Program Impacts

Health and Wellness

Extension provides Mineral County residents access to health and nutrition programs. Youth Nutrition education is implemented through Mineral County School District with Veggies for Kids-Take Home. Senior programs are unique to Mineral County Seniors and include a senior strength training class and Veggies for Seniors.

 Veggies for Seniors is a fruit and vegetable distribution program for Mineral County seniors 65 years-old and older. The program provides recipes, coordinates with food banks and community services, and provides educational information about increasing fruit and 

vegetable intake and increasing physical activity. The program is built upon providing access to fruits and vegetables and is funded by Mineral County and the State of Nevada.

A Mineral County strength training program is also available to seniors twice a week to gain strength and improve balance. The program continues to expand and is led by Mineral County Volunteer Linda Dow.

This program is coordinated out of Mineral County Extension.  The program also provides services to the Walker River Reservation and the Pyramid Lake Reservation through support from the State of Nevada.

Mineral County Youth and Community Programs

Mineral County Harvest Festival is coordinated by Extension with a Halloween Carnival and Trunk or Treat. Hundreds of community members participate in the drug and alcohol-free event.  This community event is sponsored by Mineral County Departments and Health Communities Coalition.

 Mineral County Youth Programs include community events, in-school enrichment education and the 4-H Program. The community events are Harvest Festival held in late October of 2022, the Earth Day event in April of 2023, and the 4-H Ski Club at June Mountain.  The Michigan Model for Health Curriculum was utilized to provide youth education at the Extension office as Mineral County School District discontinued in-school programming for the year because of issues related to COVID-19.

4-H Youth Development 

The Mineral County 4-H program continues to grow and find creative and innovative ways to increase programming. Focus is placed on creating more clubs, getting more youth involved in 4-H Camp at Lake Tahoe, offering specific 4-H programs for youth, and building 4-H STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities.
The Mineral County 4-H program supported the Ski Program and 4-H Basketball League.  There were 60 kids in the 4-H Ski Program for 2023 with several Mineral County adult volunteers. The 4-H Ski program begins in January and runs through March. There were about 30 youth that attended the 4-H Mineral & Native Programs Camp in Lake Tahoe in August 2022 from Mineral County and 23 youth from Nevada Tribal Communities.

 Ag Education

 There are statewide agriculture education programs that are coordinated out of the Mineral County Extension office. This program includes the Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher program and Nevada Risk Management Education.  The Beginning Farmer and Rancher program was kicked off in 2020 and was limited to online learning with a producer tour.

There were supplemental funds to the Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher that supported a local meat program and operation of a mobile Extension harvest unit.

American Indian Programs

Programs continued to evolve in 2022-2023 for American Indian business development, COVID-19 Assistance Programs, Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP), and UNR tribal students’ program. All programs continued virtual in 2022-2023. Education updates for COVID assistance moved from once a week to monthly, and Zoom crawls (one-hour sessions) continued to discuss business development and management topics throughout the year. 

Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Expenditures Benefiting Mineral County

State: $63,988
Federal: $60,296
County: $61,068
Other: $9,800 

County Funds Summary

Opening Balance: $18,135
Revenue: $11,986
Expenses: $47,859
Ending Balance: $24,944

Sponsored Projects (Grant) Activity  

Grant Awards Managed Multi-Year: $5,848,820
FY 2023 Grant Expenditures:  $750,360

Emm, S. 2022, Mineral County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2022-2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, County Report

Extension Associated Contacts


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