Katelyn has worked in various roles within the field of environmental education. Previously, she worked for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach as the Horticulture Educator for Region 6. She worked with Extension Master Gardeners on creating and sustaining service projects, coordinating a yearly Master Gardener and Master Conservationist training, offering continuing education in conjunction with Extension specialists from around the country, and more. Her areas of interest include conservation, school gardens/gardening with youth, gleaning community engagement, and food equity.
Katelyn now serves as the Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator for the University of Nevada, Reno Extension. Within this role she coordinates the annual online two-part training with Extension content experts, creates and maintains the policies and procedures for the Extension Master Gardener program, and assists with volunteer management for Extension.
The Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer educator program designed to teach research-based Nevada gardening practices to volunteers who in turn share this knowledge with their local communities through educational presentations and workshops, community events, answering home gardening questions at their local county Extension office, and much more.
To learn more about the Extension Master Gardener program, or to become an Extension Master Gardener volunteer, visit our website.