I am the Pershing County 4-H Coordinator, County SNAP Educator (for youth and older adults), as well as a business owner. My general work interests include community involvement and education of our youth to create productive healthy members of society that are well rounded. Personal interests include family, horses, ranching, farming, painting, and a trucking company. I have over thirty years of hands-on experience gained in educating youth in numerous volunteer positions. I taught three years as a substitute teacher, I have over thirty years of office experience within multiple departments, and over twenty-five years of hands-on experience in business including the raising of livestock, trucking, and farming.
The UNCE Pershing County (PC) 4-H Youth Development Program currently offers 25 projects or clubs with 29 leaders creating an opportunity for everyone. 4-H youth ages 5-19 can participate in projects or clubs such as: Arts and Crafts, Baseball/Softball, Community (Lovelock/Imlay), Dog, Garden, Foods and Nutrition, Garden, Horse, Hot Air Balloon, Livestock (Beef, Chickens, Goats, Rabbits, Sheep, and Swine), Photography, Record Book, , Shooting Sports, Self-Defense, Sewing, and Snow Skiing.
Along with the youth’s record keeping, offices served, and education acquired through being a 4-H participant there are opportunities to attend numerous events and clinics even if they are not a member of that particular project or club. The events have included but are not limited to Livestock (judging, showmanship, and butcher clinics). All youth are eligible to attend the 4-H Camp located at Lake Tahoe. Baseball and Softball in addition to the pre-season practices offer a clinic to all youth. Shooting sports hosts clinics including an archery and trap shooting. The Garden club offers floral arrangements, succulents, and seed starting clinics. Community Club events include: scavenger hunts, group paintings, home decorating, welding, leatherworking, roller skating, parades, dances, and kickball. Furthermore, each club offers quiz bowls and fundraisers -such as an art show, fashion show, exhibit (county, tri-county and state), car washes, and the bbq.
Youth can acquire civic engagement experience through 4-H’s community service events which change each year. Previous year’s events have included: amending soil and planting trees, assembling military care packages, hot air ballooning with nursing home members, card making for numerous entities, apple harvesting, cleaning kennels and facilities for the county animal shelter, herb planting with the senior center, and working at an animal sanctuary- Safe Haven.
All projects and community service opportunities incorporate evidence-based curriculum, which means it contains educational practices that have been vetted through rigorous research. 4-H is a learn-by-doing life-skills program that teaches youth communication, self-concept, team-building, problem-solving, decision-making, self-responsibility, conflict resolution, aspiration-building, goal-setting, community leadership and career development. Whether you are a youth interested in joining or an adult interested in volunteering please contact our Community Based Instructor, Colby Burke for more information.