About the Newsletter

The Master Gardener Volunteers of Douglas County provide horticulture information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics.  This newsletter of July 2023 is one of the many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission. 

The University of Nevada, Reno Extension Master Gardener Program is a volunteer educator program designed to teach research-based Nevada gardening practice to volunteers who in turn share this knowledge with their local communities through educational presentations, workshops, community events, help desks and much more. This newsletter is one resource that will be offered to help achieve the goals of the Master Gardener Program.

Upcoming Events & Classes 

Health in the Garden

By Ingrid Angelini

Garden Tip for the Season

Master Gardener Program Info 

J. Gardner, I. Angelini 2023, Gardening in Douglas County Nevada (2023-07), Extension, University of Nevada Reno, Master Gardener Newsletter

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

An Introduction to Finance | SBEP Finance Class
We have five learning pillars in our Virtual Classroom: Management, Operations, Finance, Marketing, and Startup. The Finance Pillar will include organizing, controlling and reporting your financial activities in your small business.
S. Kittusamy, A. Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
An Introduction to Management | SBEP Management Class
We have five learning pillars in our Virtual Classroom: Management, Operations, Finance, Marketing, and Startup. The Management Pillar will include content about leading, directing, and coordinating an organization's resources to reach its strategic goals.
B. Bryant, A. Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno YouTube Channel
Sign saying "You've been hacked" with Brenda Bryant
Financial and Cyber Fraud | SBEP Management Class
Learn to identify the types of fraud most prevalent in small businesses, how to prevent it before it starts, and what to do if it happens to you. This video is from the Small Business Education Program. Visit our webpage for resources, upcoming classes, and more: extension.unr.ed...
B. Bryant, A Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
A hand giving someone money with Brenda Bryant
Introduction to Small Business Loans | SBEP Management Class
This is an introduction to the fundamentals of loans, including different types of loans, how to apply for a loan, and the factors that lenders consider when approving loans. Students will also learn about interest rates, repayment plans and how to manage loan payments.
B. Bryant, A. Farrar 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, YouTube Channel
Washoe County Leadership Academy 2022-2023 Program Evaluation
This program evaluation is a summary of participant responses and feedback of the Washoe County Leadership Academy from their participation in the pilot year.
Rebori, Marlene K. 2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno | SP-23-05

Associated Programs

mg holding tomato plant

Master Gardeners of Douglas County

Learn about the Master Gardener program in Douglas County, Nevada.