Intimate partner violence doesn't discriminate. It can happen to anyone. Learn more about its impacts on victims, survivors and the economy, and find local and national resources.
Andrews, A. 2019, The hard truth about domestic violence, Nevada Today

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Strengthening Families Affected by Intimate Partner Violence: A Pilot Evaluation of a Rural Extension Program
Heart and Hope provides parenting education and social-emotional skills to children and parents exposed to intimate partner violence. The program is effective in strengthening family relationships, improving parenting practices, developing emotional competency, and helping famili...
Payne, P. and J. Baker-Tingey 2024, Journal of Human Sciences & Extension
How to help a victim of domestic violence
The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the difficulties victims face when leaving an abusive situation, and what we can do to help them be successful in leaving.
Powell, P. and Smith, M. 2012, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-12-08
Orders of Protection: Domestic Violence
The purpose of this fact sheet is to describe what an Order of Protection is, the process followed to obtain one, and the need to report order violations.
Powell, P. and Smith, M. 2012, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-12-07
Domestic Violence: An Overview
The purpose of this publication is to help readers understand the dynamics of IPV, by providing an overview of various forms of control exhibited toward victims. As Nevada nortoriously ranks high in reports of IPV, understanding how IPV impacts our communities is crucial in devel...
Powell, P. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-76
The Medical Cost of Domestic Violence
What is typically igonored is the financial cost domestic violence places on society, in terms of housing, child care, employment and criminal justice services
C. Powell, P. Powell, J. Baker-Tingey 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno FS-18-02

Associated Programs

heart and shield cb

Heart & Hope: Building Resilient Families

Heart & Hope provides resources and skills to victims of domestic violence who have left the perpetrator and are building a new life for themselves and their family. Workshops help parent victims gain parenting skills and confidence, build resilience for themselves and their children, avoid becoming victims in future relationships, strengthen family relationships and envision hope for the future. Workshops help children build social and emotional skills to prevent them from becoming future victi