On the Ground

In recent decades rangeland science has moved from a “command and control” framework to one that values heterogeneity, recognizes rangelands as social-ecological systems, and seeks to integrate complexity.

This new framework recognizes management as fundamentally site-specific, but rangeland science has not provided clear principles for successful livestock grazing management for use by producers and other stakeholders. This reticence has created a void often filled by prescriptive solutions that contradict our best understanding of rangeland systems.

We engaged hundreds of livestock grazing management experts in an iterative conversation to distill a set of evidence-based, adaptable principles for successful livestock grazing management in the semiarid and arid rangelands of the western United States.

The seven principles are: Practice adaptive management; Optimize stocking rate; Use a grazing plan; Prioritize ecological health; Evaluate distribution; Welfare begets performance; and Think beyond the range. The full versions of these principles contain paragraph length descriptions highlighting key considerations for each.

We envision these principles as a first draft to be improved with discussion and additional research. Further development can include definitions, suggested applications, and checklists for assessment for use in teaching, extension, and industry evaluation efforts.

Jablonski, K., Derner, J., Bailey, D., Davies, K., Meiman, P., Roche, L., Thacker, E., Vermeire, L. and Stackhouse-Lawson, K. 2024, Principles for successful livestock grazing management on western US rangelands, Rangelands, Volume 46, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 35-41

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Marketing to Farmers’ Markets: Ideas for Market Vendors & Managers in Nevada. Cowee, M.W., K.R. Curtis, and H. Gatzke. 2009, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication, SP-09-10.
Attracting Vendors and Customers to Rural Farmers Markets
This fact sheet offers strategies to attract and keep vendors and customers at rural farmers markets. Learn more about the vendor focus, increasing customers, the importance of marketing, and plan evaluations through detailed descriptions of each.
Meier, A. 2009, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-09-18
Developing Farmers’ Market Volunteers (2008)
This fact sheet offers strategies that can be applied to develop and retain a farmers’ market volunteer base. Learn about the importance of recruiting volunteers and the strategies to correctly do so.
Meier, A. 2008, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-08-48
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SNAP Guide for Nevada Farmers Markets and Direct Marketing Farmers
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Miller, A. and Moe, J. 2022, Desert Farming Initiative, University of Nevada, Reno
Marketing Farmers’ Markets: Ideas for Market Vendors & Managers in Nevada
In 1994, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA-AMS) began tracking the number of farmers’ markets nationwide. At the start there were 1,755 farmers’ markets across the country; in 2008 there were 4,685, an increase of nearly 168 percent (USDA-A...
Cowee, M., Curtis, K., Gatzke, H. 2009, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-09-10

Associated Programs

produce department

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education - Nevada

Improve the nutritional well-being of people who receive SNAP benefits and other Nevadans with a low income through community based education, programs and needs assessments.

food in jars

Healthy Food Systems

The Healthy Food Systems Program works to increase access to and knowledge about healthy foods within the community through direct education and policy, systems, and environmental changes. The program focuses on local food production, food preparation and processing, nutrition, and food security to successfully educate the community on how food systems influence health.