
The tools of genome editing were described more than a decade ago as promising ways to accelerate crop improvement in addition to applications for human and animal health. Now, a decade later, we are seeing applications of genome editing across a range of different crops and trait combinations that will bring benefits to producers and consumers. Countries around the world are actively engaged in updating regulatory frameworks to govern this new technology adequately. In this paper, we describe recent advances in genome editing tools, review select applications underway, consider the benefits of the technology, and offer a perspective on significant challenges to the success of the use of genome editing. Given an enabling policy environment, genome editing will be an important tool in creating a competitive bioeconomy while addressing major challenges to agriculture and consumers. We offer five recommendations to ensure genome editing in agriculture benefits society.

Evanega, S., Brown, Z., Bubeck, D., Falck-Zapeda, J., Chou, F., Graham, N., Karavolais, N., Tripathi, L., and Yerka, M. 2024, Applications, Benefits, and Challenges of Genome Edited Crops, The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology

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