Master Gardeners
Carson City has a community garden with 28 garden beds in total, and 25 of them were rented to Carson City community members. The other 3 are demonstration beds for lessons and learning opportunities. The were 2 orientations held during the year and work community workdays as well. There were 3 workdays between April and October.
Carson City Community Garden held educational talks that were open to the public. 20 different research-based fact sheets were provided to participants. There was one class with 10 participants.
Master Gardener Program is a program for anyone to participate in. There are monthly meetings from January to December with 11 meetings in the past year. There was one Master Gardener Info Hour held with 2 participants. They also participated at the Farmer’s Market for Pollinator week and partnered with Bee City Carson City. Master Gardeners also partnered with Greenhouse Project for a Pollinator Plant Walk where 10 participants were in attendance.
4-H Youth Development
The Carson City and Storey County 4-H youth development strives to impact youth in our counties with after school clubs, festivals and day camps throughout the year. Carson City and Storey county reached 821 youth in the 2023-2024 year. In Carson City and Storey county we strive to help youth find their sparks, encourage others, build leadership abilities and form lifelong friendships with in our county and others. Carson City and Storey County 4-H youth development continue to grow more programs and other resources as the years come to help youth grow in as many ways as possible. In Carson City and Storey county 4-H our volunteers push to help the youth develop the skills they wish to obtain by guiding the youth with positive direction. A total of 17 volunteers make these education forms possible in our area.
- Total youth members in organized clubs: 153
- Total youth members in after school clubs: 24
- Total 4-H Club membership: 177
- Total youth participating in 4-H camping programs: 9
- Youth participating in 4-H overnight camping programs: 9
- Total youth participating in school enrichment programs: 555
- Youth participating in individual study/ Mentoring/ Family learning Programs: 80
- Total number of Adult Volunteers: 17
- Total Number of youth volunteers: 14
- Total youth reached: 821
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)
Extension’s Health and Nutrition department collectively delivered SNAP-Ed programming to 742 limited-resource, SNAP-Ed eligible Carson City and Storey County residents through nutrition education, health promotion, policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) approaches. During the 2023-2024 time period, the Health & Nutrition team:
Taught school-aged children at Title I schools about healthy eating and being physically active through evidence-based curricula and other targeted efforts to reduce and prevent childhood obesity. Efforts included nutrition education, fruit and vegetable exposure through tasting events, and supporting student wellness through lunchroom initiatives.
Made direct contact with 1,173 youth in Title 1 elementary schools and community sites:
- Provided classroom-based nutrition education to 158 fourth-grade students, with 1,062 total contact interactions, in two Title 1 Elementary schools: Edith W. Fritsch Elementary and JC Fremont Elementary.
- Provided summer nutrition education to 80 youth participants, with 111 total contact interactions, at local community sites serving limited-resourced youth audiences.
- Supported student wellness by conducting Smarter Lunchroom assessments to support the School Wellness Policy and lunchroom environments in one Title 1 elementary school, reaching 470 students.
- Held a school-wide tasting event, which promoted healthy snack options and showcased nutrient-dense tasting portions of spinach and blood oranges to K-5 students at Edith W. Fritsch Elementary, serving 384 students.
- Through indirect efforts, an estimated of 34 parents of school aged children were reached through monthly nutrition flyer distribution.
- During the 2023-2024 SNAP-Ed program year, 5 community partnerships were established, including two Title 1 elementary schools and Carson City School District Nutrition Services, Chartwells, and the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada (Carson City Clubhouse).
Nevada Economics Assessment Project (NEAP)
The Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP) is a statewide program with the mission to develop and maintain an extensive data archive with timely, meaningful, and consistent characteristics and a set of analytical tools used to provide Nevada’s communities with research and analysis of emerging issues through outreach and engagement.
State Parks Visitor Use Surveying
NEAP has partnered with State Parks since early 2022 for visitor use surveying across all 27 State Park locations in Nevada. State Parks staff recruit visitors at each park to take an online survey. The survey gives an extensive look at the visitors’ experience at the park, preferences for future change, and spending on their travels.
The statewide data profile and economic and fiscal impact reports are available online
Rural Housing Baseline Assessments
Housing affordability and availability is an ongoing issue in Nevada. Housing data is often scattered across many sources with varying reliability and consistency, making it challenging to navigate. NEAP and Nevada Rural Housing have worked together since late 2022 with the goal of gathering and analyzing data to present the current housing situation in the counties and communities across the state. These tools are intended to inform decision-making by local leaders and private partners interested in contributing to rural Nevada's housing solutions.
Data collection and initial analysis has been performed for most counties across the state. Reports and fact sheets will be available by December 2024 for all counties.
Foundational Public Health Services
NEAP and NACO conducted a survey of public health infrastructure across Nevada's rural and frontier counties. A national Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) framework describes the baseline level of services that should be offered through all governmental health departments. The results of the survey will help guide future public health advocacy and investment, including the development of regional public health services. The survey asks participants to provide expertise, capacity, and implementation ratings for each of the Foundational Areas and Capabilities and also provide free responses on services/programs they know about in each Area and Capability at the county, state, and community partner level.
The statewide report will be available in October 2024. County fact sheets will be available by the end of 2024.
Carson City
- Online surveying and in-person community review and verification workshop
In-person workshop January 24, 2024
The Radon program continues to hold a strong presence in the Carson/Storey county with 5,560 short term testing kits being distributed amongst both counties. 3,656 kits were used and submitted for lab testing. 66% of the tests given out were used by local homes. The Radon program continues to travel the state and teach about the potential dangers of the element.
Fiscal year 2023 - 2024
FY 24 Expenses by County
State - $88,603