4-H club members from all over Nevada had the unique opportunity to dive into the heart of Nevada’s government, exploring the Legislative Building and meeting their state representatives! Throughout the day they got to sit alongside their senators and assembly people, listening in on important committee discussions and seeing firsthand how laws are made in our state.
Participants also had the opportunity to meet President Brian Sandoval and Extension Director Jacob Dedecker. They also explored the historic streets of Virginia City and visited and toured the beautiful University of Nevada, Reno campus.
Thank you to everyone who made this an amazing experience for our youth. Go Nevada! Go Pack!
4-H members from Churchill, Clark, Douglas, Elko, Lyon Pershing and Washoe pose with UNR President Brian Sandoval and Jacob DeDecker, Director of Extension at the Nevada State Legislature.
4-H members and staff pose at the University of Nevada during a campus tour.
4-H members and staff pose on the Senate floor at the Nevada State Legislature.
University of Nevada President Brain Sandoval addressed 4-H members, sharing how 4-H helped shape him and gave him valuable life skills.
Jacob DeDecker, Director of Extension, addressed 4-H members during 4-H Capitol Days at the Nevada State Legislature.
Senator Rochelle T. Nguyen, NV District 3, posing with 4-H members in her office.
Assemblymember Howard Watts, Majority Whip, District 15, posing with 4-H members.
4-H members on a tour of the Nevada Capitol building.
Morales, Y.
A memorable experience at 4-H Capitol Days,
Extension | University of Nevada, Reno