Program Impacts
Children, Youth & Families
Partners in Parenting team participated in 24 community events and hosted the 8th annual Kickoff to Kindergarten School Readiness Fair reaching over 6,888 individuals and families. The team provided 20 Let’s Discover STEM, 17 Little Books and Little Cooks, 21 other partners in parenting programs and 30 family engagement workshops reached out to 590 adults and 559 children. In addition, Digital Parenting Project was continued and reached 616 families and nine early care and education sites
Early Childhood Workforce Training- In-person/virtual: This included four trainings monthly on various topics, Infant/Toddler Cognitive Development training, QRIS Internal Coaching Training, Spiral Up Academy, and the Early Childhood Trainer Conference. Over 80 early childhood training classes were provided to 374 individual early childhood professionals.
Early Childhood Online Training Courses: The Early Childhood Department offers 10 Nevada State Child Care required courses online. The number of certificates issued was approximately 30,367 to approximately 10,000 individual early childhood professionals for the year 2023.
149 Nevada Ready! Pre-K teachers, assistant teachers and directors participated in 17 early childhood development training sessions. 148 early childhood professionals, (57 preschool teachers, 84 infant/toddler teachers, 7 family childcare providers), completed 120 credential hours for the Child Development Training and Coaching Program.
Leadership Community of Practice, Trainer Professional Learning Community, and Adult Learning Academy conducted monthly sessions with 135 participants focused on coaching/mentoring staff in leadership skills needed to run early childhood programs effectively.
4-H Youth Development
Clark County 4-H grows young people with the skills needed to succeed in life and careers. It empowers our youth to pursue their passions to become leaders in their communities. 4-H is university-supported research combined with community-based programs that inspire our youth to act and learn by doing. 4-H engages youth through a variety of delivery models in the areas of STEM, Healthy Living, Agriculture and Civic Engagement.
Clark County 4-H reached 9,938 youth through clubs, day camping programs, in-school enrichment programs, after-school programs and military youth programs.
Health & Nutrition
Clark County 4-H grows young people with the skills needed to succeed in life and careers. It empowers our youth to pursue their passions to become leaders in their communities. 4-H is university-supported research combined with community-based programs that inspire our youth to act and learn by doing. 4-H engages youth through a variety of delivery models in the areas of STEM, Healthy Living, Agriculture and Civic Engagement.
Clark County 4-H reached 9,938 youth through clubs, day camping programs, in-school enrichment programs, after-school programs and military youth programs.
Health and Nutrition
Extension’s Health and Nutrition department collectively reached 41,540 (8,674 unduplicated) Clark County residents at 66 facilities, through evidence-based nutrition education, physical activity promotion and public health programs, across the lifespan. During the 2022-2023 time period, the Health & Nutrition team:
Made contact with more than 28,500 children and youth in early childcare facilities, elementary and middle schools, and other community-based sites; and nearly 13,000 adults in community settings, correctional facilities, and older adult residential living facilities. Our team also supervised student interns from UNR and UNLV in the dietetic internships, School of Public Health and College of Liberal Arts.
Taught more than 6,300 students at 26 Clark County School District (CCSD) elementary and middle schools and 1,000 children in Early Childcare Facilities about healthy eating and being physically active. Efforts included in-classroom instruction, fruit and vegetable exposure, garden-nutrition education; trainings for teachers and administrators; healthy message boards and library books; and parent engagement activities. Our team also supported CCSD School Wellness Policy (R-5157) efforts through Smarter Lunchroom Assessments, Smart Snacking, and other public health initiatives. A new early childhood evaluation tool was piloted through the I am a Seed early childhood garden education program.
Provided gender-responsive health education programming for more than 500 individuals in community and correctional settings, in an effort to improve treatment outcomes and reduce recidivism. Initiatives focused on workforce development, family reunification, and professional staff trainings to integrate nutrition and physical activity with mental health efforts. Extension also hosted the Western Region Mental Health Nutrition Network, an inaugural multi-state initiative leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration across community and practitioners to address barriers at the intersection of mental health and nutrition.
Connected the needs of urban and rural producers, stakeholders, food system advocates and consumers through the Southern Nevada Food Council (SNFC), Southern Nevada Farm Roundtables and the Governor's Council on Food Security (CFS). Efforts included statewide needs assessments on food access and producer support, development of food access policy, School Wellness Policy implementation resources, policies and unified-marketing platform to support small agriculture producers and local farmers markets.
Participated in and coordinated 19 community outreach and health promotion events, reaching approximately 2,900 youth and 2,200 adults. Extension’s Healthy Kids Festival was hosted at Paradise Recreation Center with 31 partnering agencies and support from Clark County Parks and Rec and Commissioner Gibson, reaching nearly 900 attendees. This annual community health promotion and outreach event highlights six core stations and community partners with a common mission of childhood obesity prevention, health promotion, and active play. Our continued partnership with Chef for Kids Foundation provided nutrition education and nutritious breakfast, prepared by many local culinary talents, at 13 elementary schools.
Killian, Eric
Clark County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023,
Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports