2 other women with Juan Salas
¿Listo para contratar un nuevo empleado? | SBEP Management Class
Aprende y siéntete listo para entrevistar y contratar. Ya que muchos negocios no tienen un departamento de recursos humanos, queremos ayudar a los empresarios a aprender sobre descripción de trabajo, entrevistas e incorporación de empleados. Acompáñanos en la clase para aprender sobre conceptos y un plan de acción.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Business paper
¿Necesito Una Licencia del Estado? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Vamos a aclarar las dudas sobre las licensias del estado de Nevada y las excepciones para no pagar el registro.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube Channel
Bakery shelves with baked goods with Juan Salas
¿Qué es un agente registrado? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Cuando formas una entidad comercial en Nevada, una de las primeras preguntas que le harán es: "¿Quién es su agente registrado?" Las entidades comerciales en el estado de Nevada deben tener un agente registrado. Este breve video te damos la respuesta sobre: ¿Qué es un agente registrado y qué hacen?
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Several muffins with Juan Salas
¿Qué es un código NAICS? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
El significado de las siglas NAICS es North American Industry Classification System. En este video hablaremos de los códigos NAICS y del por qué es importante que conozcas este código de tu negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube
Barber shop with lady cutting a man's hair with Juan Salas
¿Qué es un número EIN? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
El Número de Identificación del Empleador o EIN es requerido por el IRS a la mayoría de los negocios. En este video hablaremos de: ¿Qué es un EIN? ¿Cómo se aplica para un EIN? Y si necesitas uno para tu pequeño negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Man standing behind a coffee counter with Juan Salas
¿Qué son restricted y series LLCs? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Hay dos tipos de compañias de responsabilidad limitada, o LLC, en Nevada. Este video hablamos sobre LLC restringidas y LLC en serie.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Palm Trees and white sand on the beach with Reyna Mendez
¿Quieres tomar vacaciones de tu negocio? | SBEP Operations Class
Los dueños de pequeños negocios generalmente no tienen el tiempo de tomarse unas vacaciones porque carecen de una estructura de procedimientos en su negocio ¿Qué puedes hacer para tomar tiempo libre y que tu negocio siga creciendo? ¡Aprende a establecer procesos adecuados para tu negocio!
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer laptop with charts displayed with Juan Salas
Análisis de reportes financieros | SBEP Management Class
Vamos repasar los reportes financieros principales, como se crean y cómo los podemos usar para tomar decisiones.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer with graph and Juan Salas
Analysis of Financial Reports | SBEP Management Class
In this video, we'll review basic financial reports and how we can analyze them to make decisions.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Facebook and Instagram logos with Reyna Mendez
Anuncios efectivos en Facebook | SBEP Marketing Class
¿Piensas que tu publicidad pagada no está dando resultados y deseas mejorar el marketing digital de tu negocio?? Aprende conceptos y herramientas que te ayudarán a mejorar los resultados de tu publicidad pagada en Facebook.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Lots of forms and papers in a folder
Bookkeeping Concepts and Software Tools | SBEP Finance Class
This video will teach you all about bookkeeping concepts, charts of accounts, and how everything should be balanced and organized to produce financial reports. Let's explore some options for software and your action plan to keep your numbers up to date!
