Photo of Sarah Chvilicek, Extension

Sarah Chvilicek

4-H Youth Development Program Coordinator for Northern Nevada and Program Manager for Washoe County


Sarah Chvilicek works with Extension Staff in Northern Nevada to plan, implement and evaluate 4-H Youth Development Programs by recruiting, screening, and training volunteers and staff to deliver research-based curricula/projects to Northern Nevada youth.


horsing around in lake tahoe during the summer.

4-H Afterschool Program

The 4-H Afterschool Club teaches children basic life skills including math, reading, science, positive communication, goal setting, self-responsibility, decision-making and good nutrition. Youth who have these life skills are less likely to participate in risky behaviors.

4-H Ambassadors

4-H Ambassadors

Nevada State 4-H Ambassadors are 4-H youth from around the state who are committed in providing leadership for all 4-H members.

4H camper with soccer ball

4-H en Español

Los niños enfrentan muchos riesgos a medida que crecen y se desarrollan. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los niños puede beneficiarse enormemente de las interacciones positivas con adultos ejemplares. Los niños que adquieren buenas habilidades interpersonales y además cuentan con un sistema de apoyo, tienen menos probabilidades

bee pollinating flower

4-H Teen Pollinator Ambassador Program

Establish a statewide, Nevada 4-H Pollinator Ambassador Program, creating awareness, education, outreach, and peer-to-peer educational opportunities for at least 10 Nevada youth and adult Extension professionals.

Building rockets from straws in a great lesson in propulsion.

4-H Youth Development

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.

dog show

Carson City / Storey County 4-H Youth Development

If you or your children are looking for a quality and fun youth development experience in the Carson City area.

rocketeering on campus

Washoe County 4-H Youth Development

4-H strengthens and promotes healthy youth development to give young people the capacity to act as responsible citizens and agents of community change.

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Fact Sheets
2021 Nevada 4-H Annual Survey Summary Report, FS-23-27
The Nevada 4-H Evaluation and Assessment Working Group administered an annual survey to Nevada 4-H members to assess the impact of 4-H on statewide participants. This fact sheet presents the results of the 2021 statewide survey and helps to demonstrate the general value of 4-H in quantifiable measures (Goodwin, 2007).
Baker-Tingey, J., Luckey, B., Evans, B., Stark, C., Chvilicek, S., Luna, N., Chichester, L., Maio, H. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-27
Nevada 4-H Annual Survey Summary Report - 2020
Annual survey of Nevada youth regarding their 4-H experiences
Maio, H., Chvilicek, S., Luckey, B., Evans, W., Stark, C., Chichester, L., Baker-Tingey, J. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-94
Nevada 4-H Annual Survey Summary Report 2018
youth survey on their 4-H experiences
J. Baker-Tingey, B. Luckey, W. Evans, C. Stark, S. Chvilicek, L. Chichester, A. Hernandez 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno FS-20-31
Western Area 4-H Breeding Livestock Record Book
4-H Record Book to track a 4-H Breeding Livestock project for 5-18 year-olds. Tables for feed, growth, breeding, medical and expense tracking.
Chvilicek, S, Conklin, K, Mitchell, S 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
General Rules and Regulations for Washoe County 4-H Horse Members
General Rules and Regulations for Washoe 4-H Horse Program members. Signatures for acknowledgement required
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Horse Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Washoe County 4-H Horse Program Commitment to Excellence
Commitment to Excellence for all Washoe County 4-H Horse Program club members. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Horse Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Home Arts and Sciences Commitment to Excellence
Form attesting to a 4-H member's commitment to excellence for his Home Arts and Science project. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Home Arts and Sciences Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations for a Home Arts and Sciences project in Washoe 4-H. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
General Rules and Regulations for Washoe County 4-H Livestock Members
General Rules and Regulations governing Washoe County 4-H Livestock program members. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Livestock Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Youth Livestock Program Commitment to Excellence
A statement of intent for Livestock Project members to do the best possible job of Livestock care and feeding. Signatures are required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Livestock Leaders' Council 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms
Small Animal Program Commitment to Excellence
Form to substantiate the Commitment of a Small Animal Project member to the best Care and upkeep of their small animal project. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Small Animal Club Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
General Rules and Regulations for Washoe County 4-H Small Animal Members
Form for acknowledging the Rules and Regulations governing Washoe County 4-H Small Animal projects. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C.Stark, Washoe County 4-H Small Animal Club Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Cloverbud 4-H Record Book
Record Book for all "Cloverbud" project members (ages 5-8), with the exception of Horse Cloverbud projects.
Washoe County Extension 4-H team 2022, Extension- University of Nevada, Reno forms
4-H Cloverbud Horse Record Book
For all 4-H Horse project Cloverbuds (ages 5-8 years).
Washoe Extension 4-H team 2022, Extension - University of Nevada, Reno - 4-H
Nevada 4-H Program Annual Achievement Record
Annual record of 4-H Achievements, continued year to year. Part of 4-H member Record Book.
C. Stark 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms
Annual Achievement Record - Nevada 4-H Program
Annual Achievement Record for 4-H Members. Follows member throughout their 4-H years. Also used to justify Star Rank.
S. Schaffer 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, 4-H - Forms
boy showing cavy
4-H Cavy Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Cavy Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
girl playing with robot
4-H Home Arts and Sciences Project Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Home Arts and Sciences Project Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
girl on horse
4-H Horse Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Horse Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
girl showing horse
4-H Horseless Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Horseless Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
girl with sheep
4-H Market Livestock Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Market Livestock Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms
girl walking dog
4-H Northern Area Dog Project Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Northern Area Dog Project Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
girl holding chicken
4-H Poultry Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Poultry Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
boy showing rabbit
4-H Rabbit Record Book (Washoe County)
4-H Rabbit Record Book
Washoe 4-H Team 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms
Guidelines for keeping 4-H records books
Step-by-step guideline for keeping a 4-H Record Book. Includes tips on what to save, how to fill out general form, and how to record steps in the STAR RANK process.
Washoe County 4-H Awards Records Committee (A subcommittee of the Washoe County 4-H Leaders Council) 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Washoe County Forms
Informational Publications
4-h member making mask
Statewide 4-H Service Project
Help the Nevada 4-H Youth Development program donate 5,000 face masks to communities across the state!
Stark, C 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Special Publications
Nevada Stakeholder Perceptions of Youth Educational and Mental Health Needs During the Pandemic
Nearly a year after the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in the U.S., it is evident that the pandemic is more than just a physical health crisis, especially for young people.
Horrillo, S; Evans, W; Gallo, J; Norze, J; Stark, C; Sanchez, J; Demchak, M; Chvilicek, S; Bray, S; 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Resource Guide for Nevada Stakeholder Perceptions of Youth Educational and Mental Health Needs During the Pandemic
This Resource Guide to Support Youth and Families was developed to share community resources that are available through the University of Nevada, Reno and other state and community organizations.
Stark, C; Horrillo, S; Evans, W; Gallo, J; Norze, J; Sanchez, J; Demchak, M; Chvilicek, S; Bray, S 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Special Report
4-H Fun Food Projects
Learn to do fun food projects with the Washoe County 4-H Afterschool program staff.
Chvilicek, S. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno YouTube Channel