Children are below the national average in eating the daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, increasing the risk of obesity and related chronic diseases. Efforts to boost fruit and vegetable consumption in the U.S. population have generally been unsuccessful, possibly due to the limited access to and affordability of fruits and vegetables.

Veggies for Kids is an in-school program that teaches youth how to grow vegetables and about nutrition by providing a 12-week series of one-hour lessons in the classroom, a four-day summer institute, and a specialty-crop demonstration project at the school. The program objectives directly support healthy eating by: promoting increased intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, water and nutrient-dense beverages; increasing appreciation and use of healthy traditional Native American and Hispanic foods; and introducing vegetable-growing concepts and experiences.

Partners include the State of Nevada Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Mineral County Senior Home Health; Mineral County School District; Lyon County School District; Elko County School District; Washoe County School District; Mt. Grand General Hospital Home Health Program; and Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program on the Walker River Reservation.


Learn more about the program's team

Staci Emm
Program Leader & Contact
Noah Scott
Team Member