University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.
The Carson City Fair, a community event, was established in 2017 through the partnership of the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, RSVP, the Northern Nevada Antique Power Club, and the Carson City Culture and Tourism Authority.
A total of $20,711 in cash funding was obtained, and an additional $17,385 in match and in-kind donations supported the event. Forty nine persons volunteered 251 hours for a volunteer contribution of $6059.14. Attendance was estimated at 12,700 persons.
The first-ever for Nevada, Progressive Agriculture Safety Day, with the mission to provide education, training, and resources to make life safer and healthier for children and their communities, whether it be on the farm, ranch, or in town. The event had 10 community partners and reached 72 youth and 126 adults.
Through a 21st Century Grant, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programming was offered at 3 Carson City schools. Providing 952 face-to-face engagements at 101 school visits.
Additionally, STEM was offered at a variety of community events with partners such as the Boys and Girls Club, Parks and Rec, and the Healthy Communities Coalition, further creating 305 face-to-face contacts.
In 2017, there were 117 horticulture visits from the community. Additionally, there was outreach at the Greehouse Garden Center Day and Vegetable Gardening Presentation for Carson Tahoe Health Center. Master Gardener volunteers contributed 144 hours, equating to $3476.16 in volunteer time.
The Parent Project, a program designed to assist parents in becoming more involved in their children’s lives and to help them make positive changes reached 93 parents over 20 sessions.
ALITAS (Alliance of Latinas in Teen Action and Solidarity), an 8th grade Latina Youth Leadership Program worked with 37 students over 14 sessions, with the intent to help Latina girls understand the importance of higher education and their future.
META (Making Education the Answer), a High School Leadership Program worked with 15 students. The intent is to keep Latino students actively involved in school and to mentor younger students to stay on the right path and consider college.
The Home Visit Program is designed to help parents navigate the school system, understand the 4-year plan, and understand resources to help their children succeed. 45 9th grade students had 4 home visits per year.
More than 1,998 homes in Carson City have been tested. This is 8.5% of the total housing units in the county (using 2016 census data for number of housing units). At least 426 Carson City residents received short-term radon test kits in 2017, and at least 210 of the kits have been used, for a usage percentage of 49%. At least 278 of the kits were distributed from the Carson City Cooperative Extension office.
Of the homes exceeding the EPA Action Level of 4.0 pCi/l, 100 have undergone mitigation. Also, there are a total of 158 reported real estate tests and 19 Radon-Resistant New Construction homes in Carson City.
More than 60 homes in Storey County have been tested. This is 3.0% of the total housing units in the county (using 2016 census data for number of housing units). At least 19 Storey County residents received short-term radon test kits in 2017, and at least six of the kits have been used, for a usage percentage of 31.5%.
With 28.6% of the tested homes indicating a radon problem (at or above 4.0 pCi/l), radon education is an important community education program in Storey County.
In Carson City, 940 direct contacts made at community events, presentations, and meetings. Living With Fire (LWF) distributed 453 publications. Select events and activities that took place as part of Nevada Wildfire Awareness Month (NWAM) included: Messages on Casino Fandango marquee, Carson Community Center marquee, Bodine's Casino marquee, Fire Department’s Digital sign, on US Highway 50 west of Highway 395, and NDOT signs on Highway 395; Lakeview Community Clean-up and Picnic which resulted in 4.37 tons of wildfire fuel being removed; LWFs “Junk the Junipers” program highlighted in the Nevada Appeal; LWF Program partners participated in Wildfire Awareness Day at the Nevada Legislature.
In Storey County, 302 direct contacts were made at various events. LWF distributed 1575 publications. Select events and activities took place as part of NWAM included: Storey County issued a NWAM proclamation; The Ember House Youth Activity was conducted at the annual “Children’s Day on the Comstock” reaching 225 people; working with Storey County Fire Department, UNCE staff conducted the Ember House Youth Activity at Hillside Elementary School in Lockwood reaching 50 individuals and the Ember House Youth Activity at Hugh Gallagher Elementary School in Virginia City reaching 140 participants.
Overall, 4-H ran 12 clubs with 27 leaders and 120 4-H members in clubs.
In Carson City, there are 8 clubs, 16 leaders, and 87 4-H members. The Carson City/Storey County 4-H program worked with one percent of the total youth ages 5 to 18 in Carson City in 2017.
In Storey County, there are 4 clubs, 11 leaders, and 33 4-H members. The Carson City/Storey County 4-H program worked with ten percent of the total youth ages 5 to 18 in Storey County in 2017.
Club members and leaders participated in 17 4-H events and outreach opportunities occurred in 2017.
FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018
$254,901 - Total Revenue
$204,777 - Total Expenses
$20,000 - Total Balance
$175,126 - County
$47,692 - State
$30,039 - Federal
$2,043 - Grants
Carson City / Storey County Cooperative Extension
4955 Energy Way | Reno, NV 89502
Lindsay Chichester, Extension Educator | 775-887-2252
Chichester, L.
Carson City / Storey County County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018,
Extension | University of Nevada, Reno