Photo of Marlene Rebori, Extension

Marlene Rebori

Professor and Community Development Specialist, State Specialist


Marlene Rebori's expertise includes public participation, civic engagement, leadership development, public policy and community development. She works with community groups and local governments in the area of facilitation, group process, community planning and problem solving, and public involvement.


B.A. Environmental Policy, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 1990
M.S. Forestry, Stephen F. Austin University, Texas, 1994
Ph.D. Public Policy, University of Nevada, Reno 2005


home on fire

Fire Toolkit Portal

The toolkit is developed to provide guidance for communities and on-the-ground organizers engaging in collaborative planning to reduce their threat to wildfire.

Thomas Harris speaking to group of Nevada Economic Assessment Project Stakeholders at an update meeting

Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP)

The Nevada Economic Assessment Project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal and environmental characteristics, trends and impacts. The data can be used for land use and project planning, grant writing and overall policy assessment.

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Fact Sheets
town hall meeting
Public Issues
This fact sheet discusses public issues and how to address them using a S.M.A.R.T. action plan.
Rebori, M. 2024, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno | FS-24-15
Promoting Civility in our Public Spaces: A primer for local officials
This fact sheet outlines effective strategies for local officials to apply in promoting civility and explains why the practice of civility and how modeling respectful processes and communication is critical for the overall health of our communities.
Rebori, Marlene K. 2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno | FS-23-29
Use Your Emotional Intelligence to Reclaim Civility
This short fact sheet will discuss why civility is important for communities and how to apply tips from emotional intelligence to help reclaim civility in our communities.
Rebori, Marlene K. 2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno | FS-23-24
Eureka Opera House
Community Assets for Eureka County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-03
Lyon County Courthouse
Community Assets for Lyon County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-04
Beautiful landscape with white fluffy clouds on a blue sky
Community Assets for Nye County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-121
Man fishing from a boat at Ely State Park
Community Assets for White Pine County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-02
Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park fields with snow covered mountains in background
Community Assets for Douglas County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, L. Chichester 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-07
Spencer Hot Springs
Community Assets for Lander County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, L. Erquiaga 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-05
Nevada Liberty Bell in Carson City, Nevada
Community Assets for Carson City, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, L. Taylor 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-10
St Mary's in the Mountains Catholic Church and Museum
Community Assets for Storey County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, L. Taylor 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-09
Mineral County Roadside Marker
Community Assets for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, S. Emm 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-08
Great Basin College in Humboldt County
Community Assets for Humboldt County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, B. Shultz 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet
Two large boots displayed at the Elko County Fair
Community Assets for Elko County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, J. Baker-Tingey 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Central Pacific Railroad Depot, Lovelock, NV
Community Assets for Pershing County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, S. Foster 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-73
Road sign saying Lincoln County
Community Assets for Lincoln County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
Marlene Rebori, Joe Lednicky, Buddy Borden, Donald Deever 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Little Free Libraries: Strategic Future Locations in the Reno Sparks Area
Little Free Libraries (LFLs) provide opportunities for increased access to books and reading material for children. LFLs are small custom-built freestanding boxes that house 20 to 100 books. Over 32,000 officially registered LFLs exist; they are in all 50 U.S.
Burge, P. and Rebori, M. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet-16-08
Little Free Libraries in Nevada: What, Why and How
LFLs are small, custom-built freestanding boxes that house anywhere from 20 to 100 books. LFLs are often uniquely designed (typically very cute) and can be made of any material able to withstand the outdoor elements. Finding a suitable location for the LFL is an important decision.
Bender, P., Burge, P., Powell, P., and Rebori M. 2015, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet-15-09
What is Obesogenic Environment?
The obesogenic environment comprises factors in our environment that support being obese. This fact sheet will define obesogenic environment.
Powell, P., Spears, K., and Rebori, M. 2010, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-11
Community Leadership Essentials for Nevada Communities Series Two: Skills Necessary for Effective Community Leadership
This fact sheet contains information on the characteristics of a community leader such as collaboration, communication, conflict management, and many more. Learn about the importance of each characteristic and how they can be combined to make a great community leader.
Rebori, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-60
Community Leadership Essentials for Nevada Communities: Series One: What is Community Leadership?
This fact sheet contains information on what it means to be a leader and the different types such as a tactical leader, positional leader, and community leader. Learn about the process, commitment, problems, trust, empowerment and many more.