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Old timey sign about salary loans with Juan Salas
Business Credit Basics | SBEP Finance Town Hall
Learn the ins and outs of establishing business credit in this Town Hall. Alannah T. Ariel with Operation Hope goes over business credit basics, including establishing new business credit, how business and personal credit scores affect you in your business, and tips and tricks on building on existing business credit.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer with charts and graphs and Juan Salas
Business Entity and Taxes | SBEP Finance Class
Before entering into business, learn about the different tax structures that you can run your business under. Open an LLC in NV with SilverFlume and understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various tax structures.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Laptop opened with charts and graphs
Cash Flow, Income, Expenses and Taxes | SBEP Finance Class
This video will teach you all about the Cash Flow Report, which includes the sections of the report, its uses, and its limitations. It'll also go over examples to use for planning expenses, taxes, and projections.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Someone counting money over a pile of papers with Juan Salas
Close Your Books | SBEP Finance Class
It's year-end, and it's about that time again! Everybody has to close their books in their small business. In this class, we'll review your year-end results so that you can close your books for taxes and be prepared for next year.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube Channel
2 women sitting discussing an evaluation with Juan Salas
Cómo evaluar empleados de pequeñas empresas | SBEP Management Class
La evaluación de empleados es una oportunidad para revisar cómo sus responsabilidades y habilidades se alinean con los objetivos de la empresa. Es una herramienta para ayudar a los empleados y a la empresa a sincronizar sus esfuerzos.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Business with a Google sign with Reyna Mendez
Cómo Usar Google My Business | SBEP Marketing Class
Crea una reputación en línea con tu perfil de negocio gratuito y conéctate con tus clientes potenciales a través de Google y Maps.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Wordpress app on a phone and Mike Bindrup
Conceptos básicos de WordPress | SBEP Marketing Class
Aprende los conceptos basicos y la mejor forma de usar WordPress en el marketing de su negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Tax forms, sticky notes, calculator and Juan Salas
Contrataste a tu primer empleado—¿y ahora qué? | SBEP Finance Class
Únase a nosotros para explorar las expectativas para la primera semana de trabajo y conocer los requisitos federales y estatales para empleadores en áreas como impuestos sobre la nómina, seguro de desempleo y compensación laboral.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Road sign with Juan Salas
Descripción del Roadmap de Negocios | SBEP Startup Quicktip
¿Quieres iniciar un negocio en Nevada? ¡Comienza con el Business Roadmap! En ??este video, vas a aprender sobre el "Road Map" del Departamento de Negocios e Industria de Nevada, que es una herramienta gratuita para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas de Nevada y futuros dueños de negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Facebook like sign with Reyna Mendez
Diferencias Entre Likes y Engagement | SBEP Marketing Quick Tip
Mucha gente no entiende por qué "engagement" no significa simplemente tener "likes" en las redes sociales. ¡Ellos no son los mismos! Aprenda la diferencia entre "likes" y "engagement" en las redes sociales.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Small business selling hot dogs and Juan Salas
Diferencias entre una S-Corporation y C-Corporation | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Hay muchos conceptos erróneos sobre las diferentes estructuras corporativas. Muchos empresarios tienen preguntas sobre qué tipo de corporación deberían establecer. Este video explica las diferencias y similitudes entre C-Corps y S-Corps en su uso como estructura tributaria empresarial.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Facebook buttons and like hands with Reyna Mendez
Do I Need an LLC for My Business? | SBEP Operations Town Hall
Kevin Johnson J.D. helps us learn all about LLCS—limited liability companies—and how they can benefit your small business. Alfredo Cedeño also joins us for more SBA loan program updates.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevdad, Reno
Facebook and Instagram logos with Reyna Mendez
Effective Facebook Ads | SBEP Marketing Class
Learn about the concepts and tools that will improve the results of your paid advertising
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Fruit market with Reyna Mendez
Effective Sales Techniques | SBEP Marketing Class
Nothing happens until someone sells something! You need to have an effective sales strategy in your small business. In this class, you will learn five effective sales techniques to help you close more deals and sell more of your products and services.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Several business papers with Juan Salas
El proceso de bookkeeping: proceso y uso practico | SBEP Finance Class
Ven a conocer sobre el proceso de "Bookkeeping". Vamos a definir categorías, tipos de cuenta, activos, pasivos y patrimonio. Cómo mantener todo ordenado para generar reportes financieros que podemos usar. Hablaremos sobre programas de contabilidad y un plan de acción.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Law library with lots of books and Juan Salas
Employee Handbook and Nevada Labor Law Basics | SBEP Management Class
Learn about the benefits of having an employee handbook and the basic Nevada labor law requirements to watch out for.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Facebook buttons with Reyna Mendez
Facebook para negocios | SBEP Marketing Class
¡Descubre Facebook y el poder que tiene para impulsar tus ventas y el reconocimiento de tu marca!
