About the Newsletter

Monthly newsletter celebrating National Senior Citizen Day and covering: healthy aging, the importance of immunizations for older adults, healthy eating on a budget, exercising safely in the summer, and a summer salsa featuring a seasonal vegetable. 

National Senior Citizen Day

By: Natalie Mazzullo, M.Ed.

The Importance of Immunization for Older Adults

Eat Right When Money is Tight

Helpful Tips for Summer Safety

Summer Squash Salsa

Summer squash is the secret ingredient in this summer salsa. Make it a main meal by adding whole grains. 

Mazzullo, N. 2021, Healthy LIVING while aging (2021-08), Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 8

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

shopping with child
Shopping with Kids
Your Game Plan to Grocery Shopping With Kids
Lindsay, A., & Buffington, A. 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-105

Associated Programs

Two adults hike along a walking trail

Healthy Aging Initiative

Using Extension's expertise, the HAI team can connect you with the resources to navigate aging and its trends. HAI programs are offered for older adults and those who partner with them to provide care and support, including careers in aging exploration for middle and high school students and incoming college freshmen. We provide expert nutrition and physical activity training information for elders, caregivers and professionals. We have sponsorship options for tours and professional education.