This Project Record Book has been created specifically for 4-H members enrolled in a Cavy 4-H project. Keeping a record book is an important part of the project. It will help you set goals for the project year, record your accomplishments, and provide a place to keep important records on your Cavy.

A record book is not meant to be a chore. Instead, it is a way for you to learn about your project, as well as other valuable lessons such as setting goals, collecting and evaluating information, tracking expenses and profits, organizing records, and other life skills.

At the beginning of the 4-H year you should select one/several of your animals to be your 4-H project animal(s) for the year. Then begin recording all of the relevant information on your animal in your record book on a monthly basis. It is important to keep your record book up to date, so that completing it does not become a chore at the end of the year.

Take a glance through the record book so that you can see how it is organized. As you can see, there are pages that pertain only to health, and pages that pertain to show records and/or financial summaries. You only need to complete the pages relevant to your project animal. However, you should complete all of the relevant project information.

Washoe 4-H Team 2021, 4-H Cavy Record Book (Washoe County), Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Forms

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Washoe County 4-H Youth Development

4-H strengthens and promotes healthy youth development to give young people the capacity to act as responsible citizens and agents of community change.