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Calculator and tax forms on a desk with Juan Salas
Flujo de efectivo | SBEP Finance Class
Aprende sobre el flujo de caja—"Cash Flow"—y las secciones de este reporte. Vamos a ver ejemplos de liquidez, rentabilidad y conocer el ciclo de conversión ¿Qué tan rápido conviertes un producto en cash? También un plan de acción para evitar problemas de liquidez.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Hand holding a phone with Instagram page
Historias de éxito en Instagram | SBEP Marketing Class
Aprende los conceptos básicos para convertirte en una estrella de Instagram. Cautiva a tu audiencia con fotos y videos impresionantes. En este taller hablaremos de historia de Instagram y su audiencia, características, interfaz, y más.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Neon open sign with Mike Bindrup
How to Really Start a Business in Nevada | SBEP Startup Class
Have you ever really wanted to know how to start a small business in Nevada? If so, this is the video for you! We go over everything you need to launch your business, from entity structuring to marketing and launching your new venture.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Scrabble tiles spelling out Social Media with Reyna Mendez
How to: ¿Cómo empezar con las redes sociales? | SBEP Marketing Guide
Este video trata sobre cómo comenzar con las redes sociales en su pequeña empresa.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Coins and dollar bills with Juan Salas
Impuestos de LLC y mi compensación | SBEP Finance Class
¿Está tu LLC usando la mejor estructura de impuestos? ¿Te estás pagando adecuadamente? Aprende sobre la estructura de impuestos de tu LLC, como pagarte y tus obligaciones federales y estatales cuando eres tu propio empleador.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Several tax forms and cup of coffee with Juan Salas
Impuestos que aplican en mi negocio | SBEP Finance Class
Todos queremos minimizar nuestros impuestos, aquí vamos a aprender sobre los impuestos que aplican en tu negocios para mantener el control tributario.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Tax records with Juan Salas
Impuestos y mi negocio | SBEP Finance Class
A nadie le gusta pagar impuestos adicionales o multas, por eso te traemos toda la información sobre los principales impuestos (taxes) que pueden aplicar en tu negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Typewriter with paper saying Copyright Claims with Mike Bindrup
Intellectual Property Basics | SBEP Operations Class
Your creation deserves protection. In this class, you will learn about concepts to protect your intangible assets.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
man at deli counter with Juan Salas
La diferencia entre empleados y contratistas independientes | SBEP Management Quick Tip
¡No te metas en problemas con el IRS! Un error común que comete un dueño de pequeño negocio es confundirse acerca de cuándo tiene un empleado o un contratista independiente. Incurrir en este error puede traerle problemas con el Tío Sam. En este video discutiremos las diferencias entre un empleado y un contratista indep
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Microphones and headphones on a desk with Reyna Mendez
Live Streaming for Business | SBEP Marketing Class
Live streaming should be an important part of your marketing plan. Live videos are opening up a new world of customer interaction. In this workshop, we will focus on why you must use live video to transform your business. Also, we will provide you with tips to create them effectively.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Open book with plant in background with Juan Salas
Manual del empleado y leyes laborales basicas en Nevada | SBEP Management Class
Aprende sobre los beneficios de tener un manual del empleado y leyes laborales básicas en Nevada.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer laptop with marketing books with Reyna Mendez
Marketing digital conceptos básicos | SBEP Marketing Class
Aprende de manera efectiva los elementos principales del marketing digital, funciones, y aplicaciones. Revisaremos conceptos básicos que te ayudarán a crear una estrategia de marketing para tu negocio.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Google page on a computer with Reyna Mendez
Maximize Your Website with SEO | SBEP Marketing Class
Learn everything there is to know about SEO, which stands for search engine optimization. SEO can improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to your website or web page from search engines.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Large vault and Juan Salas
New PPP Loan Information | SBEP Finance Town Hall
The SBA brings updates and new information about the second PPP Loan. Restaurants and other small business owners can find information about the application process in this video. USBank and Prestamos give tips and suggestions to help speed up the application process.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Two women talking at a table with Juan Salas
Productive Employee Evaluations for a Small Business | SBEP Management Class
Employee evaluations are an opportunity to assess how responsibilities and skills are aligned to company goals. It's a great tool to help employees and the company synchronize efforts.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube Channel
Computer and woman drawing on whiteboard with Mike Bindrup
Startup Cost and Financial Projections | SBEP Startup Class
Assessing business viability and creating financial projections can be a challenge for entrepreneurs. In this class, we will discuss topics related to startup cost estimates, financial projections, break-even analysis, and budgeting.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
A hand holding several $100 bills and Juan Salas
Taxes in an LLC and Owner's Compensation | SBEP Finance Class
Is your LLC under the correct tax structure? Are you paying yourself correctly? In this class, you'll learn how to understand your LLC tax structure, get paid as an owner, and pay employee taxes and Nevada taxes.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
An accounting spreadsheet filled in with numbers and Juan Salas
Three Apps to Simplify Your Bookkeeping | SBEP Finance Class
Keep your accounting information organized with these three amazing apps. This class will explore Quickbooks, Xero, and Wave bookkeeping software and how these apps can help you streamline your business accounting processes.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Youtube
Chalk board with menu of drinks at a restaurant with Juan Salas
Un restaurante exitoso comienza por el menú | SBEP Startup Class
Diseñar el menú es la tarea más importante a la hora de planificar el éxito de su restaurante. Aprenda todo sobre lo que se necesita para iniciar su restaurante, como los márgenes de ganancia, las necesidades de equipos y las expectativas de los clientes.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Several people meeting around whiteboard with Juan Salas
Understanding Behaviors for Effective Team Communication | SBEP Management Class
Owners and employers need to communicate effectively with their teams. Learn about the core behavioral styles and skills to be successful in communication.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Beach with palm trees and white sands with Reyna Mendez
Want to Take a Vacation from Your Business? | SBEP Operations Class
Small business owners are notorious for not taking vacations. because they are probably missing procedures in their business. What can you do to take time off and keep your small business thriving? Learn how to set up successful procedures for your business!
