Calling all artists!

We are looking for a new design for our 4-H shooting sports t-shirt. This will be our official t-shirt for the upcoming year and will be available to purchase once designed. All youth currently enrolled in a 4-H Shooting Sports project may participate. Youth will design the front logo for the t-shirt. Designs must fit in designated space and not contain any violence or profanity. 


  • Choose a catchy slogan or idea, such as: 
    (“Taking Aim at Excellence”, “On target for success”, or “Building sharpshooter and leader”)
  • Make your artwork relate to shooting sports. 
  • You may use computer art, drawings, paintings, cutouts, etc.
  • Submission Information:


  1. Age limit: 9 and up
  2. Must be in an active shooting sports club
  3. The design must fit within the designated circle in the attached PDF.
  4. No copyrighted items like Sponge Bob, Disney Characters, or Marvel Adventure. Someone else created it and it’s against the law to use it.
  5. One entry per contestant
  6. Entrance fee of $5. Can be paid using a credit card by calling the State 4-H Office at (775) 784-4779

Winner Perks!

The winner gets a free t-shirt & ALL Shooting Sports fees waived for Expo 2025!

Retention on Design:

Once a design is submitted to the Nevada 4-H Youth Development Program, it becomes the property of the Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Program.

  • Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports has exclusive rights to reproduce the winning entry.
  • The submitting artist relinquishes all rights to the design.
  • The winning design will be worn by 4-H youth and adult volunteers involved in Shooting Sports at 2025 events.
  • Proceeds from sales will go to the State 4-H Shooting Sports Program.
  • Only one winner will be chosen.
Williams, Kristina 2025, 4-H Shooting Sports T-Shirt Design Contest, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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4-H Shooting Sports

The focus of all 4-H programs is the development of youth as individuals and as responsible and productive citizens. The 4-H Shooting Sports Program stands out as an example. Youth learn marksmanship, the safe and responsible use of firearms, the principles of hunting and archery, and much more. The activities of the program and the support of caring adult leaders provide young people with opportunities to develop life skills, self-worth and conservation ethics.