Program Impacts

Community Service

Youth in several White Pine County Extension programs volunteer by providing services and assistance to residents and businesses in the community.  In 2019-2020 the 4-H Ambassadors, comprised of twelve 8th-12th graders, served as banquet hosts for events such as the Rotary Valentine Dance and the Rocky Mountain Elks gala, and were awarded 2nd place in the annual Holiday Parade.

When the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the nation, White Pine County 4-H youth engaged in a statewide project to provide masks and mask-holders to William Bee Ririe Rural Hospital and Health Clinic and the White Pine Care Center.  Fifteen youth and adult leaders contributed 150 masks and mask-holders in this effort.

4-H Youth Development

During the 2019-2020 4-H program year White Pine Extension served 200 youth in 7 different community clubs and the 4-H Afterschool Program.  25 adult volunteers provided guidance as project leaders, livestock coaches, and Ambassador advisors.  In 2020 there were 145 projects entered into the White Pine County Fair, and youth also participated in Fair competitions such as the Horse Show, livestock classes, Dog Show, Cat Show, Tractors, and Shooting Sports.

In 2019 White Pine County Extension’s 4-H program partnered with the Boys &Girls Club of Truckee Meadows serving White Pine County to offer a 4-H Afterschool Program serving 60 youth ages 5-14.

The White Pine County Extension 4-H Cloverbuds program provided bi-weekly activities for 30 children ages 5-8.  Two new volunteers led this program, which met at the White Pine County Library. 

STEM - Aircraft/Flight

The overall goal of the STEM Programs is to build technical capacity. High school students learn to build, troubleshoot and tune drones in 9-week sessions. Participants also learn about the commercial application and career opportunities inherent in this technology. This technology has direct application to expansive agricultural settings typical to this area. The activity is offered for credit to students through either the STEM class offered at the high school or as part of the school's science curriculum.

Participants learn basic science in aerodynamics, electricity, electronics, learn to apply mathematical associations, teamwork, troubleshooting, decision making, knowledge of safety and safe use of tools. The students flew their drones and answered drone questions at the annual Airport Day event and annual high school STEM Community Event Fair.

STEM - Gliders/Principles of Fight

Elementary-aged youth participated in a six-week STEM series of classes ran twice a week to build gliders/airplanes. Participants learn about the science of flight, teamwork, troubleshooting, decision making, knowledge of safety and safe use of tools and then work in teams to build a Styrofoam glider/plane for the remainder of class time. The teams with the best craftsmanship were rewarded by gaining advancements such as motorizing and communication radio receivers. At the end of the year, the best glider from each school races against the best glider from other elementary schools in the county. The class was offered during science hour at all the elementary schools in the county.

Agricultural Education

On February 15, 2020 White Pine County Extension held the inaugural Youth Livestock Conference and Workshop.  This all-day event was open to youth and adults in 4-H, FFA, and Grange, along with those living and working on ranches. 

Topics presented included Meat Quality and Carcass Grading, Livestock Feeding and Nutrition, Animal Handling and Showmanship, and Youth for the Quality Care of Animals.  This event, held at the Bristlecone Convention Center and the White Pine County Fairgrounds, provided attendees with both direct instruction and hands-on practice with cutting edge innovations in agriculture.  

White Pine County Extension Inaugural Youth Livestock Conference and Workshop
by the numbers:

Youth attendees:  50
Adult attendees:  24
Expert presenters:  4

Senior Health

White Pine County Extension partnered with the Senior Center in McGill, NV to offer sessions of the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy fitness curriculum for seniors.  15 seniors participated in this weekly, hour-long class.


Opening Balance:  $191,878

Revenue:  $49,302

Expenses:  $108,619

Ending Balance:  $132,561

Gatzke, H. 2020, White Pine County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 , Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report FYI 2020

Extension Associated Contacts


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