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Sample business license and Juan Salas
¿Cómo pagarse en un Sole Proprietorship? | SBEP Finance Guide
Empezar un negocio como "Sole Proprietorship" es muy común por que es fácil y prácticamente automático, pero muchos emprendedores no saben como pagarse como dueño. En este video te explicamos como hacerlo y los puntos importantes a considerar. Este video es del Small Business Education Program. Visite nuestra página
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Laptop and Marketing book with Reyna Mendez
Digital Marketing 101 | SBEP Marketing Quick Tip
Reyna will describe how to get the best for your small business through digital marketing. This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Laptop with charts and graphs with Juan Salas
Entidades en Nevada e impuestos | SBEP Finance Class
Entidades en Nevada e Impuestos | SBEP Finance Class Este video es del Small Business Education Program. Visite nuestra página para recursos,
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Lots of $100 bills and Juan Salas
How to Pay Yourself in a Small Business | SBEP Finance Guide
It's very important to know how to pay yourself in a small business.  This video teaches you the steps to paying yourself correctly.  This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Tax forms and Juan Salas
Taxes and My Business | SBEP Finance Class
Taxes are essential to a business. In this workshop, learn about the different types of taxes that might be applicable to your business at the state and federal level. Calculate and plan your tax compliance obligations related to profits, sales, and payroll, as well as the owner's individual tax.
J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Lady being interviewed by two other ladies with Juan Salas
Ready to Hire an Employee? | SBEP Management Class
Without a dedicated HR department, small business owners must learn about job descriptions, interviewing, job offers, and onboarding. Join the class to learn about these concepts and to develop an action plan.
Juan Salas, Reyna Mendez, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Tax forms and pen and Juan Salas
Taxes that Apply to My Business | SBEP Finance Class
Taxes aren't the most enjoyable subject for entrepreneurs, but it's vital to keep an open mind about them. This video will review business structures and the taxes that apply in each case at the federal and state levels. Learn about employee and independent contractor classification and compliance in NV.
Juan Salas, Reyna Mendez, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer that says under construction with Mike Bindrup
Build a Simple and Effective Website in a Day | SBEP Marketing Class
Have you ever wanted to learn how to create your own website in a day? This is a great class for you! We discuss the easiest way to get your business online by using "build-in-browser" website tools.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Coffee bar with Mike Bindrup
Cómo empezar un negocio en Nevada paso a paso | SBEP Startup Class
Todo lo que necesitas aprender para empezar tu viaje como empresario en Nevada. En este taller abordaremos todos los puntos importantes que debes considerar antes de iniciar tu negocio en el estado de Nevada.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Store front with Mike Bindrup
Do I Need a State Business License? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
A Nevada state business license is required to do business in Nevada—unless you are exempt. This short video addresses those exemptions and answers the question: do I need a state business license?
