Extension offers several workforce development certification programs to help grow the local workforce. Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) focuses on water conservation through water-efficient irrigation and sustainable landscaping. We’ve partnered with Truckee Meadows Water Authority to make QWEL more accessible to the green industry.48 green industry professionals have been certified.

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) offers CEUs to certified applicators to help them recertify and provides education for those who wish to become certified applicators. Extension offered its annual Weed Warriors program to educate green industry professionals on how to properly identify and control Nevada state classified noxious weeds. This training was offered in 2 counties, including Washoe where 45 professionals attended and received continuing education units for their pesticide applicator licenses. The Green Industry Training Program, cosponsored by Nevada Department of Agriculture, had its ninth basic certification training series of 8 classes geared towards garden center and landscape workers.

Grow Your Own, Nevada! reached 415 Washoe County residents in two sessions in spring (8 classes) and fall (4 classes). The Grow Your Own, Nevada! education program helps homeowners grow their own food in our high-desert climate.

Extension started a new Home Horticulture Certificate program as the entry point into the Master Gardener program. Certification consists of 8 classes which provide basic information needed to garden successfully in Nevada’s climate. The Home Horticulture Certificate was awarded to 38 county residents.

The Master Gardeners in Washoe County helped 4,939 clients through the Horticulture Office, open Monday through Thursday, and at tabling and education events in the community. In the demonstration garden, Master Gardeners grew fruits, vegetables and other edible plants in 20 garden beds and donated 543 pounds of produce to Veteran’s Guest House and St. Vincent’s.


Grow Yourself Healthy: 879 (Unduplicated) direct education participants, 1247 (unduplicated) indirect education participants through informational flyers and events
Fresh Fruits and Veggies Program: 54 educational flyers with an estimated reach of 678,159 students, parents, and teachers.
Healthy Food Systems: 14 indirect education at Farmers Markets in Washoe county, estimated reach of 947 adults and children. Food tasting, recipes, nutritional education flyers given.
Coordinated Approach to Child Health - CATCH: 182 (unduplicated) direct education youth participants, 1034 (unduplicated) youth and adults received indirect education through newsletters, fact sheets, and informational flyers .
Pick a Better Snack: 1,070 (unduplicated) direct education participants, 3,210 (unduplicated) indirect education participants through newsletters, handouts, and informational materials.


4-H Youth Development is the premier youth development program of the land grant university system which empowers youth to become contributing members of society through an experimental learning environment working with engaged adults in full partnership. Youth and volunteers represent diversity and inclusion across the human spectrum. 4-H Youth Development has proven its program merit in Washoe County which is reflected in high praise and status amongst stakeholders in the County.

By the numbers: 287 youth enrolled in clubs facilitated by volunteer leaders, 2888 youth participated in 4-H Special Interest/Short-Term STEM Based Projects, 4013 youth participated in School Enrichment Programs, 10262 youth participated in After School STEM Based Enrichment Programs, 76 youth participated in Overnight 4-H Camping Programs, 484 youth participated in 4-H Day Camping Programs with a STEM focus and 958 adult volunteers provided direct learning opportunities for youth in Washoe County. Volunteers generally contribute 10 hours per month and per the independent sector the volunteer rate is $25.43/per hour. Using this formula, volunteers contributed the equivalent of 2.92 million dollars to county well-being.


People working in childcare centers need training to provide quality childcare to our children and help make them ready for elementary school. One of the most recognized quality training programs is the Infant Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential that University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offers in Washoe County. Extension presented 271 Nevada Registry approved training hours, as well as assessments, and coaching conferences. 24 teachers were awarded CDA credentials.


The Nevada Radon Education Program (NREP) educates Nevadans about the radon health risk (lung cancer), how to test for the gas, and the process for reducing an elevated level of the lung cancer-inducing gas. Washoe County’s radon potential is more than three times greater than the national average and the highest radon result was found in Reno. To date, at least 12,437 homes in Washoe County have been tested for radon. As a result of the program’s efforts this past year, at least 77 Washoe County homes were mitigated, seven new homes were built with radon-reducing features, and 314 homes were tested during the home buying process. NREP also educated 64 real estate professionals on the topic of radon through continuing education courses.


Extension’s Early Childhood and School Readiness programs are designed to increase vulnerable young children’s interest, knowledge, and engagement in early learning activities, and to encourage and teach their parents to be positive forces for their children’s learning as they enter and progress through school. 

Our STEM (Our Let’s Discover STEM), healthy children (Little Books and Little Cooks), and early literacy (Family Storyteller) programs reached 3,175 Spanish- and English-speaking families at over 40 high-risk elementary schools, libraries, community agencies, and community events. The programs increased young children’s interest and engagement in early literacy, STEM, and healthy eating activities, and improved parents’ skills and confidence to help their children be healthy and succeed in school. Helping one child stay health and be successful in school can save well over $20,000 in estimated educational, medical, and incarceration costs.


The Living With Fire Program (LWF) teaches Nevadans how to live more safely in wildfire-prone areas. LWF reached 13 Washoe County communities through in-person presentations, activities, events, and media coverage.
Partners in these efforts included: Bureau of Land Management, the City of Reno Fire Department, Nevada Division of Forestry, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Sparks Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, U.S. Forest Service, Washoe County Health District and Washoe County.

In April 2019, LWF and the Nevada Division of Forestry held the Nevada Network of Fire Adapted Communities annual conference in Washoe County. Of the attendees living in a fire-prone area (77% of total), a majority reported they would take some sort of action toward making their community more fire adapted as a result of the conference.


Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Project (FRTEP) for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe located in Washoe County and the Duck Valley Shoshone – Paiute Tribes located in northeastern Nevada.  Our goals include building capacity with the farmers and ranchers in agricultural production and financial management, creating a strong youth development component and assisting the tribes in economic planning.

Success in our hoop house program with Nevada Gold assists in repairing existing hoop houses, and constructing new hoop houses each year for the Western Shoshone Tribes in Eastern Nevada. Our Veggies For Kids curriculum has been implemented and taught for the last 13 years, in the Natchez Elementary School located on the Pyramid Lake Reservation.

FISCAL YEAR 2018 - 2019


$2,831,455 - Total Revenue
$1,806,790 - Total Expenses
$1,518,871 - Total Balance


$1,475,974 - County
$797,440 - Grants
$394,180 - State
$163,860 - Federal

For the complete report use the link below.

Gatzke, H. 2019, Washoe County Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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Washoe County Housing Infographic Set
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Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to Nevada Counties in 2021: Washoe County
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Small Animal Program Commitment to Excellence
Form to substantiate the Commitment of a Small Animal Project member to the best Care and upkeep of their small animal project. Signatures required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Small Animal Club Leaders' Council 2022, University of Nevada, Reno Extension, 4-H Forms
Youth Livestock Program Commitment to Excellence
A statement of intent for Livestock Project members to do the best possible job of Livestock care and feeding. Signatures are required.
S. Chvilicek, C. Stark, Washoe County 4-H Livestock Leaders' Council 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms
Screenshot of a map with an area highlighted in red.
CodeRED en el condado de Washoe
CodeRED es un sistema de notificaciones que envía mensajes de emergencia a personas ubicadas en regiones afectadas, como poblaciones o comunidades específicas.
Roice-Gomes, J., Adams, J., Kay, M., and Restaino, C. 2021, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-120