4-H Youth Development reached 8,971 total youth in Washoe County in 2022-2023. Our programs empower youth to become thriving members of society through experiential learning and inquiry-based environments offered through several delivery modes. 4-H youth learn to find their sparks, gain a sense of belonging, form relationships with their peers and caring adults, and demonstrate engagement in their communities. Long-term outcomes include greater academic or vocational education success, civic engagement, employment, economic stability, and increased happiness and well-being. 4-H Youth Development has proven merit in Washoe County with high stakeholder praise and status. A total of 461 adult volunteers provided direct learning opportunities for youth in Washoe County. Volunteers contributed the equivalent of 1.8 million dollars to the county's well-being. 

  • 3,958 youth in School Enrichment Programs 
  • 3,279 youth in After School STEM Programs in 24 Washoe County Title I schools 
  • 53 youth in 4-H overnight Camp Programs 
  • 687 youth in STEM/STEAM Day Camps 
  • 408 youth in 4-H clubs facilitated by club volunteers 
  • 582 youth participated in Stem/Steam-Based Projects 
  • 4 youth in Individual Study/Mentoring/Family Learning Programs 


The Living With Fire Program (LWF) bridges the gap between science and action, we convene communities and stakeholders to address the challenges of wildfire. Through trusted partnerships, we create science-based education and outreach programs that equitably address emerging social and ecological needs.

LWF published a six-lesson wildfire curriculum unit for Nevada high school freshman biology classes and a two-lesson unit on climate change and wildfire in Nevada for sophomore earth science classes. Six schools in Washoe County used the biology curriculum unit in the 2022-2023 school year. LWF offered trainings to prepare Washoe County teachers to use these materials in the 2023-2024 school year. In March of 2023, LWF also launched a wildfire curriculum website, where educators can access free wildfire curricula anytime. LWF shared parts of these wildfire science curricula in informal education settings at the Washoe County 4H camp and Great Basin Institute summer science day camp.

 The Living With Fire Podcast continues to provide valuable insights from a diverse range of experts, addressing the history of fire, current fire management practices and ways to live more safely with wildfire. LWF released four episodes and the podcast received 1,781 downloads.

LWF organized and hosted one Landscape Professional Defensible Space Training. This reached a total of 30 landscape professionals. These professionals are listed on the LWF website as landscape professionals who have completed this training and companies who are available to provide defensible space work on private property. 

LWF hosted a community wildfire preparedness presentation in the Sky Tavern area to five Washoe County residents. LWF attended thirteen, in-person community booth events reaching a total of 1,219 Washoe County residents. LWF spoke to 244 residents about wildfire preparedness concepts at thirteen in-person community presentations. The Program distributed 3,568 publications to 42 different Washoe County communities.


 Radon is a radioactive gas that poses a significant health risk, particularly in regions with geological characteristics like Nevada's mountainous terrain. It is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers in the United States. In Nevada, elevated radon levels are widespread, making it crucial for residents to take preventive measures.

  • Total number of homes tested for radon: 561
  • Number of homes tested during the home buying process: 385
  • Number of homes mitigated for radon: 85
  • Number of real estate professionals educated through continuing education classes: 78


Extension’s Health and Nutrition department collectively delivered SNAP-Ed programming to 7,059 limited-resource, SNAP eligible Washoe County residents through nutrition education, community outreach, and policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) approaches. During the 2022-2023 time period, the Health & Nutrition team:

Taught young children about healthy eating and being physically active through evidenced-based curricula and other targeted efforts to reduce and prevent childhood obesity. Efforts included nutrition education and fruit and vegetable exposure; Nevada Registry approved trainings for preschool teachers and administrators; and parent engagement activities.

Made direct contact with 1,053 children ages 3 to 5 years in limited-resource preschool centers; 3,868 youth in Title 1 elementary schools and community sites.

Provided nutrition education to 455 second and third-grade students in eight Title 1 Elementary schools and 19 youth participants at four Reno House Authority community sites; and provided Smarter Lunchroom assessments to support the School Wellness Policy and lunchroom environments in two Washoe County Title 1 elementary schools, reaching 602 students; used PSE approaches to improve student wellness at eight limited-resource preschool centers reaching 370 children ages 3 to 5 years.

Participated in and coordinated several community outreach and health promotion events, reaching approximately 144 children and 122 adults; coordinated five parent engagement events reaching 59 parents of children ages 3 to 5 years; delivered Nevada Registry approved trainings to 52 preschool teachers and administrators.

Coordinated the first statewide postcard awareness campaign in efforts to increase awareness amongst SNAP shoppers of Nevada farmers markets that accept SNAP/EBT benefits.  A total of 13,939 mailers were sent out statewide to SNAP eligible households across eight priority zip codes in Washoe, Clark and Lyon Counties. A total of 2,328 informational flyers on how SNAP shoppers can use their SNAP/EBT benefits at three SNAP authorized farmers markets in Washoe County were distributed to 18 community resource organizations.

Through indirect efforts, an estimated of 276 parents of school aged children were reached through monthly nutrition flyer distribution; and 367 parents of children ages 3 to 5 years were reached through month healthy message boards at ECE centers.

