Program Impacts

Think First, Stay Safe 

Think First Stay Safe is a child self-protection program for first and second graders. This program is primarily funded by the State of Nevada to implement at Schurz Elementary School and Hawthorne Elementary School. The program teaches children protective factors against strangers, child predators, and sexual abuse. This program was brand new for 2019-2020 and replaced Peacemaking Skill Building. There were 23 first and second grade students at Schurz Elementary School that participated in the program. Program instructors attended parent nights to explain the program and to answer any questions. The program is funded for 2020-2021.

Rez Riders 

Reducing Risk through Interpersonal Development,Empowerment, Resiliency, and Self-determination (RezRIDERS) is aprogram for adolescents that focuses on core values, optimism, self-determination, and self-regulation. The program was implemented with 5-6 grade students at Schurz ElementarySchool on the Walker River Reservation.

Mineral County Prevention Education

 The Michigan Model forHealth curriculum is used for the Mineral County Prevention Education program funded by the Healthy CommunitiesCoalition. This program provides in-classroom direct education on social/emotionalhealth, nutrition, physicalactivity, personal safety, and alcohol and drug prevention. The program also assists and supports the annual HarvestFestival and Earth Day events.

Ag Education 

There is statewide agriculture education that is coordinated out of the Mineral County Extension office. This program includes Nevada Risk Management Education dealing with the five areas of risk for agricultural business, and developing a program for beginning farmers and ranchers. A new program was also started in assisting small acreage farmers and ranchers. One of the biggest programs in the annual Cattlemen’s Update. This program is held in eight different locations across the state in the second week of January. Over 400 producers participated statewide in January of 2020.

American Indian Business Development 

Programs evolved in 2019-2020 for American Indian business development assistance. The first focus is assisting Indian agriculture producers with sustainability and business development on tribal lands. This included training and education on developing business plans, marketing plans, and production techniques. There is also a one-on-one mentoring opportunity under this program. There is also an addition to this program that involves research on identifying obstacles and opportunities for business development and sustainability under different Indian land tenure designations. The team is working with four Tribes in the west to evaluate Indian land tenure systems related to business development. Results of this research are expected in 2022.

Fiscal Year 2019-2020


  • $795,399 -Total Revenue 
  • $323,050 - Total Expenses 
  • $13,520 - County Fund 
Emm, S. 2020, Mineral County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report FYI 2020

Extension Associated Contacts


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