Elton M Garrett Junior High School fieldtrip

4-H After School program implemented by the University of Nevada, Reno Extension 4-H Youth Development program in Clark County. The 4-H After School program gives students developmental opportunities to master a new skill, practice generosity, make new friends and build positive relationships with caring adults through the experiential learning model (USDA, 2016). After-school programs reduce unsupervised time for children and replace the time with instructional, educational, and recreational time with caring adults. Extension develops contracts with in-school professionals and trains them to deliver 4-H curriculum and programming.

two girls working on art project

After-school projects are offered based on the needs and requests of the students, the interests and expertise of the teachers, and the school staff who are recruited to lead the chosen projects. Extension funds programming by contracting school personnel, purchasing supplies, and assigning a coordinator to oversee programming at each site. Schools assign a site liaison and provide space. 

Jointly, Extension and host sites work together to recruit and enroll students. Snacks are provided to students by the host site or Extension, depending on budgetary allowance. 4-H After School program began at Elton Madeline Garrett Junior High School in September 2023. The program ran for the duration of the year, divided into five sessions. The program concluded in May 2024, at the end of the school year. Programming was offered Tuesday through Friday for one hour after school.

Haddad, T. 2024, 4-H After School Report and Student Outcomes at Elton M. Garrett Junior High School, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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Emm, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-63
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Developed an intentional and collaborative translational process for converting evidence-based knowledge from Latino youth development literature into Extension practice.
Moncloa, F., Horrillo, S. J., Diaz-Carrasco, C., Espinoza, D., Hill, R., & Soule, K. 2018, Journal of Extension 56(6) Article 6IAW3.

Associated Programs

kids playing board games

Clark County 4-H After School Program

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4-H Youth Development

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A group of girls

Clark County (Las Vegas) 4-H Youth Development

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