Helping Volunteers Find Their Motivations, So They Stay

This article continues the featured excerpts from the Everyone Ready seminar series found at: development

Reno Rodeo Magazine Sales

4-H Dog Training Camp

Carson City/Storey County 4-H Council Scholarship Winners

Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Volunteer Certification

Activities to Do at Home

It’s almost Summer! That means that youth will be at home. Here are a few ideas to keep hands busy and having fun.

4-H At Home Cooking Demo

4-H HEALTH ROCKS! Youth Retreat

Youth Livestock Contests in July

Kids & Horses Needs Volunteers

Chvilicek, S. 2021, Clover Clips Newsletter, Volume 29, Issue 6, June, 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

2023-2024 Clark County 4-H Volunteer Impact Report
This report highlights the achievements of the Clark County 4-H volunteer program in the 2023-2024 year and looks at opportunities to further enhance our volunteer efforts.
Tesar, R. 2025, University of Nevada, Reno Reports
4-H Shooting Sports T-Shirt Design Contest
Show off your creativity by entering the Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports T-Shirt Design Contest! Submit your design for the new 4-H Shooting Sports t-shirt!
Williams, Kristina 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
students sitting around library table
4-H 21st Century Community Learning Center Program at Valley High School, Evaluation Report 2023-2024
The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension implemented the 4-H 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Program at Valley High School in Las Vegas for its third year in 2023-2024. The Center for Program Evaluation (CPE) at the University of Nevada, Reno was the external ...
Christiansen, E; Saunders, S; Garcia-Aguilera, C.; Karandikar, S; Luna, N; Quan-Lopez, H. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 4-H 2021-2022 Program Evaluation Report
In the 2021-2022 4-H program year, the Clark County Extension team reached 11,867 youth participants. This report is an overview of the evaluation.
Luna, N. and Solis-Leon J. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report
2022 4-H Health 4 Happiness Summer Camp registration Packet
This packet includes a registration form, media release, assumption of risk, conduct policy, and health and medical form.
Haack-Damon, K. 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Forms