
  • Highly branched with lengthwise ridges, 1.5-4 ft. tall and lacks hair (glabrous); spines 0.5-1.5 in. long with yellow tips arise from leaf axils


  • Alternate, simple, narrow to oblong and 0.25-0.75 in. long; hairs on lower surface only
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  • Pea-like; 0.3-0.4 in. long with pink to purple petals; 2-8 flowers occur alternately along short, spine-tipped branches
  • Seed pods are reddish-brown, 0.5-1.25 in. long, often curved, tipped with a small spine and contain 5-8 seeds; pods are deeply indented between seeds
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Camelthorn flower


  • Woody, deep, spreading root system; roots often associate with nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Camelthorn pods
Camelthorn pods


  • Grows best in areas where it can access additional water during the growing season; often found in field borders, roadsides and along waterways; known to occur in Clark and Humboldt counties 
  • Perennial; reproduces mostly by roots but sometimes seed
Camelthorn plant


  • Hand removal of individual plants (including roots) can limit spread of small infestations; grazing, mechanical removal  and burning  are NOT effective
  • Apply 2,4-D or dicamba post emergence; aminopyralid, imazapr, metsulfuron or picloram pre- or post emergence
Blecker, L., Creech, E., Dick, J., Gephart, S., Hefner, M., Kratsch, H., Moe, A., Schultz, B. 2020, Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide – Camelthorn, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Field Guide

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Insect Management
Applying IPM strategies: Insect control can be split into these five separate categories.
Hefner, M. 2019, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
A chickadee on a tree branch in winter
Winter Bird-Friendly Garden Tips
Some tips for providing habitat for birds during the winter months. Creating a bird-friendly garden is a good way to provide wildlife habitat in urban and suburban areas. Plus, birds help keep lots of garden pests in check.
Jensen, C. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
People shopping for pesticide products in a hardware store.
Pesticide Labels Explained
Tips for considering when to use a pesticide and the basics of reading pesticide labels.
Jensen, C. and Kratsch, H. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
A Northern Nevada Homeowner's Guide to Identifying and Managing Earwigs
This fact sheet describes the identifying features, life cycle, plant damage, and control methods for managing earwigs in Nevada.
K. Burls, W.Hanson Mazet, H. Kratsch 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-108
stink bug
A Northern Nevada Homeowner's Guide to Identifying and Managing Shield Bugs
This fact sheet describes the identifying features, life cycle, plant damage, and control methods for managing Shield Bugs in Nevada.
K. Burls, W. Hanson Mazet, H. Kratsch 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-110

Associated Programs

Master Gardeners at tabling event

Master Gardeners of Nevada

Program trains local gardeners to provide research-based horticulture information to Nevadans

Garden plant and pest sprayers image by Olga Seifutdinova from Getty Images

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management program is a long-term management strategy that uses a combination of tactics to reduce pests to tolerable levels with potentially lower costs for the pest manager and minimal effect on the environment.

master gardener team sitting on tractor

Master Gardeners of Washoe County

Master Gardeners provide free, research-based horticulture information to Nevadans.