During the 2022-2023 SNAP-Ed program year, 28 community partnerships were established, including Washoe County School District, Washoe County Health District, various early childhood education centers, and local farmers markets. Collaborated with one coalition, called the Northern Nevada Food Security Coalition.


NevadaScapes is a popular new hands-on training that helps homeowners conserve landscape water and reduce irrigation run-off, keeping pesticides and other pollutants out of the Truckee River. Classes focus on landscape and irrigation system design. 58 community members have attended, with a self-reported increase in knowledge of 45%. 

The Grow Your Own, Nevada program provides practical information on growing food at home, with the goal of reducing the number of food deserts in Nevada and helping residents become more self-sufficient. We taught 8 separate classes in a live, online venue to a total of 1,264 Nevadans, 654 of which live in Washoe County. Over 500 views of the program recordings were logged. Attendees showed an average increase in knowledge of 53.2% after attending the course.. 

Green Industry Training is a course for professionals new to the nursery and landscape industry, designed to provide the skills they need to be successful. We provided the course for 39 green industry professionals, 18 of whom tested and achieved their certification on their first try.

The Urban Integrated Pest Management program collaborated with three neighboring states (ID, UT, MT) to provide 8 webinars for professionals and the public. Webinars were attended by 1,474 unique viewers, with 1,842 additional views of the recordings on YouTube. 98% of attendees reported improved knowledge as a result of attendance, and 93% intend to use at least one recommended pest management strategy.

The Weed Warriors program, provided in collaboration with the Nevada Department of Agriculture, trains weed management professionals to identify and effectively manage noxious weeds. We trained 25 weed management professionals. 

Our Pesticide Safety Education program provides continuing education units (CEUs) needed for professionals to achieve and retain their professional certification to safely apply pesticides. Extension partnered with the Nevada Department of Agriculture to provide certified applicator workshops to 110 participants, who showed an average increase in knowledge of 46% after attendance. 


Washoe County Master Gardener volunteers logged a total of 4,264 hours, which translates to a public value of $ 135,595.20, significantly extending the reach of our horticulture programs.  

The Gardening in Nevada, The Bartley Ranch Series where Master Gardeners held classes for the public reached 853 participants in 2023 and furthered our partnership with Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Spaces and provided 360 lbs. of food donations for the Northern Nevada Food Bank.  

Our Help Desk provided Washoe County residents with horticulture information in 1,092 phone calls, emails, and walk-in assists to community members. The 2023 Home Show allowed us to reach 632 community members. 

Master Gardeners educated and helped enrich the Northern Nevada Veterans Home residents and staff, the Historic Old Huffaker School, the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, and the Ronald McDonald House. 

Master Gardeners increased their presence and partnership at the Rancho San Rafael Community Garden with their Teaching & Demonstration Gardens with the addition of this garden being on the community Garden Tour hosted by community partner Rail City Garden Center, raising over $6,000 for additional outreach and programming. Also adding a mobile Help Desk and scheduled horticultural talks monthly at this location to reach residents who are unable to come into the office during regular business hours. This community garden also received a $5,000 grant from the Washoe County Leadership Academy in partnership with Washoe County Parks and Open Spaces to increase public outreach with the addition of specific teaching/demonstration beds, soil amendments, and an irrigation system. One of these beds was also used for the 4-H statewide Pollinator Ambassadors as a teaching/demonstration pollinator garden bed.

 Master Gardeners were able to grow and donate plants for the Veterans Home, Soulful Seeds Our Place Garden, the Community Demonstration gardens, The Old Huffaker Historic School, The Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, Ronald McDonald House of Northern Nevada, starts given out to the public at 2 library events, Field Day events, 4-H Fall Festival, National Seed Swap Day, Pollinator Ambassador activities and also raise $13,039 from our plant sale for additional community outreach and education. 

FISCAL YEAR 2022- 2023

Washoe Extension Expenses

  • State- $622,404
  • Federal- $121,473
  • County- $1,657,720
  • Grants- $1,523,205
  • Gifts- $3,161

County Funds Summary

  • Opening Balance- $2,054,424
  • Revenue- $1,921,639
  • Expenses- $1,657,720
  • Ending Balance- $2,318,343
Gatzke, H. 2023, Washoe County Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Whale artwork at Burning Man outside of Gerlach, NV
Washoe County Housing Infographic Set
This housing assessment offers an overview with four infographic fact sheets including Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Housing Supply, Housing Demand and Housing Affordability Analysis.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, A. Martinez, R. Visuett 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Reno Skyline
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to Nevada Counties in 2021: Washoe County
This fact sheet outlines the procedures for calculating the level of federal payment from the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program.
T.R. Harris, R. Chicola 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-01
Small Animal Program Commitment to Excellence
Form to substantiate the Commitment of a Small Animal Project member to the best Care and upkeep of their small animal project. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Small Animal Club Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Youth Livestock Program Commitment to Excellence
A statement of intent for Livestock Project members to do the best possible job of Livestock care and feeding. Signatures are required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Livestock Leaders' Council 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms
Screenshot of a map with an area highlighted in red.
CodeRED en el condado de Washoe
CodeRED es un sistema de notificaciones que envía mensajes de emergencia a personas ubicadas en regiones afectadas, como poblaciones o comunidades específicas.
Roice-Gomes, J., Adams, J., Kay, M., and Restaino, C. 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-120