Rebori, M. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-59
Motivating Reasons for Community Participation
This fact sheet contains motivating reasons behind community participation ranging from "wanting to make the community a better place to live" to "to learn about politics and government" and many more. Enjoy detailed tables with the rank, reason listed, frequency, percent, and level of significance in this fact sheet.
Rebori, M. 2005, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-05-53
Idea Listing Technique
This fact sheet contains important information on Idea Listing (Kaner 1996), a technique that groups may use to facilitate discussions for generating innovative ideas for addressing problems. Learn more about what it is and its use through detailed notes and steps that anyone can take.
Rebori, M. 2003, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-03-47
Anonymous Brainstorming Technique
Groups often struggle to find collaborative structured processes for generating ideas and solutions to problems, issues, and concerns. This fact sheet describes the Anonymous Brainstorming Technique (Bens 2000), a technique that can be used to assist groups as they manage various ideas when engaged in planning and problem-solving.
Rebori, M. and Havercamp, M. 2003, Extension, FS-03-09
Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
This fact sheet contains extensive information on Nominal Group Technique (NGT) that can be used for community plannings since NGT will generate ideas, identify issues, potential solutions, and promote consensus. Learn more about when to use and steps of the NGT through this fact sheet.
Rebori, M. and Havercamp, M. 2003, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-03-21
Informational Publications
circle of hands
Foundational Public Health Services in Suburban, Rural, And Frontier Nevada
The purpose of this report is to provide Nevada’s suburban, rural, and frontier county governments, community partners, and public health authorities with a baseline of public health services in their county and their regional counties utilizing a nationally recognized framework.
Amy Hyne-Sutherland, PH.D., Marlene Rebori, PH.D., Joseph Lednicky, Sierra Frykberg 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Asset Mapping for Pershing County
Community Assets are anything that improves a community. Assets are what we want to keep in our community, the things we want to build upon. Assets are what we want to sustain for future generations.
B. Borden, M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Powerpoint presentation
Decorative oversized boots at Elko County Fairgrounds
Asset Mapping for Elko County: Every community has a story
Community Assets are anything that improves a community. Assets are what we want to keep in our community, the things we want to build upon. Assets are what we want to sustain for future generations.
B. Borden, M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, L. Thomas 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Landscape with mountains and a cloudy blue sky
Asset Mapping for Nye County: Every community has a story
Community Assets are anything that improves a community. Assets are what we want to keep in our community, the things we want to build upon. Assets are what we want to sustain for future generations.
B. Borden, M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, L. Thomas 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Flags flying in a park
Asset Mapping for Humboldt County: Every community has a story
Community Assets are anything that improves a community. Assets are what we want to keep in our community, the things we want to build upon. Assets are what we want to sustain for future generations.
B. Borden,M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, L.Thomas 2020, Extension,University of Nevada, Reno
NV State Capitol in Carson City
Nevada Economic Assessment Project - PowerPoint Presentation
Process to develop and maintain an extensive data repository and set of analytical tools that are meaningful, consistent, and verifiable. This can be used by Nevada Counties and Communities for various types of planning and policy assessments.
Borden, B., Rebori, M., Lednicky, J., Thomas, Lucas. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Fall Colors in the Great Basin
White Pine Community Assets Presentation
Community Assets are anything that improves a community. Assets are what we want to keep in our community, the things we want to build upon. Assets are what we want to sustain for future generations.
M. Rebori 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Special Publications
Pyramid Lake at sunset
Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP) Program Evaluation Results, Spring 2022
The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness and value of the NEAP program from the perspective of the partners.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-23-04
Washoe County Leadership Academy 2022-2023 Program Evaluation
This program evaluation is a summary of participant responses and feedback of the Washoe County Leadership Academy from their participation in the pilot year.
Rebori, Marlene K. 2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno | SP-23-05
Spencer Hot Spring in Lander County, NV
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Lander County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J Ledncky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-06
Nevada Liberty Bell in Carson City, Nevada
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Carson City, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-10
JT Basque Restaurant in Gardnerville, NV
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Douglas County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-08
Thompson's Opera House, Pioche, NV
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Lincoln County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Yurt in Lamoille, NV
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Elko County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Eureka Historic Museum
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Eureka County
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Publication
Old car, gas pump and signs at the Humboldt Museum
