Peaches are almost 90 percent water, which means they are low in calories. One medium peach contains about 60 calories. Peaches provide good amounts of vitamins A and C.

Did You Know?
- "Georgia peach?" For many years a variety of peach grown in Georgia was the country's favorite peach.
- The state that grows the most peaches today is California.
- Choose peaches with firm, fuzzy skins that give a little to gentle pressure when ripe.
- Store unripe peaches in a closed paper bag. When ripe, store at room temperature for use within one to two days or store in the refrigerator if you are not going to eat them right away. They should keep for three to five days.
Summertime Salad
- 2 fresh peaches, sliced
- 1 cup strawberries, halved
- ½ cup raspberries or blueberries
- ½ honeydew melon, cubed
- ½ fresh lemon
Combine first four ingredients, squeeze lemon juice over fruit, and stir.
Very refreshing after a long day at school!
Peaches & Cream Milkshake
- 1 cup sliced peaches
- 1 cup lowfat or 1% milk—divided
- 1 pint peach or vanilla frozen yogurt or ice cream
Place peaches and ¼ cup of milk in a blender container. Cover and blend until smooth, about 10 seconds. Spoon in ice cream or frozen yogurt; cover and blend again until softened. Add remaining ¾ cup milk; mix until blended. Pour into tall glasses and slurp! Makes 3 or 4 servings.
Wilson, M.
Just Peachy!,
Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-26