Nevada Cooperative Extension is an outreach college of the University of Nevada that provides information to solve problems and deal with critical issues within local communities.  With local needs at the forefront, we develop educational programs in a number of ways - public presentations, workshops, demonstrations, publications and through the media. In recent years, we've begun to use Internet, interactive video and satellite broadcast technologies, bringing knowledge directly to your home and community. With the help of volunteers we deliver educational programs in these areas: Agriculture, Children-Youth and Families, Community Development, Health and Nutrition, Horticulture and Natural Resources.


This year the WSARE State Coordinators Annual Meeting was held in Cody, WY.  WSARE-Professional Development Program (PDP) in Nevada will support training for Cooperative Extension faculty and staff, faculty from the University of Nevada’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Nevada Department of Agriculture.  Currently, I manage three WSARE Professional Development State Grants: 

  1. Foster, S., 2020-2021. GR10452-Western Sustainable Agriculture Research Education, Professional Development Program Grant. $16,638.64. Extended. 
  2.  Foster, S., 2021-2022. GR14029-Western Sustainable Agriculture Research Education, Professional Development Program Grant. $28,636.00. Development Program Grant. $16,638.64. Extended.
  3.   Foster, S., 2021-2023. GR15037-Western Sustainable Agriculture Research Education, Professional Development Program Grant. $28,636.00. 


Pershing County farmers/ranchers identified a significant need for more knowledge about how to safely, and economically manage pests. Therefore, I developed a comprehensive pest management program that addressed local and statewide audiences.

Inputs/Outputs: This year, I organized, hosted and presented a four-hour pesticide CEU training session, for Pershing County pesticide applicators, with the collaboration of Nevada and National Extension Educators/Specialist. Also, 8 hours of CEU training was offered by statewide training through interactive video
Topics presented at the Pershing County training session were;  Nevada’s Noxious Weed Law - Steve Foster, UNCE Extension Educator, Pershing County.

This presentation will test the applicator’s knowledge about all aspects of Nevada’s Noxious Weed regulations to ensure they are in compliance with Federal and State Laws.

Halogeton Control– Paul Meiman, UNCE Range Management Specialist. 
This presentation will provide information about BMP on controlling Halogeton using chlorsulfuron (Telar®) and indaziflam (Rejuvra™).

  • Rangeland Weed Control and Management Ecological Considerations and Approaches– Brad Schultz, UNCE Extension Educator, Humboldt County.

This presentation will discuss the ecological concepts important to the management and control of rangeland weeds, and movement toward invasion resistant plant communities. 
Selecting the Best Nozzle for the Job – Steve Foster, UNCE Extension Educator, Pershing County. This presentation will instruct applicators on how to select the correct nozzle for specific sprayer applications.


Local resident Colby Burke accepted the position as Pershing County’s 4-H Community Based Instructor III, in June of 2020, and since that time has grown the 4-H Program from fewer than 8 clubs to 18 clubs. Our clubs now include: Arts and Crafts, a Horse Club, Photography Club, Shooting Sports, Cooking, Sewing, Livestock Club, Community Club, Softball, the Show Skiing Club, Self Defense, Goat Club, Beef Club, Swine Club, Sheep Club, Rabbit Club, a Dog Club and Hot Air Balloon Club. Colby has also started a 4-H Community Club in Imlay, Nevada. 

SNAP-ED Healthy aging & Healthy Kids Healthy Schools

In 2021-22, both the Healthy Aging (HA) and Produce Pick of the Month (PPOM) HKHS program continued into their second year with growth in the HA programs.

Virtual education through Produce Pick of the Month HKHS is being offered to the four third grade classes in Pershing County with approximately fifty-one students.

Applications for Kindle Fire 8’s was facilitated through Colby giving many home-bound older adults an opportunity to participate electronically in SNAP educational opportunities. Billboard materials were provided to both the Pershing County Senior Center and the Lovelock Paiute Tribe. Twenty-one PANSCANs were completed at the Pershing County Senior Center. Pre-assessment forms for Bingocize® were completed.  

 Farm Ranch Management Education through Traditional Media 

 This year I published forty-two educational news articles and three featured articles published in the local/regional weekly newspaper, which were distributed throughout Pershing, Humboldt and Lander counties (circulation ~8,500). Eight articles were published in a statewide trade journal, Nevada Rancher Magazine (circulation ~2,000) and two articles were published in the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association Newsletter, Sage Signal (circulation ~2,000). 

Barrick R, Burke C 2022, Pershing County Annual Report, FY 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Douglas County Needs Assessment
The purpose of this study was to determine the needs of Douglas County citizens. The results then could serve as educational and programmatic foci in the years to come. This Douglas County Needs Assessment was conducted in conjunction with Carson City/Storey County.
L. M. Chichester, L. K. Taylor, W. P. Evans, K. N. Russell 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, SP-20-15
Climate data and information needs of indigenous communities on reservation lands: insights from stakeholders in the Southwestern United States.
This study provides empirical evidence specific to the climate adaptation needs of Indigenous community in the arid southwestern USA. Study respondents prioritize climate information and data that serve to assess local climate change impacts, enhance food security, and integrate ...
Fillmore, H. and Singletary, L. 2021, Climatic Change, 169(37)
Needs Assessment for Noxious Weeds in Churchill County: Part 5 of 5 - Priority Research and Outreach
This fact sheet is the fifth in a series of five that reports the results of a needs assessment survey completed by faculty in University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE). The survey attempted to identify the major issues related to the management and control of weeds in Ne...
Davison, J., Powell, P., Schultz, B., and Singletary, L. 2012, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Moapa Valley Youth Perceptions of Community Issues
This fact sheet contains extensive information on several community issues in Moapa Valley by taking a look into the major issues the youth face. Learn more about this topic through detailed tables that show both the youth and adult percentages of each issue.
Bishop, C. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-11-08
Eureka County Needs Assessment: Top Ten Identified Issues
This fact sheet report results for the top 10 issues identified county wide. Learn about Eureka County's top 10 priorities and community expert panel through several detailed tables that rank from 4 to 5.
McCuin, G., Smith, M., and Schultz, B. 2009, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-09-42