4-H is a proven youth development program for kids age 5-19 (age is as of 1/1/18). We offer a variety of programming in Nye County, and are working hard to provide positive and engaging activities for any interested youth.

We reopened the County Extension Office in Tonopah and have started offering classes in Northern Nye County. The Tonopah office is offering pesticide applicator classes whenever available to agriculture producers regionally. The Pahrump office was fully reopened and is currently offering 4-H programming and Master Gardening classes to the public. We host monthly meetings for the Nevada Hemp Advisory Committee, and we look forward to expanding and holding some of these meetings in Tonopah. We held a meeting for the hemp farmers in the Amargosa Valley and are exploring the options to expand extension services for farmers in that area. The Pahrump Master Gardeners are coordinating the Farmers Market at
the Tractor Supply Store and answering any questions related to Horticulture for the public. We are planning to extend this service to Tonopah in the future.

In the year 2019, we hired:

  • A new Extension Educator, Jacob Holloway
  • A Master Gardener program coordinator, Heather Freeman
  • Two administrative assistants, Cherry McCormick for Pahrump and Barbara Harvey for the Tonopah office, who will be starting January 6, 2020
  • A part-time 4-H coordinator for Pahrump, Stormy Ingersoll
  • We are currently in the process of hiring a 4-H coordinator for Tonopah

FISCAL YEAR 2018 - 2019

$67,082 - Total Revenue
$50,000 - Total Expenses
$46,950- Total Balance

Holloway, J., Whiteside, A. 2019, Nye & Esmeralda County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2018-2019, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports FYI 2020

Extension Associated Contacts


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