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Small business with man standing behind counter with Mike Bindrup
Employees vs Independent Contractors | SBEP Management Quick Tip
Stay out of trouble with the IRS! A common error that small business owners make is confusing when someone is an employee or an independent contractor. Getting this wrong can get you into trouble with Uncle Sam. In this short video, we'll discuss the differences between an employee and an independent contractor.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
City map with Mike Bindrup
How to: Find My Local Licensing Jurisdiction in Clark County Nevada | SBEP Startup Guide
In the Las Vegas Valley, we have 5 licensing jurisdictions: the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, the City of North Las Vegas, the City of Henderson, and Boulder City. This video will help you identify your business licensing jurisdiction in southern Nevada.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Scrabble tiles spelling out Social Media with Reyna Mendez
How to: Start with Social Media in My Small Business | SBEP Marketing Guide
This video will demonstrate how to use social media for your small business. This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Road sign with Mike Bindrup
How to: Use "The Roadmap" from the Nevada Department of Business & Industry | SBEP Startup Guide
Want to start a business in Nevada? You've got to use the Business Roadmap! This video is a short walkthrough of how to navigate the Business Roadmap from the Nevada Department of Business and Industry.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Facebook like hand with Mike Bindrup
Likes vs Engagement in Social Media | SBEP Marketing Quick Tip
Mike Bindrup explains the difference between likes and engagement in social media.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Coffee shop full of customers with Mike Bindrup
Members vs Managers in an LLC | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Are you the owner of a Limited Liability Company, or LLC? Who manages your LLC? LLCs can be managed by members or managers. This video will describe the differences between the functions of members and managers in an LLC.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Road map with Mike Bindrup
Overview of "The Roadmap" from the Nevada Department of Business & Industry | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
Want to start a business in Nevada? Start with the Business Roadmap! In this video, we'll look at an overview of "The Roadmap" from the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, which is a free tool available to help Nevada small business owners.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Typewriter with paper saying Copyright Claims with Mike Bindrup
Principios de propiedad intelectual | SBEP Operations Class
Tus creaciones merecen ser protegidas. En esta clase vas a aprender conceptos acerca de cómo proteger tus activos intangibles.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Business with chalk board menu and Mike Bindrup
Restricted & Series LLCs | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
There are two kinds of special Limited Liability Companies, or LLCs, in Nevada. This video discusses restricted and series LLCs.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Bicycle shop with lot of bikes and Mike Bindrup
S-Corporations vs C-Corporations | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
There are a lot of misconceptions about different corporate structures. Many entrepreneurs have questions about which kind of corporation they should establish. This video explains the differences and similarities between C-Corps and S-Corps in their use as a business structure.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada,Reno
Barber shop pole and brush with Mike Bindrup
What's a NAICS Code? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System. In this short video, we will discuss NAICS codes and why it's important for you to know the NAICS code for your business.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Bakery serving 2 pieces of cake and coffee with Mike Bindrup
What's a Registered Agent? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
When you form a business entity in Nevada, one of the first questions you will be asked is, "Who is your Registered Agent?" Business entities in the state of Nevada are required to have a registered agent. This short video will discuss the question: what's a registered agent and what do they do?
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Several guitars of different colors with Mike Bindrup
What's an EIN Number? | SBEP Startup Quick Tip
The Employer Identification Number, or EIN, is required by the IRS for most businesses. In this short video, we'll discuss: what a EIN number is, how to apply for one, and if you need one for your small business.
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Tax forms and coffee with Mike Bindrup
How to: Pay Taxes as an LLC | SBEP Finance Guide
This video will explain how to pay taxes as an LLC. This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada,Reno
Hands holding money with Mike Bindrup
How to: Qualify for a Small Business Loan | SBEP Startup Guide
This video discusses credit scores and small business loan qualification. What are the minimum qualifications? This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Small fruit business with Mike Bindrup
What's a Balance Sheet? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
In this short video, we'll answer the question: what's a balance sheet? This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Several $100 bill with Mike Bindrup
What's a Cash Flow Statement? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
In this short video, we'll answer the question: what's a cash flow statement? This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Bakery sign that says coffee bar and sandwiches with Mike Bindrup
What's an Income Statement? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
In this short video, we'll answer the question: what's an income statement?
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, F. Stockett, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Small business with dishes and sign that says Manager on Duty-Monica with Mike Bindrup
Can I Put Myself on Payroll as a Sole Proprietor? | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
Can I put myself on payroll as a sole proprietor? Mike will discuss if this is possible in a sole proprietorship. This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more:
M. Bindrup, J. Salas, R. Mendez, M. Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer with several graphs and charts with Mike Bindrup
All About Financial Statements | SBEP Finance Quick Tip
This video is about all of the financial statements. There are 3 financial statements: the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flow.
