Program Impacts

Children, Youth and Families

Let’s Discover STEM, Little Books and Little Cooks, Partners in Parenting participated in 22 community events and hosted the 4th annual Kickoff to Kindergarten School Readiness Fair reaching over 19,000 individuals and families. 73 Early Childhood professionals and 15 Preschool teachers completed 120 credential hours for the Child Development Associate course.
Leadership Community of Practice, Coaching Institutes, Leadership Academy/Train the trainer conducted monthly sessions with 87 participants focused on coaching/mentoring staff in leadership skills needed run early childhood programs effectively.

Over 325 face-to-face early childhood training classes provided for early childhood professionals. Online classes resulted in 19,777 certificates of completion being awarded.

4-H Youth Development

Clark County 4-H grows young people with the skills needed to succeed in life and  careers. It empowers our youth to pursue their passions to become leaders in their communities. 4-H is university-supported research combined with community based programs that inspires our youth to act and learn by doing.  4-H engages youth through a variety of delivery models in the areas of STEM, Healthy Living, Agriculture and Civic Engagement.

Clark County 4-H reached over 23,000 youth through clubs, camping programs, in-school enrichment programs, after school programs, military youth programs and during COVID-19 reached over 8280 youth via virtual classes and programs.  

Health and Nutrition

The Healthy Kids, Early Start and Healthy Steps for Freedom programs provided Direct education for 3,000 adults, children, parents and teachers and reached 14,069 individuals through indirect methods. The Healthy Kids, Early Start newly launched the Nutrition Toolkit for the Healthy Kids Resource Center to assist child care center teachers, administrators and families in Clark County with reduced screen time, nutrition and physical activity/literacy programming, had over 10,900-page views. These programs also provided policy, systems and environmental (PSE) support to 18 early childhood centers who together made 37 changes with 16 designated advocates. Helped install 4 early childhood demonstration gardens to improve fruit/vegetable consumption and 4 new garden beds in treatment centers, new bikes, weights and a walking track at the Women’s Prison. They also hosted the 8th annual Healthy Kids Festival with over 1200 participants.

The Healthy Kids Healthy Schools (HKHS) team taught nutrition education (Pick a Better Snack) to 4,370 2nd and 3rd-grade students in 215 classrooms at 21 Clark County schools; taught 33 nutrition education classes to 447 youth at 11 Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada; in partnership with Green Our Planet Teacher Trainings, taught 98 teachers how to incorporate fruit and vegetable tasting to encourage healthier snacks; established school wellness councils in 12 Clark County schools; supported the Pathways from Poverty Initiative in 2 schools partnering with Metropolitan Police Department’s Northeast Area Command and Clark County Commission District B; and provided technical assistance and resources to support school wellness activities for 22 Clark County elementary schools with an estimated reach of over 12,690 students.

Business/Economic Development

There was a lot  of misinformation out there and lot’s of scared business owners when COVID hit, especially when businesses were deemed unnecessary and were shut down.”
Mike Bindrup
Research Associate with Extension.

“We are going to continue to offer these weekly town halls for our small businesses, because they face so many challenges right now, and there is so much information to sort through,” and  “The information we present answers a lot of questions, and the participants share with each other what they are learning and what they are doing to get through this difficult time.”  
Buddy Borden
Economic Development Specialist with Extension.

In partnership with community organizations, UNR Extension  provided free webinars and weekly interactive townhalls. Business owners learn more about organizing their financials, marketing   and social media and how to apply for grants and loans available. The resources are free to the community, as the pandemic caught many business owners off guard. 

Extension developed a strategy to deliver this information, not only telling people look there is help but actually helping them to come to the source of the help, apply and get resources. Through an online format, UNR Extension provides small business education and brings the experts to owners. Instructors provide information and updates on loans, the requirements to get those loans, grants and websites they need to go to.

During the pandemic, it’s all about change.....with many businesses adapting to a new model and preparing for a new normal.

One instructor, Juan Salas put it this way, “We use this as an example if you’re business can talk to you, what would it rate you as a manager? “Or which class should you learn more about or maybe you need to learn more about marketing?”

The town halls meet online every Wednesday morning with webinars in Spanish on Fridays. You can also access the meetings through the UNR Extension Facebook page.
The overall goal is to see business owners and entrepreneurs grow, thrive and survive this pandemic because right now surviving the current economic situation is a synonym for success. 

Horticulture Urban Ag

The Research Center and Demonstration Orchard is a cooperative effort between University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Over 158 varieties of fruit trees, over 37 varieties of grape vines and 40 vegetable varieties are being tested at the research center. Over 2,900 people visited the research center and orchard with 182 adults/163 youth in formal classes. The research Center logged over 7,200 volunteer hours by 50 master gardeners. UNR and UNLV hosted a 25th anniversary Open House at the Research Center with 338 attendees.

40 new Master Gardeners completed 80 hours (including virtually in rural areas of Clark County) for certification. Master Gardener contributed 34,756 volunteer hours in a variety of projects throughout Clark County. 

The Growing in Small Places program reached over 240 participants.

Youth Horticulture Education (YHEP) program focused on knowledge development, career readiness, professional development and school garden support using the 4-H Junior Master Gardener club (JMG) program and workforce readiness program for adjudicated youth. The program reached 282 youth and 95 teachers through 17 JMG clubs and 10 workshops. YHEP worked with 69 students from 7 high schools with either a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder providing hope for a brighter future through growing and gardening.   
Over 1320 (including 400 Hispanic) industry professionals attended eight professional horticulture trainings.

The Nevada Naturalist program added 29 new volunteers and logged over 2590 hours through a variety of community projects. 

Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Summary

$10,356,560 Total Revenue
$9,915163 Total Expenses
$12,575,975* Total Balance

* Note: There is an approved and signed off spend down plan in place for the balance. Plan has been approved and signed off by the Board of Regents and the County Manager.

E. Killian 2020, Clark County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 , Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

Extension Associated Contacts


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Published by: E. Killian, 2020, Clark County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 , Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

An EEO/AA Institution. Copyright © 2025, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.
A partnership of Nevada counties; University of Nevada, Reno; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture