Program Impacts

Community Service

Youth in several White Pine County Extension programs volunteer by providing services to residents and businesses in the community. On Earth Day, 4-H clubs gathered at the White Pine County Fairgrounds for a day of clean up. They gathered trash and debris from all over the fairgrounds as well as raked and pulled weeds. 
4-H members, along with the White Pine Chamber of Commerce and the White Pine County Library, held the annual Community Easter Egg Hunt, the Saturday before Easter. Areas were staked out by age groups and plastic eggs filled with goodies were scattered for the kids to gather. There is an egg in each age group that contains a “ticket” for a big prize. 4-H members dressed as a bunny and chick were available for photos. This year also had the Easter Bunny arriving in a helicopter.

Outreach and Education


White Pine Extension promoted and advertised many programs offered by state extension including the Home Horticulture Certifications class offered online, as well as the Master Gardner program. The office also prints and distributes Healthy Living While Aging newsletters.
The White Pine office continues to be a presence for people in the community to field questions about things like crops, growing seasons and questions about home gardens. The office provides resources for where people can find answers as well as connecting them with experts such as Master Gardeners and specialist at the University of Nevada, Reno Extension. The office also provides many fact sheets for the community on gardening and pests

Radon Tests

February 2023 was designated Radon Awareness Month by both the White Pine County Commission and Ely City Council in conjunction with the University of Nevada, Reno Extension Radon Program. The White Pine Extension office organized, promoted and advertised a Radon Awareness presentation. It was free to the public and free Radon test kits were available for attendees. Christine Kelly, State Radon Program Officer, informed attendees of the dangers of Radon and how to test for the deadly gas. Information was also provided on what to do to rid homes of Radon that test above safe levels. The White Pine Extension continues to promote awareness that radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas that, at high levels, raises the risk of lung cancer. The White Pine office provided free home radon test kits during the month of February and has them available to the public year-round.

4-H Youth Development

In 2022-2023 White Pine Extension served 200 4-H youth in 7 community clubs and the 4-H Afterschool Program. 25 adults volunteered as project leaders, program leaders and advisors. In August 2022, the White Pine County Fair was held where 4-H members exhibited 8 market beef, 38 market lambs, 31 market swine, a market goat and a pen of market turkeys. There were also 9 breeding projects in 4 different species presented for judging. Members entered 165 projects in static exhibits in areas like gardening, leathercrafts, welding, woodworking and baking, to name a few. Other competitions members participated in included the Horse Show, Dog Show, Cat Show, Tractors and Shooting Sports. Members sent project to the State 4-H Expo in Fallon and did very well representing the County.

White Pine 4-H had a booth at the community Trick or Treat the Streets event. Candy with 4-H stickers were handed out to little Trick of Treaters to promote the 4-H program. 4-H members built a parade float and participated by riding on it and throwing candy. 4-Hers from White Pine County also attended Nevada State 4-H camp in Lake Tahoe in July.

People in Extension

Tess Lacroix joined the White Pine Extension on June 1, as the Community Based Instructor for the 4-H program in White Pine County. She came to Ely from Eureka where she was the Administrative Assistant for Eureka County Extension. She has jumped in with both feet to get to know the 4-H clubs, members and volunteers. Since taking the position, she has made connections with the Boys and Girls club to foster a relationship with 4-H. She is working on getting new and different curriculum for the program and has made several contacts in the community for possible volunteers. Tess has also participated in a number of community events to promote 4-H. Tess enjoys the outdoors, especially hiking and is an avid reader.  

Fiscal Year 2022-2023

County Funds Summary

Opening Balance              266,026

Revenue                                58,237

Expenses                               50,293

Ending Balance                 273,970

Expenditures Benefitting White Pine County

State                                      107,749

Federal                                      2,801

County                                    50,293

Grants                                      28,499

Gifts                                             9,362

Total                                        198,704

Bellander, Angela 2023, White Pine County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 , Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

Extension Associated Contacts