M. Bindrup, Juan Salas, Reyna Mendez, Farrah Stockett, Michelle Davis 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Christmas package with Christmas tree in backgroun
¡Marketing para las fiestas! | SBEP Marketing Class
Preparar tu plan de marketing para las próximas fiestas es esencial para incrementar tus ventas. ¡Entérate!
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Computer that says under construction with Mike Bindrup
¿Cómo construir tu sitio web en un día? | SBEP Marketing Class
Tener una página web nos brinda credibilidad ante nuestros clientes potenciales y nos brinda visibilidad en los buscadores.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube channel
Cup of coffee with a credit card in a terminal with Reyna Mendez
Cómo manejar pagos "contactless y cashless" en tu negocio | SBEP Operations Class
Toma ventaja de los pagos electrónicos para tu pequeño negocio. En esta clase aprenderás acerca de diferentes opciones de apps para pagos, mejores prácticas para organizar contabilidad de pagos electrónicos y más.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Several people standing around a computer with Reyna Mendez
Comunicación efectiva para trabajar en equipo | SBEP Management Class
Los propietarios y empleadores deben comunicarse de manera eficaz con sus equipos. Aprende sobre estilos y habilidades de comportamiento para lograr una comunicación grupal efectiva.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Lady looking at menu and lady writing down an order
Customer Service Secrets | SBEP Operations Class
A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. Learn the secrets of customer service and enhance positive experiences in your business.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Man writing on white board with other employees watching and Reyna Mendez
Desarollo personal para empresarios | SBEP Management Town Hall
Aprende sobre la importancia del bienestar y el desarrollo personal para dueños de pequeños negocios. Nuestra invitada Dulce Guzmán te ayudará a descubir cómo manejar la ansiedad, mejorar tu organización, manejo del tiempo y control de estrés. Alfredo Cedeño también se une a esta plática para comentarnos las actualizac
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Computer screen with designs and Reyna Mendez
Design with Canva | SBEP Marketing Class
Learn how to manage this fantastic tool that will help you to create content quickly and easily.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Computer on a desk with Reyna Mendez
Diseña con Canva | SBEP Marketing Class
Aprende a manejar esta sencilla herramienta de diseño que te ayudará a crear contenido fácil y rápido.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Inventory of shoes with Reyna Mendez
Mejora la calidad en tu negocio | SBEP Operations Class
Aprende la importancia de desarrollar e implementar un proceso de control de calidad en tu negocio.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Lady working on computer that says "How do we keep up?" with Reyna Mendez
Planificación estratégica con el Modelo Canvas | SBEP Startup Class
El Business Model Canvas. Aprenda los conceptos elementales de esta herramienta estratégica para ayudarlo a coordinar sus actividades comerciales y cómo se relacionan con su propuesta de valor.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
One girl behind the counter ringing up a sale for another girl with Reyna Mendez
Secretos del servicio al cliente | SBEP Operations Class
Un cliente satisfecho es la mejor estrategia comercial de todas. Conozca los secretos del servicio al cliente y desarrolle experiencias positivas en su negocio.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Clothing store with Reyna Mendez
Why Small Businesses Need to Practice Quality Control | SBEP Operations Class
Learn the importance of developing and implementing a quality control process for your small business.
R. Mendez, J. Salas, M. Bindrup, F. Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Whiteboard with drawings with Reyna Mendez
Business Model Canvas | SBEP Startup Class
This video will describe the Canvas Model and how it works with your small business. The Canvas Model is a method that allows organizations to create, deliver, and capture value. This webinar will focus on the "Nine Essential Building Blocks."
Reyna Mendez, Juan Salas, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Facebook buttons with Reyna Mendez
Facebook Business Basics | SBEP Marketing Class
Reyna Mendez teaches the basics for using Facebook for your small business.
Reyna Mendez, Juan Salas, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Microphones and headphones on a desk with Reyna Mendez
Livestreaming para negocios | SBEP Marketing Class
Live streaming es una parte importante en tu plan de marketing. Los videos en vivo abren un nuevo mundo de interacción con tus clientes. En este taller nos enfocaremos en el por qué debes usar live streaming para transformar tu negocio y cómo hacerlo de forma efectiva.
Reyna Mendez, Juan Salas, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Scrabble tiles spelling out Social Media with Reyna Mendez
Social Media Marketing | SBEP Marketing Town Hall
Learn all about social media marketing with our guest speaker Nicole Taylor Sharp! Alfredo Cedeño also joins us to discuss the SBA loan programs.
Reyna Mendez, Juan Salas, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno