• Participated in four collaborative planning process related to improving grazing management and management of landscapes for sage-grouse. 
  • Refocused the sage-grouse local area working group toward rehabilitation of wet meadows: selected one demonstration site. 
  • Collaborated with the USFS International Program to develop a Grazing Management Curriculum in Kenya, and teach Grazing Management at their International Rangeland Seminar. 
  • Co-led (with Dr. Rick Miller, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University) a field workshop about the resistance and resilience of sagebrush rangelands to disturbance. 
  • Made educational presentations to at least 593 attendees that focused on topics about sage-grouse habitat requirements; interactions of sage-grouse and wild horses on meadows; plant growth, development, physiology and grazing; statistical aspects of rangeland monitoring; and differentiation between degraded sagebrush sites and annual grasslands with sagebrush. 
  • Collected sagebrush seedling counts to determine if whole sagebrush plants harvested during seed dispersal, and staked to the ground can serve as seed caches and snow catchments, and the germination and survival of sagebrush seedlings.
  • Identified 100 historic photos for potential repeat photography and retook approximately 20 photos in the Santa Rosa Mountains. 

Amy Torres, USFS Interdisciplinary Team Leader, stated the following about Cooperative Extension’s work in the Santa Rosa Range Management Project: “Thanks for all your time on this, Brad! Your voice on this project is greatly appreciated.”

The Nevada Department of Wildlife Fisheries Biologist stated that Brad Schultz’s informal presentation about plant growth, physiology and grazing “provided him a much better understanding about the interactions of grazing and plants.”

Steve Leonard, a Consultant for Ranch Owners, stated: “I always enjoy listening to you discuss plant physiology and grazing. I learn something new each time.”


Noxious and invasive weeds are widespread throughout Nevada and threaten the productivity of cropland, pasture and rangeland. The Humboldt County Extension Educator interacts with the Paradise Valley Weed Control District, the Humboldt Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area, Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada Conservation Districts about weed control and management issues. 

  • Participated in workshops in Humboldt, Pershing, Elko and Modoc (CA) counties focusing on presentations that integrated published research about the life-forms exhibited by noxious and invasive weeds, their reproductive strategies, when and how roots grow and their distribution in the soil, seasonal carbohydrate flow for deep-rooted sprouting perennial weeds, and timing of herbicide applications based on these factors. 
  • In FY 2018, the Extension office distributed over 276 copies of a manual that discusses the biology and control options for 25 weeds of agricultural concern across Nevada’s 17 counties. Manuals were distributed at the workshops held in numerous counties. 
  • The Humboldt County Commission continued to supplement by Extension budget ($25,000) for weed control and management efforts. These resources helped implement weed control efforts on several thousand acres in FY 2018, and addressed a significant infestation of medusahead in the right-of-way of county roads in the Paradise Valley Weed Control District. 


  • The Humboldt County 4-H Program included 30 traditional 4-H clubs, 32 volunteer leaders and 254 traditional club members. 4-H youth exhibited over 350 projects in FY 2019. 
  • Humboldt County 4-H delivered in-school enrichment programs to at least 850 youth. This included the annual Ag in the Classroom event that invites participation from all 3rd grade students in Humboldt County.
  • After-School 4-H programming reached approximately 730 youth, grades K-4. 
  • Participated in the State 4-H Common Measures Lesson Study. 
  • The Humboldt County 4-H Program Coordinator delivered College and Career Readiness curriculum to the local high school FFA leadership class. 
  • Humboldt County 4-H hosted the State 4-H Teen Leadership Retreat from February 1-3, 2019. There were 34 youth participants from across Nevada, as well as six staff and five 4-H volunteers in attendance. 
  • Assumed a strong leadership role in planning and implementing the State 4-H Expo in Winnemucca. The first State Expo in over ten years (held October 2019). 
  • Presented carcass data for all Humboldt County 4-H market animals and discuss acceptable and desired carcass characteristics, which carcass attributes receive a premium price, the value of each animal on the market grid, explanations about why each animal received its respective grade and suggestions about how to improve carcass quality. 


  • The Extension Educator provided input about Range Management issues and Fine Fuels Management for the Humboldt County Natural Resources Management Plan being developed by the County Commissioners 
  • The Humboldt County Extension Office addresses about horticultural issues that affect County residents, and disseminates research-based materials to help them solve those issues. 
  • The Extension Office also hosts the Grow Your Own Program which originates from the Washoe County Extension Office. 
  • Extension faculty with statewide Youth Development roles have developed several educational programs (Little lives and Parenting Programs) that the Humboldt County Extension Office assists with implementation via dissemination of research-based publications and materials. 
  • The Humboldt county Extension Office distributes home radon testing kits and provides recipients literature about the dangers of radon gas, a primary cause of lung cancer amongst non-smokers.
  • The Extension Educator assists with community development by residing on the Board of the Humboldt Development Authority (vice-chair). 


Swanson, S., B. Schultz, P. Novak-Echenique and 12 others. 2018. Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook. Third Edition. UNCE Special Publication 18-03. 121 p.

Foster, S., Schultz, B., Swanson, S. 2018. Nevada Youth Range Camp plant identification guide. UNCE Special Publication 18-04.

Schultz, B. 2018. 2018 Forage Loss Assessment for Nevada. Technical Report to the USDA Farm Services Agency.  28 p. Submitted January 1, 2019. 

Swanson, S.R., B. Schultz, P. Novak-Echenique, and 12 others. 2019. Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook – In Pursuit of Better Rangeland Management. Third Edition. International Conference, Society for Range Management. Minneapolis, MN. February 8-14, 2019.   

Swanson, S., G. McCuin, S. Lewis, B. Schultz, S. Foster, and 7 others. 2019. Grazing Strategies Indices for Range Quality Assurance. International Conference, Society for Range Management. Minneapolis, MN. February 8-14, 2019.  

Schultz, B. 2019. Puncture Vine: Control Now to Prevent a Long-term Problem. Humboldt Sun, May 29, 2019.

FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019

Total Revenue   $ 497,729
Approved County Budget   $ 334,678
State Funds   $ 99,744
Federal Funds   $ 62,055
Grant Funds   $ 1,252

Total Expenses  $ 426,568
County Funds   $ 263,517*
State Funds   $ 99,744
Federal Funds   $ 62,055
Grant Funds   $ 1,252

FY 2018-19 Balance   $ 71,161
County Ending Fund Balance   $ 1,285,000

* An additional County contribution includes the in-kind value of approximately $450,000 for buildings and facilities (annual lease value), and administrative support. The actual value shown includes $215,565 from property tax assessment and $47,952 from the Cooperative Extension Ending Fund Balance. 

Schultz, B. 2019, Humboldt County Annual Report | July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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