The Nevada Economic Assessment Project (NEAP) aims to develop and maintain an extensive data archive with timely, meaningful, and consistent characteristics and a set of analytical tools used to provide Nevada's communities with research and analysis of emerging issues through outreach and engagement. 


Nevada Foundational Public Health Services in
Suburban, Rural & Frontier Nevada


Stethoscope for health care

The purpose of this report is to provide Nevada’s suburban, rural, and frontier county governments, community partners, and public health authorities with a baseline of public health services in their county and their regional counties utilizing a nationally recognized framework. The goal is to provide local infrastructure data that can be analyzed alongside local health indicators and community health needs assessments to support strategic decision-making for community health improvement.

Nevada Rural Housing


Aerial view of houses

These reports are designed to help local and state agencies gain a better understanding of our communities, particularly in relation to housing. Many of the counties in Nevada have small, rural populations and may lack substantial data-gathering and analysis teams. Providing thorough quantitative analysis for comprehensive planning strategies for the county and local communities can be difficult for these areas.


Hand holding a lithium rock

Lithium Report

This report aims to estimate the economic, fiscal, and community impacts of the construction and operation of a new lithium mine and lithium processing plant in Humboldt County, Nevada.  

Mountain biker on a desert trail

Mountain Biking Impacts

The purpose of this study is to assess the business opportunities and impact in Lincoln County from the development and operation of a new Mountain Biking trails originating from Caliente, Nevada.

Table with laptop and papers


The vast quantities of public lands in the West and the management of these public lands greatly impacts county economies and local government fiscal balances. The PILT report explains this process.

NEAP Program Evaluation Results

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness and value of the program from the perspective of the partners. The survey consisted of 16 questions designed to better understand partner contributions to the program, program outcomes, data use and access, perception of the program, and benefits from participation in the
program. The evaluation covered the first three years of the program, from 2018 to 2022.

Capitol Building in Carson City, NV

Outdoor Recreation


Elk Buck in a green pasture

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of hunter expenditures for big game and upland game hunting in Nevada in 2020.

It focuses on hunting-related expenditures at the state level; a companion report provides estimates of the total economic and fiscal impact of hunting for Nevada and its counties and explores opportunities to increase the share of total hunting-related expenditures captured by businesses
in rural Nevada.


More about the NEAP project

Nevada Liberty Bell

County Reports

Look at the full reports for each county in Nevada.  These include 6 characteristics of each county including demographics, economics, fiscal, industry, social and community assets.

Mural in Carson City

The Team

Meet our team, who collaborate to collect the most recent data releases to analyze and package new reports for community leaders, county representatives, and decision-makers.

Book shelf at NV State Museum in Carson City

Publication Library

Search all publications by NEAP including full baseline reports, PILT reports, Hunting Expenditure reports, Mountain Biking and Other Outdoor Tourism Assessments and Impacts.

Recent Reports, Fact Sheets, News Articles...

circle of hands

Foundational Public Health Services in Suburban, Rural, And Frontier Nevada

The purpose of this report is to provide Nevada’s suburban, rural, and frontier county governments, community partners, and public health authorities with a baseline of public health services in their county and their regional counties utilizing a nationally recognized framework.

Cave Lake in White Pine County, NV

White Pine County Housing Infographic Set

This housing assessment offers an overview with four infographic fact sheets including Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Housing Supply, Housing Demand and Housing Affordability Analysis.

Whale artwork at Burning Man outside of Gerlach, NV

Washoe County Housing Infographic Set

This housing assessment offers an overview with four infographic fact sheets including Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Housing Supply, Housing Demand and Housing Affordability Analysis.