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Humboldt County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-21-09
Walker River State Recreation Area, Yerington, NV
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Lyon County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-07
El Capitan Restaurant in Hawthorne, NV
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-09
Kids at the pumpkin patch in Nye County, Nevada
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Nye County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Pershing County Courthouse
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Pershing County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
St Mary's in the Mountains Catholic Church and Museum
Results From the Community Asset Survey: Storey County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-22-11
Hotel Nevada Street
Results From the Community Asset Survey: White Pine County
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Report
Aerial view of Hoover Dam and the Colorado River
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Clark County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Battle Mountain Mustangs
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Lander County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Central Pacific Railroad Depot, Lovelock, NV
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Pershing County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
BELIEVE block letters in Reno, NV
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Washoe County
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park fields with snow covered mountains in background
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Douglas County
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, L. Chichester 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Nevada's Liberty Bell
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Carson City, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, L. Taylor 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
St Mary's in the Mountains Catholic Church and Museum
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Storey County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, L. Taylor 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Sportsman's Beach in Mineral County, NV
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Hay Bales in a field with mountains in the background
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Lyon County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M.Rebori 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Great Basin with trees in fall colors
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for White Pine County
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Cows grazing
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Lincoln County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, D. Deever 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Great Basin College in Elko
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report Elko County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, J. Baker-Tingey 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Humboldt County Courthouse
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Humboldt County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada.
Borden, B., Lednicky, J., Rebori, M., Schultz, B. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, IP
Report to Community on Volunteer Forum: Fallon, Nevada
The contents of this report include the information and thoughts about the community as seen from the perspective of these participants. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive picture of the entire area, but merely a snapshot as provided by those in attendance.
Powell, P., Rebori, M., and Wright, J. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication 16-08
Report to Community on Volunteer Forum: Mesquite, Nev.
The contents of this report include the information and thoughts about the community as seen from the perspective of these participants. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive picture of the entire area, but merely a snapshot as provided by those in attendance.
Rebori, M. and Wright, J. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication 16-11
Report to Community on Volunteer Forum: Reno, Nev.
The contents of this report include the information and thoughts about the community as seen from the perspective of these participants. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive picture of the entire area, but merely a snapshot as provided by those in attendance.
Rebori, M. and Wright, J. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication 16-12
Report to Community on Volunteer Forum: Tonopah, Nev.
The contents of this report include the information and thoughts about the community as seen from the perspective of these participants. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive picture of the entire area, but merely a snapshot as provided by those in attendance.
Rebori, M. and Wright, J. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication 16-13
Report to Community on Volunteer Forum: Elko, Nev.
As part of the planning process, Nevada Volunteers in partnership with the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension conducted six community forums across the state in Reno, Fallon, Las Vegas, Mesquite, Elko and Tonopah in spring of 2016 as a means of outreach to both rural and urban communities. The purpose of the fo
Rebori, M., Baker-Tingey, J., and Wright, J. 2016, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Citizen Advisory Board Officer’s Meeting “Tickler”
This special publication contains a list of meeting notes that citizen advisory board officers use when setting up and conducting the meeting. Learn about different tups for productive meetings and prevent dysfunctional meetings from happening.
Rebori, M. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Sp-07-19
Technical Publication
Fairview Peak marker in Churchill County, Nevada
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Churchill County, Nevada
This report will be used by local, state, and federal agencies as a tool for future planning, aiming to assist the communities of Nevada. It will help readers understand their community’s social, demographic, economic, and environmental trends.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno