In 2022-23, Extension 4-H youth programs taught life skills through hands-on interactions to impact the lives of 577 youth: 127 through clubs, 33 in afterschool clubs, 396 in school enrichments, and 21 participated in family learning programs. To make these programs successful, 144 adults volunteered their time. Some special youth and activities include:

2022 4-H Showcase – 160 attendees – Fuji Park 

·         Style Revue, Sewing Construction and Style Revue classes, Speaking Contest, 4-H Club Exhibits, Livestock Show and Tell, Dog Show, 4-H Poster Contest, Photography Show, and Judged 4-H Static Project Exhibits

Awards Dinner – Governor’s Mansion, Nevada Room 

·         4-H Teen Led the Awards Night where 4-H record books were judged, Awards given in Outstanding Junior and Senior Teen Leader,4-H Club achievements and Juntos 4-H achievements

·         Outstanding Club Leader Recognition

4-H Fabric Sale Annual 4-H Fundraiser – in Fuji Park the first weekend in February  

·         Adult volunteers and 4-H families helped sell donated fabric, sewing machines, and notions 

4-H Day at the Legislature – Nevada State Capitol

·         4-H members met with legislators, Nevada 4-H and University leaders and learned firsthand about the Nevada legislative process by attending committee meetings, observing assembly and senate floor meetings

Kids to Parks Day – Mills Park in Carson City – 62 youth and their families 

·         Sponsored by the Carson City Parks and Recreation Department,

·         4-H Booth with hands-on 4-H activities promoting 4-H clubs and Extension activities

·         4-H Poultry and Dog Club Exhibitions

Sheriff’s Night Out Carson City – 69 youth and families in CC

·         Carson City Mills Park Exhibit - 4-H animal care and emergency preparedness-related education.

4-H Project/Youth Development Programs/Activities - CC Library, Fuji Park, Carson City Hall, at Extension Office, at NJLS for 

·         Adelitas, Arrowhead livestock, Aviation, Dog, Foods, Garden and Nature projects, Herpetology, Juntos 4-H Family Meetings, Juntos Middle/HS, Kids and horses, Poultry, Sewing, Shooting Sports, and Soccer for Success


·         Provided nutrition education (PPOM) to 106 second and third-grade students in three Title 1 Elementary schools.

·        Conducted Smarter Lunchroom assessments to support the School Wellness Policy and lunchroom environments in one Carson City and one Storey County Title 1 elementary school, reaching 603 students.

·         Participated in and coordinated several community outreach and health promotion events, reaching approximately 226 children and 221 adults.

·         Through indirect efforts, we reached an estimated 54 parents of school-aged children through monthly nutrition flyer distribution and healthy messaging bulletin boards, updated quarterly at the Carson City Hall and the Virginia City Court House, with an estimated reach of 15,140 viewers.

·         During the 2022-2023 SNAP-Ed program year, our SNAP-Ed instructor established five community partnerships with educators of four Title 1 elementary schools, the Carson City School District Nutrition Department and Chartwell and the Storey County Hillside Elementary Nutrition staff members. 

Success Story: 

SNAP-Ed nutrition and exercise programs were showcased at the UNR Extension booth at Carson City’s Farmers Market in June 2023. The activities were adaptations of the Go, Slow and Whoa food choice-focused nutrition lesson from SNAP-Ed’s Produce Pick of the Month program and its weight-bearing physical exercise component. Youth who stopped by the Extension booth could spin a wheel to do a physical exercise together or sort plastic food and beverages into the appropriate “Go, Slow, and Whoa” sections on a felt board. Both activities helped youth learn what foods to eat often, sometimes and for special occasions. Later in June, staff observed a child sorting plastic food in the kids’ play section at the Carson City Library. The child sorted the foods into healthy and not-so-healthy foods. The parent indicated that the child had learned this activity at the local farmer’s market. 


Successful adult programs that reflected the increasing quality of life for Carson City citizens, businesses and families included:

·         Wellness and nutrition courses for 175 older adults and youth-focused nutrition education wherein participants experienced significant gains in physical strength, flexibility and balance and 100% of those completing classes identified being able to use education actions to maintain their health and wellness.

·         Community gardening and sustainable food production were performed by 25 groups/families, which resulted in excess produce and herbs being donated to local shelters and food pantries such as FISH, Ron Woods Family Resource Center and Carson City Senior Center Meals on Wheels programs.  

·         The Updated Nevada Master Gardener program produced six new Carson City/Storey County Master Gardener interns who volunteered helping residents solve gardening and landscaping issues

·         Carson City fire prevention education program attended by more than 30 residents offered at the central fire station through partnership with Carson City Fire Department and our Living with Fire team.

·         Waste management and recycling courses attended by 35 community members and recycling education provided to 512 attendees at our Carson City Farmers Market Extension booth.

·         Living with Fire, Carson City Bee USA leadership, Nevada 4-H Livestock Specialist, Monarch Butterfly Society and Northern Nevada Crop Specialists joined Carson City/Storey County Extension Staff members to provide community education at Extension’s Farmers Market Booth.

Taylor, L.K. 2023, Carson City Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

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Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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