Literally, every 4-H project contains elements of science, technology engineering, and math (STEM). Nevada 4-H Extension Afterschool Programs brings STEM activities to the wider, non-traditional 4-H audiences. Annually, Carson City Extension celebrates the beginning of the 4-H year in October by hosting the STEM Challenge. Mr. James Barcellos, local 4-H STEM Instructor, hosted hands-on Mars Base Camp STEM Challenge in which youth and their families virtually were involved with learning what it would take to bring agriculture modules to the red planet through a family-friendly card game.

Barcellos enlivens an almost two-decades tradition as a STEM instructor with Carson City School District with the 21st Century Learning Centers. Ongoing collaboration with Valerie Dockery, Carson City’s Grants and Special Projects Director has empowered children participating in Extension’s science enrichment programs at Mark Twain, Empire and Bordewich Bray Elementary Schools. Although cut short because of the pandemic, Extension brought 4-H STEM activities to Carson City school children on 30 visits during the academic year reaching 434 combined face-to-face contacts.


4-HJuntos: Together for a Better Education Program led by Ms. Leticia Servin, Extension Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, was established in the middle schools and the high school at Carson City. The overall goal of the JUNTOS program is to increase Latino student success by improving student attendance grades and achieving high school graduation; increase the percentage of Latino students attending higher education, growing family engagement that leads to student’s educational success; and increasing the sense of belonging among Latino students and families in their schools and community. Seven parent Information Nights were provided in Carson Middle School and the High School. A total of 242 families participated.

4-H Virtual Health and Wellness Summer Camp. Twenty-seven Latino families participated in a virtual health and wellness camp. Each family received a bag of activities to do at home outside as a family. Parents and their 4-H members participated in 4 outside activities and 4 Zoom meetings. The primary goal of the health and wellness camp was to keep the families informed on healthy activities to do at home while following COVID-19 directives. Curriculum that served as the foundation for the program was National 4-H Choose Health, Food, Fun and Fitness lessons. 4-H members and their parents kept track of their daily activities and their water intake. Each member received a t-shirt, a program packet. A special 4-H bracelet was awarded to each family member to remind them to stay active, a 4-H cup to keep them hydrated and encourage each other to continue being active together throughout the summer.


Latino Multicultural Club Juntos 4-H at Carson High School After School Program: The Club is made up of 8 4-H members from Carson High School. The group took advantage of the opportunity to participate in multicultural events bringing food and hosting dancing activities early in the year. They proudly shared their heritage with high school students and faculty members and staff by performing at after-school programs and a Day of the Dead community event. Social distancing and mask-wearing and other COVID policies are planned to be followed when school district policies allow high school afterschool groups to again meet. Project to be later in the year.


In Carson City, Ms. Sandy Wallin, 4-H Community Based Instructor, coordinated the work of 12 4-H Volunteer Leaders worked with 81 4-H youth members in 7 4-H clubs throughout the year directing youth in the development of life skills including leadership, decision making and mentoring through their project areas. Family-focused club meetings included hands-on activities in dog training, showing, obedience and agility; livestock breeding, raising and showing large animals including dairy cattle, beef cattle, market goats, dairy goats, sheep/lambs and swine; rabbit raising and showing; poultry raising, breeding and showing; 4-H Shooting Sports including safe firearm handling and target shooting in seven different disciplines; garden and plant science; and sewing. While the pandemic prevented any spring face-to -ace competitions and events, the majority of 4-H Carson City youth participated in virtual shows and events within their own clubs from March –September in 2020. Volunteers contributed 2500 hours for 4-H Shooting Sports leaders and 370 hours in other project areas, a value of $64,890.70 at the Nevada government rate of $22.61 per hour.

4 Paws 4-H Dog Club In Carson City, 12 club members worked on completing their Dog Project record books and portfolios in preparation for their club awards under the guidance of 4 adult volunteer leaders. The members participated in 16 face-to-face workshops and meetings that took place at Fuji Exhibit Hall and Park with 4-H’ers and their dog partners working on obedience and agility skills. They prepared for and hosted the 4-H Dog Show at the Carson City Fair and Nevada State 4-H Expo where members have normally achieved many awards and achieved personal satisfaction. While both had to be postponed until 2021, the skills gained by 4-H members were put to work in baking and selling doggy treats at a local feed store to support their club activities, their achievement banquet and local service projects.


Eating healthy and being active are the focus of the food, nutrition and exercise programs offered by Extension in Carson City led by Extension’s Dr. Lisa K. Taylor. Stay Strong Stay Healthy is a popular offering both as in-person and virtual opportunities for 35 residents to build strength and gain balance. An increase of lower body strength by 66.7%, improve balance and agility by 88.9% and improved progressive balance by 77.8% were achieved over the program’s 16 sessions. Overall, 88.9% met the national guidelines for strength and flexibility, 100% reported having increased knowledge of strength training, 66.7% felt confident to continue exercising on their own and 100% of respondents expressed willingness to take another course by the instructor.

Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 Summary

$215,520 Opening Balance
$233,434 Total Revenue
-$430,599 Total Expenses
$18,355 Balance—May, 2020

Taylor, L. K. 2020, Carson City Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports FYI 2020

If you need more information.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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